Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1150 Time is running out

The universe of billions of cells in the body is the direction of Li Yue's future evolution.

The process of perfecting the cellular universe also represents the evolution of Li Yue's strength.

But at the same time, the universe of billions of cells is also the source of Li Yue's power.

Although the energy from the outside world will decrease or even dry up, as long as the cellular universe in Li Yue's body is not completely destroyed and collapsed, then he will have sufficient energy as a source.

And it is precisely for this reason that Li Yue hardly cares about energy consumption.

Even if he consumed all the energy contained in his body at the last moment, the cellular universe in his body can instantly replenish the energy contained in his body at the next moment.

So for Li Yue, unlike others, energy cannot become a constraint for him.

At this time, Li Yue was able to complete the process of completely integrating the law of death by using his characteristic that his energy was almost never exhausted.

However, although Li Yue's body can reach the point where the energy in his body will never be exhausted.

But it is just the body transformed from Li Yue's mind, so naturally it cannot do the same.

Therefore, although the energy in Li Yue's body can also be continuously replenished, there will eventually be a moment when it is exhausted.

And this means that Li Yue must ensure that the entire process of merging with the law of death is completed before the energy is completely exhausted.

So at this moment, what Li Yue can do is to integrate the law of death with his body as quickly as possible.

And as the constraints on the power of the Law of Death become smaller, the fusion process will naturally become faster.

However, the consequence of this is that the energy used by Li Yue to resist the erosion of the law of death will be consumed faster.

It seems that there is not much difference. One is that it can resist the erosion of the law of death for a longer period of time, and naturally has enough time to merge with the law of death.

The other is that both times are shortened at the same time, but it is full of uncertainty. Perhaps letting go of the law of death too much will cause some irreparable damage to Li Yue's body.

But at this moment, Li Yue did not choose to play it safe, but chose a more risky plan.

Although, in this void, there is almost no concept of time.

But Li Yue had a feeling that perhaps this illusory space generated by some kind of memory fragments might not be able to exist for too long.

Perhaps, the moment the carp was killed by the backlash of the Dragon Gate, this space had lost its most important supporting factor.

The collapse of the entire space may happen in the next moment.

Therefore, Li Yue must speed up his progress at this time.

Even if this causes more serious damage to my spiritual body, it is still acceptable!

This space is only formed from a fragment of memory.

Just like a movie, it originally developed according to the established plot.

And after all the plot is over, it's like the movie is over.

Of course, when the movie is truly over, it is completely over. The screen will be turned off and no more images will appear.

But at this moment, this movie-like world generated by memory fragments does not disappear instantly like a movie after the "plot" is completely over.

But although it did not disappear instantly, the world has lost an important supporting factor.

So it will eventually collapse and disappear.

At this time, Li Yue had spent a lot of time comprehending the power of the law of death.

This world, which is about to collapse, naturally cannot sustain it for much longer.

And if,

At this time, Li Yue continues to slowly merge with the law of death, and the world may collapse before the integration is completely completed.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue had no choice but to speed up the integration with the law of death.

Even if he chooses to speed up, it will cause greater damage to his mind body, so Li Yue can only choose to do this.

After all, in comparison, this body has suffered greater damage, and it is not really as important as integrating the law of death.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Yue decided to take a risk and speed up the integration of the law of death.

Before the world truly collapses, completely integrate the power of the Law of Death with yourself.

After this complete integration, Li Yue can completely and truly control the power of the law of death.

He can even manipulate the power of the law of death like energy.

For Li Yue, the law of death has become his instinctive method.

It's as if he has complete control over the laws of space and can even use the laws of space to generate space energy.

Use the power of the law of death to generate powerful energy representing death in your body.

Of course, these are Li Yue's beautiful yearnings for him to truly control the law of death.

But at this moment, Li Yue did not really fully grasp the power of the Law of Death.

Although he can control the power of the Law of Death in the universe, he cannot safely absorb the power of the Law of Death into his body.

Not to mention producing energy representing death in his own body.

Therefore, the fusion Li Yue did at this time was to completely integrate the law of death with himself and become a part of himself.

It's like the law of space that has been integrated with Li Yue.

Not only can it break the bonds between universes, it also allows Li Yue to travel between any universe at will.

It can even become a special energy that helps Li Yue fight.

And if Li Yue can completely integrate the power of the law of death with himself, then he can also generate special energy representing death.

Whether it's used for fighting or doing other things, it's completely fine.

This is naturally a huge improvement for Li Yue.

Because after he has completely integrated the Law of Death, he can completely use the fused Law of Death to enrich the universe of billions of cells in his body.

With the support of the Law of Death, I believe that the cellular universe in Li Yue's body can further evolve.

With the concepts of life and death, it means that this universe can already give birth to real life.

Of course, the law of life and death is just the basic condition that supports the birth of life.

Whether life can really be born, nature can't do it directly just by possessing the law of death.

As important as the law of death, it is the special law of birth that Li Yue and the law of death jointly perceive.

The two laws are inherently absent from each other, as if they are a special "symbiosis."

The two laws were also perceived by Li Yue at the same time.

And Li Yue also believes that the two laws cooperate with each other and are injected into the cellular universe in his body, which may have a huge impact on the cellular universe in his body!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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