Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1265 Successful Breakthrough

At this time, the girl did not know that her soul was taken around the world by Li Yue.

And it was during this trip around the world that I saw the monsters and the memory of the monsters appeared.

Therefore, at this time, the girl couldn't help but feel very puzzled by the sudden extra memories she had.

However, the girl's doubts gradually faded as her memory was gradually forgotten and became very blurry.

Maybe it was because I had a special dream.

After all, any unbelievable situation may appear in a dream, and it is also possible to see images of monsters in a dream.

Therefore, the girl soon dispelled her doubts.

And soon, the girl felt a very huge momentum gathering in the mountains.

Naturally, the girl was very familiar with the owner of this aura. He was the master who taught her how to practice!

"Could it be that Master is also about to break through?"

Feeling the gathering momentum, the girl couldn't help but feel very surprised.

She did not expect that after she broke through the realm, her master would also break through the realm that she had not broken through for a long time.

After all, in the girl's memory, her master said that he had been in this realm for decades.

And it seems that there is no opportunity to break through to the next level.

But why do you suddenly have the ability to break through to the next level now?

"Is it because of the strange phenomenon in the sky that appeared before?"

The confused girl couldn't help but think that the reason why she was able to break through the realm was precisely because of the vision that appeared in the sky.

Then, the girl couldn't help but imagine that perhaps her master's ability to break through the realm was also related to the vision in the sky?

"If everything is as I thought, then what is the vision that can give Master and me the ability to break through? And how did it appear?"

At this time, the girl couldn't help but have huge doubts in her heart.

After all, the ability of that vision to bring her a breakthrough already made her feel incredible.

But now, she discovered that the vision could make the master who had not found a breakthrough opportunity for decades successfully find an opportunity to break through to the next level.

This naturally made the girl feel even more unbelievable.

There are even some doubts about the nature and cause of this sky phenomenon.

It's a pity that although the girl's strength is much stronger than that of ordinary practitioners of the same age.

But because she has never left the mountains before, her knowledge is naturally not too extensive.

Li Yue had absolutely no understanding of the vision he had caused when he reshaped his soul body in the air.

So at this moment, her heart could only be filled with a lot of doubts.

However, soon she no longer dwelled on the vanished vision, but quickly rushed towards the direction where her master, the middle-aged man, was retreating!

Although there was no one else except herself and his master in this mountain range.

But at this important moment when her master was about to make a breakthrough, she still had to rush back to his retreat place as soon as possible to protect him.

Of course, the girl only quickly felt the place where the master was retreating, and then quietly waited for the master to come out of seclusion, and did not rush in to disturb the master who was making a breakthrough.

At this time, the middle-aged man has focused all his attention on the process of breakthrough.

Originally, his accumulation was not enough to support him to truly break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

That’s why I have been stagnant in this realm for decades,

No real progress.

However, when Li Yue reshaped his soul, he caused special phenomena and special fluctuations in the power of the soul.

But it gave the middle-aged man a sense of opportunity for a breakthrough.

And middle-aged people who have been stagnant in one realm for decades without making any progress don’t want to wait any longer.

Therefore, he was ready to fully seize the opportunity for breakthrough he felt this time, in an attempt to truly achieve a breakthrough in his realm.

However, the reason why he has not made substantial progress in his realm in the past few decades is because his realm has not yet reached perfection.

Although he felt an opportunity for a breakthrough at this time, it did not mean that he could break through to the next level without any surprise.

Therefore, the middle-aged man who chose to take this opportunity to break through directly encountered some unexpected situations during the breakthrough process.

And this situation is that although the Nascent Soul in his body is strong enough, the power of his soul is not strong enough. It is still a little short of strength, so it cannot truly fully fit with the Nascent Soul in his body.

And since the Nascent Soul cannot be in harmony with the soul, he cannot truly break through to the next level.

After all, the basic condition for reaching the out-of-body state is that the Nascent Soul is completely integrated with the soul, and after fusing the soul, the Nascent Soul has the ability to leave the body and travel around the world alone.

The strength of the middle-aged man's soul was slightly inferior, which was why his soul and Nascent Soul could not be completely integrated.

The solution to this problem is actually relatively easy.

Of course, this was the easiest way to think of after the middle-aged man felt the strange phenomenon caused by Li Yue.

That is to directly absorb a large amount of the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and in the shortest time, increase the strength of one's own soul to the point where it can be completely integrated with the Nascent Soul in the body.

Therefore, at the critical moment of breakthrough, middle-aged people have no time to carefully consider whether this method is really feasible and whether it will have huge consequences.

And directly use his own power to quickly absorb the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The aura of heaven and earth between the entire mountain range has undergone huge changes because of the existence of Li Yue, who is the spirit gathering stone.

Not only is the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth reaching an incredible level, but the purity of the spiritual energy has even surpassed the spiritual energy refined by ordinary practitioners using exercises.

Therefore, at this time, middle-aged people can almost completely absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth between the mountains at will, without worrying that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not pure enough and will make their foundation unstable.

However, this time when the middle-aged man absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, it was not just to enhance his own strength, but to cleanse himself, wash away the Nascent Soul in his body, and at the same time strengthen his soul.

In the end, the soul and Yuanying were completely integrated.

Perhaps, it is because the method perceived by the previous vision has indeed played a relatively good role.

After a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy entered the middle-aged man's body, his soul actually continued to grow and become stronger.

Gradually, there were even signs of merging with the Nascent Soul within his body.

If there are no more accidents in the following process, then maybe the middle-aged man can really break through the Nascent Soul this time and reach the state of out-of-body experience!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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