Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1163 Fusion of Laws

At this time, the only problem before Li Yue is that he needs to perfectly integrate this law before he can truly understand the method of resurrecting dead life.

Therefore, Li Yue could only put aside the matter of truly resurrecting the dead carp for the time being, and prepare to truly integrate with this law!

Since this opportunity for true integration was hard-won, Li Yue naturally cherished this opportunity.

And only after the true integration at this time can Li Yue truly feel relieved and be able to continue doing other things.

Therefore, Li Yue naturally did not hesitate much at this moment and was ready to start integrating with this law immediately.

Li Yue has already experienced a real law fusion experience, so at this moment Li Yue is not very unfamiliar with the law fusion.

Of course, although it is not completely unfamiliar, it is not completely pure either.

In short, it is just better than the first fusion, but it is also very limited.

But this is enough. At least Li Yue has had the experience of fusion and knows how to truly complete the fusion of laws at this time.

At this moment, Li Yue, who had understood the true meaning of the law, no longer hesitated, and temporarily withdrew his eyes from the remnant soul of the dead carp in front of him.

He was ready to start the next law fusion wholeheartedly.

Soon, under Li Yue's intentional control, his mind had completely calmed down, and there was no more disturbance.

It was as if at this moment, the whole world suddenly stopped, and Li Yue's mind and will completely fell into a very strange state!

In this wonderful state, Li Yue seemed to be able to clearly feel the powerful vitality and life contained in the flickering light around him.

He even seemed to be able to feel that there seemed to be a heart beating feeling similar to that of real living creatures.

It was as if the entire world had merged into a special giant creature at this moment.

Of course, it's not actually a heartbeat.

It's just an illusion created after all the breaths of the entire world resonate in a unique way at this moment.

However, as the vitality and life breath of the entire world resonated, Li Yue's mind seemed to be completely integrated into it at this time, resonating with the surrounding breath!

Li Yue's mind seemed to be completely integrated with the surrounding aura at this time.

Moreover, after the fusion, Li Yue even resonated with the surrounding breath, reaching the same vibration frequency.

At this moment, Li Yue seemed to be indistinguishable from the surrounding time and space!

Countless vitality and life energy seemed to have the same origin as Li Yue, constantly integrating into Li Yue's body.

In Li Yue's opinion, he could even freely control the vital energy around him at this time.

He even seemed to have a unique enlightenment at this moment, understanding how he could use the vital energy around him to inject new life into the dead!

Everything seemed to make Li Yue truly have the powerful ability to revive everything from this moment on!

Even Li Yue's feelings at this time were not just that.

Not only has he nearly mastered the ability to give new life to dead creatures.

He can even create new creatures according to his own ideas at this moment, using the energy of law that is completely integrated with himself!

At this time, Li Yue could create everything with a wave of his hand, and he had truly become a "Creator".

Just like in Chinese legend, Nuwa, who created human beings, has the ability to create life.

At this time, Li Yue was actually not able to truly create a human race as easily as Nuwa did.

At this time, he had the feeling that he could create all things. This was entirely because he was integrating with this law for the first time, which was the ultimate illusion.

Although Li Yue at this time,

It is indeed possible to truly create new types of life.

But it won't be too easy, and it won't be possible to directly create a new race with just a wave of the hand.

Otherwise, if he could really do this, I'm afraid Li Yue would have become a real "sage" long ago!

Li Yue was also obsessed with the prehistoric novels that flourished for a period of time in his previous life.

It is natural to understand that the status of a "saint" is completely outside the existence of God and Creator in the Western world.

It is an existence that can create thousands of universes by its own will.

In prehistoric novels, the multiverse seems to be called a small thousand worlds.

Therefore, although there are slight differences between the Eastern and Western systems.

But there are still many things in common.

At this time, Li Yue was naturally not able to create everything at will, as if he were a true "Creator" and "Saint".

After all, at this time, Li Yue had the energy to revive life and create new creatures, all from the law that he had just merged with.

It is not Li Yue himself who can truly create laws and even create a real universe.

However, although Li Yue himself is not as powerful as he feels now.

But after he truly integrated this law, all the abilities he gained were no different from what he had expected before.

Moreover, it was in the special experience that followed that he finally understood what the true meaning of this law was.

This law is not as big as he thought before, it is just a law that can regenerate everything in a simple sense.

Because at this time, Li Yue, in a state of true integration, experienced a far more wonderful feeling than the previous experience of this law.

While truly integrating with this law, the law of death that had been integrated by Li Yue seemed to be also mobilized.

Two special energies were entangled with each other in Li Yue's consciousness.

Two different powers of law, one presents an extremely dark color representing death, while the other presents a dazzling silvery white color representing infinite vitality and life.

The power of two different laws seemed to have converged into two long dragons of laws, entangled in Li Yue's consciousness and constantly rotating.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and even Li Yue's consciousness seems to be unable to keep up with the extremely fast speed of the entanglement and rotation of the two laws.

In Li Yue's feelings, as the two laws became entangled faster and faster, the situation presented to him also changed dramatically.

The extremely fast entanglement speed makes the two laws of power seem to have merged with each other at this moment.

They coexist, depend on each other, and integrate with each other.

And after that, a picture that made Li Yue feel very familiar appeared!


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