At this moment, Li Yue felt the huge luck contained in himself, and naturally had to wonder, could he be reincarnated as the protagonist of this world?

After all, perhaps only the protagonist can possess such great luck.

At this time, Li Yue felt the existence of the power of luck for the first time.

And it still appears in his own body.

Although he had read about the existence of luck in novels before, he had never really felt the specific form of luck.

At this time, when the little luck left in this sect was integrated into his body, which was a huge stone.

At the same time, it also triggered the vibration and resonance of the huge power of luck in his body.

It was not until this moment that Li Yue discovered that his body actually contained even greater power of destiny.

And this huge power of luck may have been hidden in Li Yue's body, which is a giant stone.

It's just that Li Yue, who was reincarnated into a boulder, couldn't really detect the existence of the power of luck with his weak perception.

Moreover, the power of luck is almost a very special energy possessed by this world of cultivating immortals that is not lacking in spiritual energy.

Before this, Li Yue had almost never truly seen or felt the power of luck.

The moment he felt the power of luck in his body, he couldn't even instantly understand that this was the blessing of heaven and earth's luck.

Fortunately, this kind of energy gave Li Yue a special feeling, making him understand that it was the blessing from the will of heaven and earth.

It is the great luck gained after being favored by the will of heaven and earth.

After knowing the existence of luck, Li Yue could easily figure out what happened at this time.

Having such great luck, not only for yourself, but also for those who get you, you may have extremely great blessings.

After all, the novels Li Yue had read described the mystery and power of luck.

Perhaps having great luck will not instantly increase your strength to the point of being invincible in the world.

But it gives you the qualification to aspire to be the supreme king in the world.

Huge luck can support your strength to grow quickly and steadily.

It will even bring you countless blessings.

For example, it can prevent you from encountering crises at all, and you can pick up precious treasures of heaven and earth at will when you go out.

Even if you encounter a crisis, you will turn it into a blessing, and you will also gain huge opportunities and benefits in the crisis.

In short, with a huge amount of luck, you can definitely become the protagonist between heaven and earth.

Everything running between heaven and earth seems to be centered on you. Even your death may cause huge turbulence in the world of the film.

So even if you encounter a life crisis, the huge luck can protect you to prevent you from actually dying.

The effect of luck is so powerful and unreasonable.

Generally speaking, people with great luck are the protagonists of the world who are favored by the will of heaven and earth.

Although the protagonist's life cannot always be smooth sailing, he will always encounter some fatal crises.

But with the protection of huge luck, most of the time, danger can be turned into safety, and even greater benefits can be obtained in crises.

However, in the general world, the protagonists who can be favored by the will of heaven and earth should all exist among humans.

Li Yue has almost never seen a situation like his own where just a piece of stone can be favored by the will of heaven and earth.

After all, compared to humans who can move freely and experience more things, it is not very convenient for a stone that cannot move freely to become the protagonist of the world.

Therefore, according to normal theory, the protagonist who is favored by the will of heaven and earth should generally be a human being.

Of course, Li Yue was not completely unfamiliar with the story of a stone being the protagonist of heaven and earth.

For example, on the earth where Li Yue once lived, in the well-known story "Journey to the West" in China.

Among them, the protagonist is favored by the will of heaven and earth.

In the beginning it was just a stone.

However, "Journey to the West" also knows that when the protagonist of the world is a stone, it cannot proceed normally.

Therefore, the first chapter of "Journey to the West" is "The spiritual root and fertility source flow out."

It introduces the situation of a stone monkey popping out of this stone blessed by heaven and earth.

In this way, the protagonist has changed from a stone into a stone monkey. Although he is not a human yet, he can move freely, and more plots and stories can be developed on him.

If a novel always depicts an immobile stone as the protagonist, I am afraid that no one will really read it.

And although the operation of a world cannot be exactly as described in the novel.

But the protagonist, who is favored by the will of heaven and earth, may also follow this rule and must be able to drive the movement of the world.

Obviously, Li Yue, who was just a stone unable to move freely at this time, was unable to do this.

And this was where Li Yue felt something was wrong.

Why does the blessing of the will of heaven and earth appear in myself who was reincarnated into a stone!

Of course, although Li Yue had doubts about the situation at this time, he also knew that being favored by the will of heaven and earth was a good thing.

At least, Li Yue, who has great luck at this time, can grow himself faster.

In fact, perhaps it was because of his great luck that he was able to go from the depths of the water, where he could almost never see the light of day, to have a chance to see the light of day again.

The fact that he was fished out of the water by a middle-aged man may itself be a manifestation of his great luck.

At this time, Li Yue seemed to suddenly understand the somewhat bizarre situation that had happened before.

Perhaps it is precisely because of my great luck that this can really happen to me.

This is a special way to participate in the operation of the world after becoming the protagonist of the world as a stone that cannot move freely.

It is not that you participate in the operation of the world independently, but you "borrow" the hands of others to help you participate in the operation of the world.

"Kailai, from now on, I can only be led by the world's operation in this way?"

Although it is very strange to participate in the running of the world in this way, it is not an easy thing for Li Yue to accept.

For Li Yue, although he does not resist participating in the operation of the world, he resists being unable to follow his own will and can only participate in it with the help of others.

The most irritating thing is that Li Yue, as a stone, is completely unable to refuse such a situation.

This made Li Yue feel a little unacceptable.

It would be great if I could transform into a special kind of life as described in "Journey to the West"!

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