Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1269 The Unbreakable Curse

That's why there is such a huge gap in strength between realms below the Nascent Soul and those above the Nascent Soul.

At this time, the middle-aged man who felt that the power of the soul was so powerful for the first time was undoubtedly very shocked.

While being shocked, the middle-aged man also somewhat understood why it was so difficult to break through the realm above the Nascent Soul when the world's spiritual energy was rich and the purity of the world was declining rapidly.

Although there has been a saying in the cultivation world that this is a special curse released by the will of heaven and earth on cultivators, cursing all cultivators from being unable to break through to a higher realm above Nascent Soul and have a longer life.

At this moment, the middle-aged man already understood that there was no curse from the will of heaven and earth.

The main reason why no cultivator has been able to break through to the realm above the Nascent Soul in the past hundred years is that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which has declined in intensity and purity, cannot support the complete integration of the cultivator's own Nascent Soul and soul.

Without the pure spiritual power of heaven and earth, the condensed Nascent Soul is no longer pure.

In the same way, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that is no longer pure and strengthening one's own soul will naturally not be as pure as before.

And if you want to achieve the complete integration of the Nascent Soul and your own soul, what you need is the purest Nascent Soul and the purest soul.

Of course, in the past, when cultivators reached the Nascent Soul realm, the Nascent Soul they gathered was naturally not completely pure.

But when can we absorb the relatively pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth to continuously wash the Nascent Soul in the body, so that the Nascent Soul can gradually become pure as it is washed away by the spiritual energy over a long period of time.

And if you want to have a pure soul, you can also rely on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But now, with the changes in the aura of heaven and earth, it is almost impossible to do this.

Absorbing today's aura of heaven and earth, it is already difficult to obtain a pure enough Nascent Soul and a pure soul!

Therefore, this almost completely prevents practitioners from breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that in the past hundred years, no cultivator has been able to truly completely integrate the Nascent Soul with the soul and break through to the next level.

Of course, nothing is absolute.

Not to mention the fact that practitioners are unable to break through the Nascent Soul realm, it is not a situation destined by the will of heaven and earth.

Even this incident originated from the curse of the will of heaven and earth on all cultivators in this world.

There will definitely be a real protagonist in heaven and earth who can defy heaven and break this curse.

Of course, now it seems that the first person to break this "curse" is the middle-aged man who has broken through to the Nascent Soul realm.

However, in fact, the fundamental reason why the middle-aged man was able to break through the Nascent Soul realm was because he obtained the Spirit Gathering Stone ten years ago.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth within the entire mountain range has been purified and evolved by the spirit gathering stone. At this time, whether it is rich or pure, it has reached a very high level.

Even though the middle-aged man had absorbed a lot of impure spiritual energy from heaven and earth because of his cultivation before, he had accumulated a lot of impurities when condensing the Nascent Soul.

However, in the past ten years, the continuous absorption of pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth has completely baptized the Nascent Soul in the middle-aged man's body.

Nowadays, Nascent Soul's state can be considered relatively pure.

Of course, the most important thing is that with such pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, middle-aged people have a real chance to break through to the Nascent Soul realm.

And ten years later, under the influence of the vision produced when Li Yue condensed his soul body, he finally felt an important opportunity to break through the realm.

After that, after hard work, I finally truly broke through the realm of Nascent Soul.

I truly entered the next realm and felt the powerful power of the out-of-body realm that had not appeared in the past hundred years.

At this time, the middle-aged man was immersed in the special feeling after just breaking through the Nascent Soul realm.

The powerful soul power gave him the illusion that he could go anywhere instantly.

However, although this is just an illusion, in his out-of-body state, he can indeed move freely within dozens of miles from his body.

This wonderful feeling cannot be experienced at all when wandering around the world with the body.

Although middle-aged people really want to experience the wonderful feeling of being out of body for a longer time.

But it is a pity that he, who has just broken through the Nascent Soul realm and reached the out-of-body realm, cannot support his soul to leave the body for a long time.

At this time, the middle-aged man had his first breakthrough and experienced the process of out-of-body experience for the first time.

When the soul and the Nascent Soul were completely integrated for the first time, the power of the soul surged.

The state of the soul may be different from the ordinary state of being out of the body, and it can last longer.

But this situation naturally has its limits.

Just now, Li Yue lasted for more than ten minutes with his soul separated from his body for the first time, and his soul became a little weak.

But this has something to do with the fact that Li Yue layer used the power of his soul to kill three demonic beasts in the core formation stage instantly, and his soul was greatly consumed.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, Li Yue's soul strength at this time should be able to allow him to stay out of his body for more than twenty minutes.

Under extreme circumstances, it is possible to persist for more than thirty minutes.

However, the middle-aged man who has just broken through to the realm of Nascent Soul, although the power of the soul has the bonus of the first breakthrough.

But it could only support him leaving his body for less than a minute.

The time he can leave his body is only a few tenths of Li Yue's.

Of course, this is the normal behavior of someone who has just broken through the Nascent Soul realm and reached the out-of-body stage.

Even if the out-of-body stage has been reached for a long time, the power of the soul becomes more powerful in the later stages of the out-of-body stage.

In fact, the time for the soul to leave the body can hardly exceed ten minutes.

Because, although the soul can leave the body, leave the body and travel around the world alone.

But after all, the soul is not the body, and it cannot always be separated from the body and exist alone in the world. There will eventually be a moment when it is completely obliterated by the environment.

If the soul can completely ignore the image of being separated from the body, leave the body for a long time, or even exist independently as an individual, it may only be possible to break through the out-of-body period and reach the next great realm.

For practitioners, the state after leaving the body is called the state of distraction.

As the name suggests, it means dividing one's own soul and forming another independent soul clone.

Of course, just dividing the soul is useless. To have an independent soul, you still need to find a body that can be integrated with the soul.

However, this is the path that normal practitioners follow.

But Li Yue does not need to follow this path.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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