Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1251 The End of the Vision

The girl had unintentionally broken through the realm of golden elixir, and the spiritual power in her dantian condensed into a clay pill.

However, the girl seemed completely unaware of this situation and continued to watch the evolving phenomena in the sky.

However, after the girl condensed the golden elixir, the abnormalities in her body did not stop.

Instead, it became more intense as the golden elixir in the Dantian condensed.

Her body seemed to instantly release an attraction that was countless times greater than before.

Even at this time, the spiritual energy in the entire mountain range was attracted by the golden vortex formed in the sky.

However, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of several hundred meters around the girl seemed to have been plundered by the powerful attraction released by the girl, and was continuously integrated into the girl's body.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire mountain range is very rich, and especially the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around the girl is even more intense to the point of being unbelievable.

So even if there is a huge golden vortex in the sky, plus the girl herself is constantly absorbing it.

It has not completely absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth between the entire mountain range.

Even as a large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed, an extremely large amount of pure heaven and earth spiritual energy was being released from a stone tablet that was tens of meters away and was only a hundred meters away from the girl.

The pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth seems to be flowing continuously, quickly integrating into the surrounding environment.

This allowed the spiritual energy in the entire mountain range to remain very strong despite being swallowed up so quickly.

And because the stone tablet was close to the girl, even though a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy was released, it was attracted by the huge golden vortex directly above and merged into the golden shadow in the center of the vortex.

But there are also a small number of people who are attracted by the attraction released by the girl, and continue to integrate into the girl's body.

The extremely pure spiritual energy, at the moment it integrates into the girl's body, almost does not need to be transformed and eliminated, and it has been completely integrated into the girl's Dantian.

It is then gathered and absorbed by the mud pills in the Dantian. ,

Gradually, the Niwan, which was originally only the size of a grain of rice, gradually began to grow as it continued to absorb spiritual power.

Soon it reached the size of a soybean grain.

And the spiritual power contained in it is so huge that it is unbelievable. It is completely beyond the imagination of the girl before!

In less than a few breaths, the newly formed golden elixir increased tremendously in size.

From being only the size of a grain of rice, it quickly grows to the size of a soybean.

And if it is under normal circumstances, such a huge change may require the cultivator to practice hard for several years before the results will be increased.

But now, it is just an extremely short process, and it has been achieved.

It must be said that the girl's cultivation path is very lucky.

The process at this time completely saved her the painstaking training for several years in the future, and she could completely stabilize the condition of the golden elixir in her dantian.

Of course, the growth of the golden elixir at this time is only a small step he has taken in the realm of the golden elixir.

Because of the small distance, the golden elixir kept accumulating and growing in size, until it finally grew to a golden elixir the size of an adult's fist.

Then the golden elixir is broken, and a Yuanying with the same appearance as oneself is formed from it, which is the entire cultivation from the golden elixir realm to the Yuanying realm.

And even middle-aged people with very good qualifications have spent decades in the realm of Jindan to Yuanying, and finally they can truly break through to the realm of Yuanying and move towards a higher direction.

Even so, the cultivation speed of middle-aged people is ranked among the highest in the entire cultivation world.

It is also a rare existence.

At this time, the speed and progress of this girl's training can be said to be extremely smooth.

Knowing that now, she has not encountered any major bottlenecks in her practice.

Even if I just encountered a little bottleneck, I unintentionally had a wonderful resonance with the vision in the sky.

Putting her into a special state like "enlightenment", her own realm and strength also increased dramatically during this "enlightenment".

In just a short moment, the barrier and difficult process between the foundation building and the golden elixir realm were easily overcome.

Even in the subsequent process, the newly formed golden elixir in the dantian was easily stabilized.

Moreover, the golden elixir in her dantian gradually grew stronger as she continued to absorb the extremely pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth around her.

By the time she completely woke up from her unconscious state, the golden elixir in her dantian was already the size of a grape.

A golden elixir of this size is already very close to the middle stage of the golden elixir.

If it is an ordinary cultivator, it may take decades to reach the current state after entering the golden elixir.

But the girl has reached such a level in such a short period of time, which is very incredible.

In fact, even the girl herself couldn't help but feel incredible about her current situation after she regained consciousness.

In her original feeling, she was just looking at the strange phenomenon in the sky, a little dazed.

She seemed to feel her own mind and had some special resonance with the vision in the sky.

I can also feel my mind, as if being pulled by some kind of force, almost blending into the vision in the sky.

But for all these feelings, she thought it was just her illusion.

But she almost didn't expect that such a huge change would occur in her body while she was in a daze.

What even made her feel unbelievable was that the bottleneck she had just encountered had been easily broken under such inexplicable circumstances.

Everything seems very unreal.

However, even though everything happened at this time, the girl who had just been immersed in the vision felt extremely incredible.

But at this moment, he felt a round golden elixir slowly rotating in his dantian, surrounded by the aura of heaven and earth that looked like clouds and mist.

The girl can only accept what has happened.

It was indeed so easy for her to break through from the bottleneck of the foundation building realm to the golden elixir realm inexplicably.

And although it was the first time for her to reach the Golden Core realm, she could also feel that the size of the Golden Core in her body at this time was not just what she could possess just after breaking through to the Golden Core realm.

After all, whether it is in the records or in what the middle-aged man told her before.

For cultivators who have just broken through the realm of golden elixir, the golden elixir in their dantian is only the size of a grain of rice.

And strengthening the golden elixir in the body is the next cultivation process.

But now, the girl has no more mood to feel her own changes, because it seems that the vision that caused her current situation is about to end.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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