Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1176 A new reincarnation

After thinking of this, Li Yue no longer worried about what kind of experiences he would encounter in his next reincarnation.

After all, he could completely regard this reincarnation experience as an experience for himself.

It can also be regarded as an enlightenment about one's own state of mind.

Perhaps, after Li Yue really persevered, his state of mind, which had not paid much attention and practice before, could grow by leaps and bounds.

It can also lay a solid foundation for your future development of your own strength.

You won't encounter a situation where you can break through with your own strength, but encounter a bottleneck state due to insufficient mental state and be unable to truly make a breakthrough!

Although Li Yue's evolutionary path at this time is more focused on physical and self-evolution, this is actually more consistent with the Western cultivation system.

Or it can be said to be the path of physical sanctification.

However, this does not mean that there is no connection with the ancient Eastern cultivation system.

Li Yue didn't pay much attention to the cultivation of mental state before, and he never practiced it specifically.

And this does not mean that the cultivation of mental state is of no importance to Li Yue.

On the contrary, it is said that different paths lead to the same destination. Regardless of any system, when true cultivation reaches the final stage, they are actually heading in the same direction.

After all, no matter how many different training systems there are at the beginning, what aspects of enhancement are focused on.

But the ultimate goal of every cultivation system is the same.

The goal you want to achieve is basically to transcend all things, achieve self-dominance, and be above everything else.

And Li Yue naturally understood that the cultivation of mental state also played a very important role for him.

However, before, he was not very interested in the cultivation of mental state.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Li Yue has not experienced any bottlenecks before.

After all, regarding physical cultivation, it is actually difficult to encounter bottlenecks. After all, as long as the physical strength is sufficient, you can completely enter the next stage.

However, Li Yue knew very clearly that although he could not pay attention to the cultivation of mental state now.

But if you reach the final stage of your practice and make everything reach the same goal through different paths, if your mental state of practice cannot reach the standard, you will still have to face a bottleneck state.

Instead of hurriedly looking for ways to break through after encountering a bottleneck.

It is better to prepare in advance and conduct some special experiences on the state of mind to make the state of mind stronger and tougher.

At this time, in the reincarnation space, experiencing reincarnation is undoubtedly the best opportunity!

However, Li Yue was a little worried before that he might encounter a reincarnation situation that would waste hundreds of years.

But at this time, Li Yue figured out that even if he really encountered this situation, it should be regarded as a test of his own state of mind!

Li Yue, who was no longer worried about the subsequent situation, did not hesitate any longer.

After carefully observing the green grass emerging in the mirror in front of him again.

Li Yue no longer lingered in front of this "mirror", but slowly walked towards the next "mirror", preparing to start a new reincarnation.

In Li Yue's opinion, the surrounding "mirrors" have no special rules in their position.

The intervals and distances between each "mirror" are not exactly the same.

In terms of arrangement, there are hardly many patterns to be found, and it is not neat.

For example, the "mirror" closest to Li Yue at this time was on Li Yue's left front and about ten meters away from him.

And the second target that Li Yue was going to observe was exactly this mirror.

So Li Yue did not hesitate and approached the "mirror" directly.

As Li Yue got closer, he found that this "mirror" was the same as the previous one, and there was nothing special about it.

It was also a state of chaos at the beginning.

But after Li Yue approached, as if he felt Li Yue's arrival, the chaotic mirror began to show ripples like a calm water surface that was broken.

After the ripples passed, Li Yue's image appeared in the mirror.

Looking at his own image in the mirror, Li Yueyong had a very special feeling.

It seems that the image in it is not just an image formed by reflecting itself.

Even Li Yue didn't know how to accurately describe the strange feeling that made him feel.

In short, Li Yue felt a little weird.

It seems that the image in it is not just an image reflected on himself, but it seems to have a trace of its own charm.

"Could it be that the image that appears in it at this time actually contains a trace of my spiritual thoughts?"

At this moment, Li Yue suddenly made a bold guess.

In this mirror, my own image appears. Does it contain a trace of my own spiritual thoughts?

The reason why Li Yue made such a bold guess was.

It wasn't just because of the weird feeling he had about his own image in the mirror.

Although Li Yue felt a little weird about his own image in the mirror.

But this is just weird, and there could be many reasons why.

The reason why Li Yue thought that there might be a trace of his own spiritual thoughts in this image was entirely because of his previous guesses.

Perhaps his last special experience was actually a real reincarnation.

Of course, Li Yue was just guessing about this situation before and could not really be sure.

But at this time, combined with his own image in the mirror, it gave me this weird feeling.

Li Yue was basically certain that his previous special experience of becoming a grass might indeed be his real reincarnation experience.

Naturally, reincarnation is not very easy to achieve.

Especially for a being like Li Yue, it is not easy to be reincarnated.

Moreover, even if he really experienced reincarnation, Li Yue would be aware of it instantly.

After all, reincarnation means that Li Yue's consciousness goes to another world and merges into another body.

Therefore, with Li Yue's ability, it is naturally impossible for him to be passively reincarnated without any awareness.

But there is a contradictory situation. If Li Yue thinks that his previous experience is a real reincarnation experience.

So why didn't he notice it at the time?

And the real reason for this problem may be because of these "mirrors" in this reincarnation space!

To be more precise, it was the image of Li Yue that emerged in the mirror in front of Li Yue at this time!

Because this image was not just an ordinary image produced by reflecting Li Yue.

I don’t know why, but in this image, there are some spiritual thoughts that have the same origin as Li Yue!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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