Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1291 The giant sword that shocks the soul

As Li Yue quickly gathered all the power of his soul, his golden giant figure, which was originally tens of feet tall, was gradually fading.

It's as if the power within it is gradually disappearing.

But while the color of his body continued to fade, a golden long sword quickly appeared out of thin air above the golden giant.

At the beginning, the golden sword was very small in size and the color in it was very dim, making it look very unreal.

But as the golden giant's figure continued to fade, the color continued to fade, and the figure continued to become illusory.

The long sword in the void seemed to be supplemented by more power, and the size of the long sword quickly increased in the wind.

In just a moment, it had grown from a size of only a dozen centimeters to a size of more than ten meters.

Moreover, while the size has increased hundreds of times, the long sword that originally looked very dim in color and extremely illusory in appearance is gradually solidifying.

Until finally, the size of the long sword soared to dozens of feet, almost comparable to the body of the golden giant below.

The long sword seemed to have turned from an illusion into a real existence.

The golden sword even emitted a soul-stirring cold light.

It seems that just by looking at it, you can feel the stinging sensation in your eyes like being pricked by needles.

It's a tingling sensation in the soul.

It's as if this long sword can easily kill anyone's soul.

Even the middle-aged man who was watching the vision appear on the mountaintop in the distance at this moment did not dare to look directly at this huge golden sword.

It seems that if you continue to look directly at this long sword, your soul will be instantly cut off by this golden sword!

Not only the middle-aged people who were relatively close had the terrifying feeling that their souls were about to be chopped off by the giant sword.

Even some monks who were thousands of miles away from here quickly withdrew their gaze at this time.

Because if you continue to look in that direction, you will feel a huge fear that you are about to die from the depths of your soul!

This can't help but horrify all the monks who feel this abnormal situation.

After all, thousands of kilometers apart, one can feel this terrifying momentum and the aura that the soul is about to be destroyed.

So how powerful is the existence that can cause such a vision?

At this moment, the monk who originally thought that there was a strange treasure appearing in the distance and was going to take a look quickly suppressed the greedy thoughts in his heart.

Where is the birth of some strange treasure? It is obviously the arrival of the God of Death!

If you go there rashly, you may not even know how you died in the end.

After all, whether it was the terrifying aura full of destruction just now or the powerful aura that seemed to be able to annihilate the soul at this moment, they were far beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

Even those who have formed Nascent Soul and are among the top experts in the entire cultivation world are extremely afraid of the two terrifying auras just now.

The monks who have cultivated to their level understand the horror of being able to release such a powerful aura.

As they cherish their lives more than ordinary monks, they naturally have no intention of joining in the fun.

At this time, in the mountains in the distance.

Li Yue has almost gathered all the power of his soul that he can muster at this moment.

The originally transformed golden giant phantom was almost completely illusory and transparent due to the lack of the power of the soul to maintain it.

However, it did not completely dissipate.

The golden giant sword above the giant was made by Li Yue who gathered all the power of his soul.

At this time, there is no illusion at all.

As if it were a handle truly made of gold,

A huge golden sword that is more than ten feet long.

Moreover, although it shines with extremely dazzling golden light, it can still give people a cold and sharp feeling.

It seems that there is a huge amount of energy in the golden giant sword that makes people feel extremely terrifying.

Although describing the situation at this time seems to take a lot of time.

But all of this is just an illusion of time caused by the full operation of Li Yue's soul.

Although the lightning fell at a terrifying speed, Li Yue still took advantage of this short moment to successfully condense such a golden giant sword above himself.

In the eyes of normal people, they may only see a golden giant sword, which suddenly appeared above the golden giant just before the thunder fell in the sky.

At this time, Li Yue almost gathered most of his soul power to form a golden giant sword.

Nature is not meant to be admired.

The golden giant sword, under the control of Li Yue, was like a real dragon that had just broken free. It instantly burst out with unparalleled terrifying momentum, soaring straight into the sky and slashing directly at the thunder disaster in the sky.

The speed of the giant sword is even faster than the speed of thunder falling from the sky.

And in the process of slashing towards the thunder calamity in the sky, a sword force full of destructive aura was also condensed on the giant sword.

It seems that not only the falling thunder, but also the purple thunder in the sky covering the entire mountain range will be completely chopped off by such a bright sword!

Although Li Yue's previous body possessed various powerful energies, he even mastered the power of the most advanced laws in the universe.

Moreover, in order to make himself look more "powerful", Li Yue also made some fancy ways for himself to use energy.

For example, the ones that were first used were similar to the "Turtle Style Qigong" in the Dragon Ball anime and so on.

Although attacking in that way will indeed have some amplification effect compared to Li Yueguang's attack using energy itself.

But that effect is very limited.

After all, Li Yue had never learned how to use the real "Turtle Style Qigong".

Naturally, it cannot show the powerful abilities that can only be achieved by the real "Turtle Style Qigong".

In the past, Li Yue had used the energy he controlled to condense a giant sword in the void like this.

But just like the way of using "Turtle Style Qigong", the way of using energy to condense the giant sword can also make the energy attack more concentrated, so that the energy attack can even reflect the edge of a real "sword".

But in the final analysis, they are just energy utilization methods that Li Yue figured out based on some information he had seen before.

To put it bluntly, it is very superficial and does not make much sense.

Of course, this doesn't matter. After all, the power Li Yue had at that time was in a crushing state, and he would not be defeated because the way he used energy attacks was a little weak in the increase in power.

To put it bluntly, it is a situation that can be crushed. No matter how aggressive Li Yue is, he will not be overturned by the opponent.

But the situation at this time is different.

And this golden sword condensed by the power of his soul is also different from the one he condensed before!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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