Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1273 A world where spiritual energy dissipates

According to normal circumstances, a world full of aura of heaven and earth.

In addition to cultivators and monsters who are constantly absorbing and consuming the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there are also many things that are constantly producing spiritual energy of heaven and earth to keep the spiritual energy of heaven and earth balanced throughout the world.

For example, some high mountains, some forests covering a wide area, and even some lakes, etc., can continuously produce the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, replenishing the consumed spiritual energy of heaven and earth for the entire world.

This kind of wonder of heaven and earth, which originates from heaven and earth and forms automatically, can be used as a part of the balance of the entire world.

In a world that is in balance, the consumption and production of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth are naturally proportional to each other as a whole.

But this world has lost the balance of spiritual energy.

The total amount of spiritual energy in the world is decreasing over time.

Therefore, after thousands of years, one day the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world will be completely exhausted.

In the end, it became the end of the Dharma era just like the earth Li Yue lived before, and he lost his extraordinary power forever.

Of course, it may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years before that kind of scene appears.

Considering that the lifespan of an ordinary person is less than a hundred years, dozens of generations have already passed.

Even cultivators with long lifespans may have reproduced for several generations.

Perhaps by that time, the fact that there used to be monks in this world who could fly into the sky and escape from the earth had already become a myth and legend.

Future generations will never believe the authenticity of this legend.

At this time, Li Yue even had a special feeling. This world seemed to be from an era thousands of years ago before the earth was modern.

The world contains a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but it is gradually disappearing with time.

After all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has almost disappeared, a scene similar to the modern era of the earth will be formed, an era in which the extraordinary is no longer extraordinary and science and technology flourish.

However, perhaps many worlds need to experience this special cycle of times.

And the earth is just a world that has gone through reincarnation and is in the Age of Ending Dharma.

But this world has not yet fully entered the Age of Ending Dharma, and there are still extraordinary powers in the Age of Ending Dharma.

However, the curious Li Yue also explored the root cause of the disappearance of spiritual energy in this world.

After several years of exploration, Li Yue really discovered some important reasons for the disappearance of spiritual energy.

In addition to the main reason that the consumption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is greater than the spiritual energy of heaven and earth generated in this world, it is impossible to maintain the balance of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Part of the reason is that those hidden areas that made Li Yue feel threatened seemed to be continuously absorbing a large amount of the world's spiritual energy.

It seems that there is some kind of "monster" in those areas that feeds on the aura of heaven and earth, and its appetite is astonishing.

Of course, Li Yue did not really enter it, and the process of devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in those areas was very secretive and difficult to be discovered.

Therefore, Li Yue didn't know what kind of special things were inside, which were continuously devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world, causing the world to decline towards the Age of Ending Dharma.

After Li Yue felt this, he couldn't help but think of the earth where he once lived.

I have to say, there are many similarities with this world.

In Li Yue's memory, there seemed to be some legendary secret places on the earth.

Perhaps, there are some special things in those very strange hidden areas on the earth, which are also the culprits that caused the earth to enter the Age of Ending Law.

Of course, these are just Li Yue's simple guesses.

And now that he cannot return to Earth, he naturally cannot prove the authenticity of these speculations.

And the curiosity about this world also gradually fell silent as Li Yue's soul gradually became stronger.

When Li Yue's soul was almost enough to support him in condensing the body of the Yang God, Li Yue even couldn't wait to leave this world of reincarnation.

The information about this world, apart from the hidden areas that made Li Yue very curious, was not much different from what was described in some immortal novels he had read.

In this world, there are monster races corresponding to human monks, and there are even some special races.

For example, the demons who can absorb negative power, or even the elves who have extremely long lives, etc...

When he first discovered the existence of these special races, Li Yue was very curious about them.

However, after truly understanding these races, Li Yue's curiosity gradually disappeared.

After all, although these races sound very strange.

But when you really get to know them, you find that there aren't many differences.

It's just that they can master a certain kind of special energy and display abilities that are different from normal humans.

Therefore, five years have passed, and Li Yue already understands almost the basic information about the world.

Although he was still curious about those mysterious areas that made him feel dangerous.

But in order not to ruin his plan to escape from this reincarnation world as soon as possible, Li Yue could only suppress his curiosity.

Prepare to use your powerful soul to condense the true Yang God body as soon as possible.

Although he never fully explored this world until he left it, Li Yue may have regrets in his heart.

However, the soul clone he left behind may be able to truly explore the entire world, including those weird areas that made Li Yue feel dangerous.

Therefore, at this time, the power of his soul was strong enough to truly condense the body of the Yang God, and Li Yue did not hesitate at all.

He was immediately ready to condense the body of the Yang God.

Of course, in order to ensure that the body of the Yang God is condensed, it must be successful once.

More than ten days ago, Li Yue had stopped the habit of leaving his body every day and going around outside the mountains in a spiritual state.

Instead, he has been in this stone body, absorbing the surrounding aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the earth veins under the mountains.

The first is to accumulate as much strength as possible.

Secondly, it is also to calm down my restless heart.

Li Yue prepared for more than ten days.

Finally, on this day, I am ready to truly condense the Yangshen body with my soul and completely break away from the shackles of this body.

At the same time, after condensing the body of the Yang God, he escaped from this reincarnation world and returned to the reincarnation space.

Maybe he sensed that something unusual would happen today.

The weather conditions on this day were not as sunny and windy as usual.

In the sky, heavy black clouds almost covered the entire mountain range.

The doomsday-like scene makes people feel very depressed!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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