In the end, Li Yue's entire arm was naturally infected by darkness.

And this also means that Li Yue's arms are already filled with the energy of the Law of Death.

If the body of any creature is eroded by the law of death, it means that the creature will eventually die.

Then Li Yue at this time may have been completely overwhelmed by death.

His arm was completely lost and fell into "death", and could never regain its vitality.

However, the real situation is somewhat different from this situation.

What Li Yue knows clearly is that if the energy of the law representing death invades the body of a living thing.

Then the energy of death seems to have a special corrosiveness and begins to quickly corrode your entire body and corrode all the vital cells in your entire body.

If there is no special energy in your body that can resist the invasion of the law of death energy at this time.

Then your entire body will soon be completely eroded by the law of death.

All the vitality in your body will be corroded by the energy of the law of death and disappear completely.

Your body will completely lose any vitality. Just like wood that has completely decayed after thousands of years, it will be blown away by the wind when a breeze blows.

This is the powerful property of the Law of Death, which is enough to corrode all the vitality in your body.

So, if things develop according to normal conditions now, Li Yue's arm has been completely infected by the law of death.

So what is about to happen next is that the energy of the Law of Death is not content to swallow up and corrode the vitality in Li Yue's arm.

It will follow Li Yue's arms and quickly spread to his entire body.

If Li Yue does not mobilize the energy in his body to compete with the law of death at this time, then he may be completely eroded by the law of death and eventually turn into decay.

Of course, some people may think of a way to save themselves in this situation.

Just after the energy of the Law of Death had corroded the entire arm, before it could corrode the entire body, he made up his mind and cut off his eroded arm.

The so-called strong man cuts off his wrist. Although the act is cruel, he can save his life at the cost of an arm.

Li Yue had often seen this kind of situation in some martial arts TV series before.

Someone's arm was invaded by a very powerful special toxin. Before the toxin actually entered the heart, his arm was cut off to prevent the powerful toxin from flowing into his body along the bloodstream.

Although this method looks a bit bloody, under certain circumstances, it can often really work!

At least, it can really be done to block some simple toxins.

However, it is completely impossible to stop the Law of Death, a special force that has broken through the boundaries of the universe.

Not to mention just cutting off his own arm, even if Li Yue, who has the teleportation ability, used his teleportation ability to instantly teleport himself to the end of the universe the moment he cut off his arm, he would not be able to prevent the Law of Death from attacking him later. The invasion of his body.

Because the law of death is not some kind of powerful poison, nor is it some kind of powerful energy.

It is a special law that can break through the boundaries of the universe and seems to have no real existence, but is everywhere.

As long as there are living things, they have the power of law.

Whether it's the starry sky or a deserted planet.

Even in the cracks of time and space, or in the void.

There is the power of law in all of them.

And the law of death is indeed everywhere where living things can exist.

Therefore, as long as you are infected by the law of death, no matter where you escape afterwards, it will have no effect.

The power of the law of death is everywhere, which means that it will erode your body all the time until it truly erodes you completely.

will stop.

Therefore, if you are contaminated with the energy of the Law of Death, you have only two options.

The first is to quickly recall your life and wait for death to come.

But the second option can only be achieved by some powerful beings.

That is to use energy that can compete with the law of death to prevent the power of the surrounding laws from constantly eroding one's body.

If you are strong enough and contain enough energy in your body, then you can live for a long time under the constant erosion of the law of death.

This period of time is based on how long the energy in your body can last.

If your energy can hold up for a year, you can live an extra year.

If you are strong enough to contend with the law of death for thousands of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, then you can also live for hundreds of millions more years.

Of course, during such a long period of time, you may truly understand the true meaning of the Law of Death and truly master the power of the Law of Death while being eroded by the Law of Death all the time.

So congratulations, you will become one of the very few lucky people who can survive under the constant erosion of the law of death.

However, this situation is almost impossible to occur.

Because the existence of the Law of Death can be ignored, there is generally no need to fear the invasion of the Law of Death.

The existences that can be invaded by the law of death are those that cannot compete with the law of death and do not control the law of death.

In the process of being invaded by the law of death, while contending with it and understanding the true meaning contained in it, how can it be so easy to succeed!

Even Li Yue, if he had not encountered such a special opportunity, would not have paid the price with his life even though he felt the invasion of the law of death.

Then Li Yue may not be able to do it, while enduring the invasion of the Law of Death, while comprehending the true meaning contained in the Law of Death.

Therefore, if you are really contaminated by such a powerful law of death, you will almost be in a situation where death is inevitable.

Of course, although Li Yue had been infected with the Law of Death at this time, he had already understood the true meaning of the Law of Death before and was able to skillfully manipulate the power of the Law of Death.

So although Li Yue's arm is integrated with a large amount of law of death energy.

But the Law of Death will not invade Li Yue's body when it is controlled by Li Yue.

So at this time, Li Yue did not need to feel nervous that he had been invaded by the law of death.

What he needs to do at this time is to manipulate the energy of the Law of Death to completely create a special state of fusion with his body.

Let your body not only withstand the integration of the law of death, but also maintain a normal and energetic state that will not cause death.

As for how to grasp this situation, that is what Li Yue needs to work hard next!


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