Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1271 The “Strongest” in the Cultivation World

The cultivation process of the out-of-body realm is very similar to that of the Nascent Soul realm.

It's just that in the Nascent Soul realm, the Nascent Soul becomes clearer and more spiritual.

But the cultivation of the out-of-body realm is like truly condensing the body of the soul, allowing the form of the power of the soul to overlap with the Nascent Soul wrapped in it, and completely integrate into one.

Therefore, at this time, the middle-aged people feel that the Nascent Soul in the Zi Mansion seems to have become blurry again.

This is because there is a package with the power of the soul around the Yuanying, so it is impossible to truly see the Yuanying inside.

At this time, his soul was not completely finalized, like an irregular chaotic form.

To be precise, the cultivation process in the out-of-body period is to shape the soul in a chaotic state into a specific shape.

While making the power of the soul stronger and stronger, the form of the soul should also be made exactly the same as the Nascent Soul within it.

This process is naturally far more difficult than shaping the clear form of the Nascent Soul.

After all, the power of the soul is far more difficult to control and manipulate than solid spiritual power.

If you want to truly create a soul with a fixed form, it may take a lot of time, which is far from the time it takes to create a Nascent Soul form.

However, now he has broken the "curse" of the will of heaven and earth, and successfully broke through the Nascent Soul and reached the out-of-body realm.

For middle-aged people, it is already an extremely huge surprise.

Therefore, even if the speed of cultivation will become extremely slow in the future, it is completely acceptable to him.

At least, at this time, his strength is enough to be proud of the entire cultivation world.

Except for those strong men who had broken through the Nascent Soul realm a hundred years ago and remained hermits, he could already be regarded as the strongest being in the world of cultivation.

In fact, there is a reason why those powerful people who have already broken through the Nascent Soul realm choose to remain hermits.

Because if they stay in an environment where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is relatively mixed for a long time, it will have a serious impact on their cultivation.

Therefore, unless their sect or themselves receive a devastating impact, they will almost never choose to appear.

He will not use his own power at will, because just using a trace means that he will need an extremely long time to recover.

After all, they cannot absorb the complex spiritual energy of heaven and earth without any scruples, unless they no longer care about their own foundation.

But for middle-aged people, these restrictions are dispensable.

Because he has the extremely rich and pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth as his backing.

He can use his power without any scruples. At worst, he can only recover after returning to the mountains!

Therefore, at this time, the strength of a middle-aged man who has broken through the Nascent Soul and reached the out-of-body realm is enough to dominate the entire cultivation world.

Facing ordinary Nascent Soul monks, he can kill them in an instant with his soul out of body.

As long as he doesn't provoke those beings who have broken through the Nascent Soul realm a hundred years ago, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone at all.

Of course, the middle-aged man himself is practicing swordsmanship in an indomitable way.

But his character has already passed the stage of being as sharp as a sword.

So if no one insults him, he won't take the initiative to find trouble with anyone.

They will not be like the militants in some novels who seek out other strong men for a life-and-death duel for no reason, in order to break through their realm in battle.

At this time, although he was still obsessed with swordsmanship, the long sword on his back almost never left his body.

But the temperament displayed by the middle-aged man as a whole,

He is more like a knight who has read poetry and books and is full of righteousness.

Therefore, he was extremely surprised and excited to be able to break through the bottleneck that had hindered him for decades this time.

But most of it comes from the excitement that comes from the breakthrough, the increase in longevity, and the ability to have more time to pursue the broader truth of the Tao.

And it's not because he has reached the pinnacle of the entire cultivation world after his breakthrough, and he wants the pleasure of seeking revenge on his former enemies.

Sometimes, what you cultivate in cultivating immortality is not only your cultivation level and realm, but also your own heart.

Although the middle-aged man chooses the most destructive way of swordsmanship, as his realm progresses, he still has to refine his mind in the world of mortals for decades.

He has long been able to achieve the goal of not being moved by external things.

Although the killing power and edge are still there forever, they can no longer be easily shown to others.

Therefore, after breaking through the Nascent Soul realm at this time, the first thing that the middle-aged man thought of was not to go to the cultivation world and show off his powerful strength.

Instead, continue to stay in the mountains with peace of mind, stabilize your current state, and at the same time be prepared to continue exploring the avenue.

In the eyes of middle-aged people, the reason why he was able to break the will of the world was the "curse" that all cultivators could not break through the Nascent Soul realm.

The most important reason is because of the spirit-gathering stone he obtained before.

If you don't get the spirit gathering stone, you will absorb a lot of pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

He has absolutely no chance to successfully break through the bottleneck and reach another world at this moment.

At least, he may not be able to truly break through until his hundreds of years of life are exhausted.

Therefore, at this time, the middle-aged man did not entirely blame his own talent for his breakthrough.

More of the blame lies with the help of the will of heaven and earth, otherwise he might not have been so lucky to obtain the spirit-gathering stone favored by the will of heaven and earth.

In short, no matter what the middle-aged people are thinking in their hearts at this time.

As he successfully broke through, the entire mountain range returned to its previous calm.

Although, after the breakthrough, the middle-aged man saw the girl guarding him outside the room.

The joy that had just arisen was instantly broken by the shock.

But the middle-aged man can only accept it helplessly, and it is not just him who has broken through his own bottleneck.

His apprentice seemed to be able to break through faster than himself.

After understanding the entire process of the girl breaking through the golden elixir, the middle-aged man even became a little numb.

The middle-aged man also had to sigh, even though the girl was his apprentice, he couldn't help but be envious of the girl's incredible talent.

It was just a daze. After coming back to his senses, he had already broken through to the golden elixir realm.

And it's not just the beginning of an ordinary golden elixir, it's almost approaching the middle stage of the golden elixir.

Recalling that I was hindered by the bottleneck of foundation building, it took me several years of hard training and continuous understanding of the world of mortals before I finally broke through to the realm of golden elixir.

Moreover, during the process of breakthrough, one also encounters great pain and the danger that the breakthrough may fail at any time.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Forget it, just don't mention these."

The middle-aged man has nothing else to say except envy at this time!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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