Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1267 The soul leaves the body

The girl didn't seem to care at all about the unexpected gains she had received.

She focused more on the room where her master was.

Although she understands that this process of gradually shrinking and condensing the aura may be a necessary process for the master to break through to the next level.

And the whole process seems to have gone very smoothly, as if there were no unexpected incidents.

But she still couldn't help but feel a little worried about the master who was in the process of making a breakthrough.

But all she can do at this time is to protect him, and can't really help.

Let’s not mention the girls who are worried about middle-aged people outside.

At this time, the middle-aged man himself seemed to have completely fallen into "sleep".

Of course, the word "sleep" seems inappropriate, because when sleeping, human breathing is even.

But at this time, the middle-aged man who was sitting cross-legged had his chest not rising and falling with his breathing at all.

In other words, he was not breathing at all now, as if his body had fallen into the silence of death.

However, although the middle-aged man seemed to have completely lost his breath and fell into death, his body still exuded a majestic aura, which made people feel very strange.

However, as this momentum gradually compressed towards the middle-aged man's body, and completely disappeared, the middle-aged man seemed to have truly fallen into death at this moment.

Even the girls outside could no longer feel a trace of the aura exuding from the middle-aged man.

It was as if there was no longer any living person in the room.

The moment this happened, the girl became very worried. She even couldn't help but want to enter the room to see if something unexpected had happened.

However, the girl, who knew that the closer to the critical moment of breakthrough, became more afraid of being disturbed, finally suppressed her impulse and continued to wait anxiously outside.

Her senses were also fully activated, trying to feel a faint breath from the middle-aged man.

However, even though the golden elixir has been formed and her consciousness has been greatly enhanced, the girl still cannot feel the presence of any living person in the room.

It was as if the master who was originally in the room completely disappeared in an instant.

But if the girl opens the closed door, she can see the middle-aged man still sitting in the room, his body motionless, as if he has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years.

At this time, time on the middle-aged man seemed to have suddenly stopped at this moment. The middle-aged man seemed to have fallen into deathly silence, without a trace of living breath being released.

But inside the body of middle-aged people, it is a completely different situation.

The Nascent Soul that was originally in the Dantian in his body was constantly emitting dazzling golden light.

Under the illumination of circles of golden light, Nascent Soul, which was originally sitting cross-legged in the Dantian, began to float upward.

Ignoring any obstacles in the body, he left the Dantian and headed straight for the middle-aged man's eyebrows.

Soon, Nascent Soul had reached the middle-aged man’s head and between his eyebrows.

At this moment, the golden light gathered around Nascent Soul seemed to have reached its peak state.

The next moment, Yuanying's originally closed eyes suddenly opened.

The moment his eyes opened, a golden light burst out from the Nascent Soul, as if it could penetrate the obstruction of all things.

Golden light rushed out of the middle-aged man's body and illuminated the entire room.

Even the girl outside was instantly illuminated by golden light, and her whole body seemed to be completely imprisoned in place, unable to move at all.

But the next moment, in the girl's frightened expression, the golden light that enveloped her seemed to rise into the sky instantly, ignoring the barriers of the walls of the room.

Soaring straight into the sky!

The golden light was dazzling, carrying a powerful deterrent, and disappeared in front of the girl in an instant.

It was as if under the shroud of this golden light, her soul was constantly trembling, her body became extremely stiff, and she was completely unable to move.

But until the moment when the golden light completely disappeared, the girl still felt an extremely majestic sense of oppression.

The girl's soul could not calm down for a long time, as if she was facing an extremely huge threat at the last moment.

However, after the golden light disappeared, the girl's heart was filled with worries about the master in the room.

Although she knew that her master had been in the previous state for decades, she still had not found a chance to break through.

But now, being able to suddenly find an opportunity for a breakthrough, the girl naturally couldn't help but feel happy for her master.

But the girl didn't know that the momentum created by her master's breakthrough process could be so shocking.

If she hadn't already broken through to the golden elixir realm, not only would her body become more powerful than before, but the spiritual power in her body would also become greater.

Even the soul grew in the vision caused by Li Yue.

Otherwise, she was still in the foundation-building realm, and she might not be able to withstand the impact of the golden light that suddenly burst out at such a close range.

I'm afraid her soul will be shattered by the strong momentum.

Fortunately, nothing like this happened at this time.

In fact, even the middle-aged man himself did not expect that when he broke through the Nascent Soul realm, he would suddenly burst out with such a strong momentum.

It was after his soul left his body and he felt that the girl's weak soul could not hold on under the powerful aura of him at this moment that he controlled the soul to rush into the sky in such a hurry.

Moreover, the pressure brought by this golden light is different from the pressure caused by ordinary momentum.

Ordinary momentum oppresses more of the person's body, and only a small part of the force can penetrate the surface of the body and oppress the inside of the target's body.

The impact it has on people is nothing more than feeling like a big mountain is pressing down on their body, or the movement of spiritual energy in the body is restricted.

But the oppressive force brought by this golden light seemed to act directly on the target's soul.

It's like a supreme sword that can directly cut off the opponent's soul and kill the opponent instantly from the soul level.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man reacted quickly. Seeing that the girl seemed unable to bear such momentum, he quickly controlled his soul and rushed into the sky.

Otherwise, being shrouded in such a strong pressure for a long time may have some unnecessary effects on the girl's soul.

And controlling the soul to come into the void, the middle-aged man also experienced for the first time the mystery of breaking through from the Nascent Soul realm to the out-of-body realm.

At this moment, it seemed as if his soul had become the only master in the space dozens of miles around.

As long as he wants to, he can instantly go anywhere within dozens of miles in his soul state.

Moreover, within this range, he can completely kill the soul of anything that has a soul in an instant.

Of course, the souls he can feel are all weaker than him!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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