Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1295 Determined Result

Just making such a simple change caused a huge increase in the power of the already fallen Thunder.

Li Yue was still very surprised by the ability of the will of heaven in this world.

However, Li Yue could also feel that this might just be a choice made by the will of Heaven out of helplessness.

Because Li Yue could detect that the thunder dragon that was gathering several thunderbolts at this time, although it looked vivid, seemed to be a terrifying thunder dragon condensed by the real law of thunder.

But there is no trace of real thunder dragon power in it.

To put it bluntly, it only has the shape of a thunder dragon, but does not have the charm of a thunder dragon.

It imitates the appearance of the Brontosaurus, but cannot imitate the true power of the Brontosaurus!

However, even so, the power contained in this thunder dragon at this time is several times more powerful than the power brought about by being dispersed into several ordinary thunderbolts before.

Of course, in Li Yue's feeling.

If it were not in a hurry, due to some special restrictions, and could only choose to change the thunder that had already fallen, then the will of heaven might do better.

Even if a thunder dragon is truly conceived that is completely made up of the Law of Thunder and has not only a perfect shape and appearance, but also a real charm and power, it is not impossible to happen.

However, it is precisely because of this special restriction that the thunder tribulation cannot forcibly release the next stronger thunder before the previous thunder tribulation really falls.

That's why the current situation has arisen.

You can only rely on this ability to make the previously fallen thunder undergo certain changes within the acceptable range, and converge into a thunder dragon that only has form and appearance, but no real soul and power.

Use the strength that was barely increased several times to fight against the golden giant sword that Li Yue had gathered with all his strength!

However, although unexpected situations occurred along the way, everything still did not exceed Li Yue's expectations.

Even if the thunder falling from the sky suddenly condensed into a thunder dragon, its power increased several times.

But for Li Yue, who had already unleashed his full strength, these changes were not much different from before.

Anyway, under the golden giant sword that Li Yue concentrated with all his strength, whether it was the ordinary thunder just now or the thunder dragon gathered together at this time, they were completely unstoppable!

Even the Thunder Tribulation in the sky, which seemed to be giving birth to a thunder dragon with the appearance and soul form, could not stop the golden giant sword condensed by all the power of Li Yue's soul!

Therefore, no matter what changes Thunder Tribulation makes at this moment, as long as it cannot break through its own limitations, it will never be able to change the outcome of what happens next!

The terrifying thunder that contained the law of thunder had turned into a thunder dragon, leaping towards Li Yue with its teeth and claws open.

At the same time, Li Yue used the golden giant sword condensed with his soul to shoot straight into the sky with strong sword intention and sword power.

Thunder's speed is extremely fast.

After transforming into a thunder dragon, the falling speed increased even more.

However, the golden giant sword transformed by the power of Li Yue's soul was also extremely fast, even a few points faster than the previous thunder tribulation.

The two attacks, which contained extremely terrifying momentum, were facing each other tit for tat at this moment.

In just a short moment, two powerful attacks seemed to cross the void and touch together.

The next moment, a dazzling golden light bloomed in the sky.

The golden giant sword, which was originally only a dozen feet in size, several times smaller than the thunder dragon that was over a hundred feet tall, suddenly began to surge in size when it was about to approach the thunder dragon falling from the sky.

A sword intent filled with chilling and destructive aura suddenly appeared out of thin air on top of the golden giant sword.

The sword intent surged,

In the dazzling sword light, a sword energy condensed from pure sword intent, spanning hundreds of meters, suddenly bloomed in the void.

Although it does not have the terrifying momentum of a sword that stretches three thousand miles, it does have a strong sword intention that can fly into the sky and break through all means with one sword.

The strong sword intent condensed on the golden giant sword was the first to come into contact with the thunder dragon falling from the sky.

And at the moment when the two sides first came into contact.

The cold sword intent became extremely bright in an instant.

The dazzling sword energy condensed into a huge sword energy of hundreds of meters, which directly volleyed towards the falling thunder dragon.

No more complicated result appeared, at the moment when the bright sword light condensed with sword intent struck down in the air.

The powerful sword intent contained in the sword light instantly cut off the thunder dragon falling from the sky.

The Thunder Dragon, which was roaring and rushing downwards, instantly transformed into several ordinary thunderbolts again.

And the bright thunder and lightning that was originally shining on it seemed to have become much dimmer at this moment.

Li Yue's sword intent condensed on the golden giant sword turned into a sharp sword energy. With the sword's bright light, it instantly cut off the thunder dragon falling in the sky and returned to the appearance of several thunderbolts before.

Moreover, the transformation from Thunder Dragon to ordinary Thunder not only changed its shape, but the terrifying energy originally contained in the Thunder was almost completely consumed at this time.

The sword energy that shot straight into the sky also became dimmer even after cutting off the thunder dragon.

However, the sword energy can still maintain its original form, guarding the golden giant sword condensed from the soul behind it, and continues to soar into the sky.

At this moment, it seemed that Li Yue had condensed this golden sword in order to completely annihilate the power of thunder.

The thunder tribulation in the sky, which was already extremely "angry", now became even more violent.

There were bursts of thunder and lightning, as if the gods were angry.

But no matter what, at this time it was unable to break through certain limitations and truly gather its strength to fight against the golden giant sword coming straight towards it from below.

In order to block the golden giant sword, the form of the thunder dragon had been shattered by the sword's will, and turned into ordinary thunder again. At this time, it seemed to be controlled, giving up the original target of bombarding Li Yue.

Instead, he used his last strength to stop the golden giant sword that shot straight into the sky.

At this time, the ordinary thunder has been almost completely consumed, leaving only the power of the Thunder Law that is difficult to be completely consumed.

The purple thunder law seems to contain extremely terrifying destructive power.

Like small purple snakes, the golden giant sword burrowed into the air at an extremely fast speed, as if to prevent the golden giant sword from continuing to rush towards the Thunder Tribulation body in the sky.

However, the hundred-meter sword energy condensed by the sword intention before did not disappear at this time, and was still guarded outside the golden giant sword.

The purple thunder that rushed towards the golden giant sword was unable to destroy the guarded golden giant sword at the first time, and could only touch the sword energy a hundred meters away.

Perhaps the sword energy could not withstand the invasion of the power of the Thunder Law after all.

With the contact of the power of the Thunder Law, the hundred-meter-long sword energy light began to collapse inch by inch, and was dispersed by the Thunder Law full of destructive aura.

However, after all, the sword energy condensed by the sword intention is very huge. When the sword energy is completely wiped out.

The Thunder Law, which is full of destructive aura, actually consumes a lot of money.

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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