Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1182 A stone monkey pops out?

Of course, Journey to the West is a mythical novel, so it is naturally difficult for Li Yue to believe that he will encounter the same experience as Sun Wukong in Journey to the West.

The thing that jumped out of the stone was just a "joke" for Li Yue to ease his unacceptable mood at this time!

Naturally, he couldn't believe that one day he would suddenly explode, and then another living self would pop out of it and be able to move freely!

After all, there are some differences between myths and legends and reality.

Even if the myths and legends may be true, certain special conditions must be met for such a thing to happen.

Isn’t it mentioned in the original text of Journey to the West?

The stone that Sun Wukong jumped out of was a five-color stone that the saint Nuwa dropped into the world when she was patching up the sky.

Since the five-color stone can be used by Nuwa to mend the sky, it is naturally an extraordinary existence in itself.

Then after countless years of being exposed to wind and sun, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on the top of the mountain, it finally burst open at a specific moment, and a stone monkey that was born and raised jumped out of it!

However, the huge stone Li Yue reincarnated at this time may be larger in size than the legendary five-color stone.

But at this time, the essence of Li Yue's reincarnation as this huge stone may not be comparable to the five-color stone that can be used to mend the sky!

As for absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, for Li Yue at this time, it was even more nonsense.

After all, at this time, Li Yue could not even clearly perceive the surrounding environment, let alone absorb the surrounding aura of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and moon!

In fact, at this time, he didn't even know whether there was spiritual energy from heaven and earth around him!

As for investing in stocks, I am relatively unlucky. In fact, I am in a place where I will never see the light of day, so I may never be able to change my nature in the future.

"It seems that we may really have no choice but to forcibly end this special reincarnation experience!"

At this time, Li Yue felt very helpless.

Before this reincarnation began, he swore that no matter what situation he encountered, even if it really took hundreds or thousands of hours, it would only be regarded as a special experience for his own state of mind.

I would not choose to forcefully end the reincarnation experience because it might take too long.

However, Li Yue never expected that there was a huge difference between the actual situation and what he thought.

It would be fine if it were reincarnated into a plant or something with a relatively long life.

At least it can ensure that it grows above the ground and under the sun.

If the reincarnated world is a world with special spiritual energy, Li Yue can even choose to absorb the spiritual energy of the surrounding world and evolve himself based on his own consciousness and memory.

Maybe one day, Li Yue will be able to evolve from ordinary trees or other plants into beings like spirits.

By then, let alone having relatively powerful special abilities, at least Li Yue may be able to change his situation of being unable to move freely.

However, the gap between imagination and reality is so huge.

Li Yue was reincarnated into a relatively large stone.

Even after Li Yue was reincarnated, his weak perception could not even perceive any situation around him.

He didn't even know whether he was on top of a mountain, in a cave somewhere, or deep under the water?

Not knowing his location made it difficult for Li Yue to imagine how the situation would develop next.

If you are in a place where you cannot see the light of day, then you may have no other choice but to forcefully end this reincarnation experience.

After all, in a dark place, it was very difficult for Li Yue to even absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

However, although he is still unable to perceive his environment and location at this time.

But Li Yue also temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​​​forcibly ending this experience.

After all, even if there is really no other way but to end this special experience, at least you cannot just choose to back down without making any efforts when facing difficulties at the beginning.

"Forget it, give it a try first and see if you can absorb something that can make your perception stronger!"

When he was reincarnated as a grass, Li Yue did not deliberately use his ability to absorb the surrounding energy.

But with the sunlight shining, the breeze blowing, and the surrounding air flowing, Li Yue still absorbed some special energy inadvertently.

It was the absorption of that energy that made Li Yue's perception become stronger and stronger. From the beginning, he could only perceive a small range around him, and finally he could perceive the situation within a few dozen meters of the surrounding area. !

In Li Yue's view, perhaps the existence of every thing between heaven and earth is meaningful.

Moreover, everything has the potential to go from ordinary to extraordinary.

Even a blade of grass or a sapling may, under certain special experiences, become an extraordinary being like a mountain spirit.

In fact, even a stone like the one Li Yue reincarnated at this time may be able to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and moon to strengthen itself.

However, this still requires Li Yue to try and feel before he can make an accurate judgment.

Therefore, Li Yue simply decided to make some efforts before forcibly ending this special reincarnation experience.

If you really find that something cannot be done after all, it is not too late to end it forcefully!

Li Yue's choice allowed him to continue to maintain this state of being reincarnated into a giant stone.

At this time, Li Yue was unable to perceive his surroundings, and could not even clearly feel the passage of time at all.

Fortunately, the previous experience of becoming Xiaocao made Li Yue's mentality grow.

Although facing this extreme state of loneliness, he can persist for a long time.

Even though he didn't know how much time had passed, Li Yue could feel that a long time had passed.

Because Li Yue was able to withstand loneliness, he also felt a little impatient with the situation at this time.

However, when Li Yue couldn't hold on any longer, he finally got some good news.

That is, as time goes by, Li Yue's perception seems to have increased.

Although, the enhanced perception still cannot support Li Yue to clearly perceive the surrounding situation.

But it made Li Yue understand that there should indeed be special energy around him that could enhance his perception.

And this also means that as long as Li Yue continues, he will eventually be able to successfully perceive all the situations around him.

And when the time comes, Li Yue may be able to make a choice whether to end this experience early or continue to persevere!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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