Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1203 Broken Stone Tablet

As if immersed in the majestic aura emitted by the mountain gate, the middle-aged man stared at the mountain gate dozens of feet high for a long time before he finally seemed to come to his senses.

Withdrawing his slightly admiring and somewhat regretful gaze, he slowly walked into the mountain gate.

However, the middle-aged man did not enter the mountain gate directly, but came to an area in front of the mountain gate.

At this moment, Li Yue's weak perception also felt a very strange scene.

In front of the majestic mountain gate, there was an area that I had not noticed just now.

But in this area, there is a huge stone monument standing.

Of course, although it is a stone tablet, it is still different from the stone tablets inscribed with various ancient characters in Li Yue's impression.

First of all, the shape of this stone tablet is irregular.

It seemed like a mountain peak that had been shrunk countless times, and also like a giant sword thrust diagonally into the ground.

Li Yue could even feel a faint edge from it.

However, these situations were not the first feelings that Li Yue had when he saw this stone tablet for the first time.

What struck Li Yue most deeply was that this stone tablet was actually broken.

At this time, only half of the stone tablet was left, still standing on the ground.

The other half above the stele has been broken into dozens of fragments of different sizes, scattered around.

At this moment, the stone tablet that originally seemed to exude a sharp aura now exudes an aura of desolation and destruction.

It was as if everything in front of him was shattered by the shattering of the stone tablet.

At this moment, Li Yue couldn't help but feel a sense of enlightenment.

He finally understood why he didn't feel anyone as the middle-aged man moved forward.

It turns out that it is entirely because there is no one left in this sect.

Maybe it's because of the annexation of other sects, or maybe it's because of other reasons.

In short, the stone tablet representing the sect is now broken, which also means that the sect that unites the hearts of all sect disciples has also been shattered.

The immortal cultivator inside may be dead or may have escaped.

Anyway, in a sect that has been destroyed, there will naturally be no other cultivators left here!

That's why it's so desolate here, with almost no people!

However, accidents always happen in this situation.

For example, this middle-aged man now obviously still has deep feelings for this ruined sect.

Li Yue didn't know what kind of things this sect had gone through before to finally reach such a result.

However, Li Yue actually didn't care much about what happened to this sect.

What Li Yue is more concerned about is that since this sect has been destroyed, what on earth is the middle-aged man going to do by bringing him back here at this time?

Could it be that you want to re-establish this sect because you feel reluctant to let go of this ruined sect?

Li Yue couldn't help but think curiously!

Perhaps, it was precisely because he was unwilling to accept the sect's ruin and wanted to make the sect prosperous again.

"So, am I precious enough to make an originally dilapidated sect flourish again?"

Li Yue couldn't help but guess that the stone he was reincarnated into was precious enough to make a sect that had been dilapidated for a long time prosperous again?

It has to be said that although what Li Yue guessed was not completely correct.

But regarding the precious role of the stone he was reincarnated into, his guess was relatively close to the truth.

After all, if you really had such a huge spirit-gathering stone, you would have to rebuild a dilapidated sect sooner.

Even if you start from scratch, it is probably possible to establish a top-notch sect in the world of cultivation.

It may not even take too long at all, it may only take a few decades to do it.

Of course, it is not that easy to build a top-notch sect from scratch.

Not only does it require a lot of resources, but it also needs to be strong enough.

Otherwise, if the news of possessing such a huge spirit-gathering stone is revealed and he is not strong enough to guard this treasure, the consequences that are about to come may not be very good.

Therefore, in the world of cultivation, everything is based on strength. There are some things that only those who are strong enough are qualified to do them.

At this time, the middle-aged man naturally also knows these things and understands the difficulty of establishing a sect.

Although his strength has reached the top in the entire cultivation world.

But if the news that he had obtained such a large spirit-gathering stone spread, he would still be unable to protect such a huge opportunity.

Of course, in addition to this, the biggest reason is that the middle-aged people have no idea of ​​re-establishing the sect or making this sect prosperous again.

In fact, this sect is not completely ruined, but has gradually become lonely over time.

Because of some events nearly a hundred years ago, a sect that was originally very prosperous has become desolate.

Almost all the original sons of the sect left the sect after they could no longer see the future.

The originally prosperous sect fell into desolation almost instantly.

And the number of sons in a sect, in a certain way, also means the destiny of a sect.

When the first son of the sect left, he dispersed.

Even the sect's stone tablet, which represented the sect's destiny, collapsed in an instant, and finally broke into what it is now.

Of course, the reason why it was not completely broken was entirely because the middle-aged man did not choose to withdraw from the sect at that time.

Because of the middle-aged man, although this sect was almost completely destroyed due to the dissipation of luck, it still retained a trace of the fundamental luck and was not completely destroyed.

And because in the past hundred years, the middle-aged man's strength has also increased to a great extent, and the sect's remaining luck has finally been completely stabilized.

Therefore, as long as the middle-aged man does not die at this time, this sect will not be completely destroyed.

However, because he was the only one left, it was naturally extremely difficult for the sect to flourish again.

What's more, the middle-aged man has no intention of reviving the sect.

The reason why he still chose to stay and never give up when the sect was about to be destroyed was simply because he was a descendant of the Master's sect leader.

In a sense, he can be regarded as the successor of this sect.

If the unexpected situation did not occur a hundred years ago, perhaps he could take over the position of the sect's leader in a clear and logical manner.

However, the middle-aged man has always known that he is not suitable for the position of the leader of a sect.

Even now, when he is the only one left in the sect, he does not feel that he can take over the position of sect leader.

This is done now just to ensure that the sect will not be completely destroyed.

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