Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1277 Thunder Tribulation Falls

However, when the middle-aged man had just been flying in the air for less than ten seconds and was still more than half way to the mountainside, the thunder disaster that was brewing in the sky suddenly fell unexpectedly.


A bolt of silver lightning instantly cut across the sky, as if the entire space was completely torn apart by the sudden falling lightning.

The terrifying momentum made the whole world seem to be at a standstill, with only the bright silver lightning lighting up the whole world.

"No! It's really her..."

Even the middle-aged man who was flying quickly did not expect that the thunder disaster that was constantly brewing would suddenly rain down a terrifying thunder.

Even though he was still several miles away from where the lightning fell.

But the silver lightning that suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying momentum still seemed to hit the middle-aged man's soul instantly, instantly making his body stand still in place.

It wasn't until the loud noise of thunder tearing through the sky reached his ears that he finally woke up!

Looking at the direction in which the thunderbolt fell, the middle-aged man couldn't help but scream that something was wrong.

Because he clearly saw that the direction of the thunder falling was exactly where he wanted to go.

That is the location of the sect halfway up the mountain.

As for his apprentice, he has always practiced at the martial arts field near the sect.

It is conceivable that at this moment, even if the middle-aged man reacted slowly, he was instantly shocked to understand that the thunder disaster in the sky was actually caused by his disciple who had only been practicing for more than ten years.

However, after the shock, the middle-aged man felt extremely horrified and sad.

Because the thunder that just fell in the sky was extremely powerful, a space crack that was torn apart by lightning could still be seen in the sky, but it was still not completely closed.

Even middle-aged people are not confident that they can withstand such a terrifying thunder.

What's more, he was his disciple who had only reached the late stage of Jindan before.

No, the thunder tribulation was really caused by her at this time, so she should have broken through the Nascent Soul realm.

However, even if she really reaches the Nascent Soul realm, how will the situation change?

Not finished yet,

Post it first and change it immediately, everyone will wait and see! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Please wait and see! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

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