After that, Li Yue did not hesitate anymore and directly used the powerful power of the newly condensed Yang Shen body to forcibly break the shackles of this world!

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Yang God that Li Yue had just condensed disappeared from this world of reincarnation in an instant.

In this world, from now on, Li Yue no longer exists.

As for Li Yue's departure, because of the huge momentum he created when he survived the thunder tribulation and condensed the body of the Yang God, will it bring some special changes to the future of this world?

Or maybe because of the impact that Li Yue's previous actions had on the world, what unexpected situations will happen in the world in the future?

But these have nothing to do with Li Yue at this time.

Because the moment he chose to leave this world, Li Yue's consciousness instantly fell into a void space of absolute darkness.

It seemed like just a moment, and it seemed like it lasted for thousands of years.

In short, it is not clear how long it took before Li Yue finally regained consciousness.

I saw the existence of light and other things in my eyes again!

"Finally back!"

Seeing the familiar scenes around him, Li Yue knew that his plan was successful. With the power of the Yang God's body and his understanding of the law of reincarnation, he successfully broke the shackles of the reincarnation world and returned to the reincarnation space.

However, the surrounding scene did not change much.

It even seems as if decades have passed in the reincarnation space, but in the reincarnation space, time has not passed even a moment.

Li Yue's consciousness returned to the reincarnation space, and he felt that the time around him seemed to have frozen.

He could clearly see that not far away, the hand of his main consciousness was still in contact with a mirror-like passage in the reincarnation space.

It was as if everything around him had fallen into absolute stillness.

"Perhaps, my consciousness needs to return to the main consciousness to make this reincarnation space work again!"

At this moment, looking at the surrounding environment, it seems that it has fallen into a state of absolute stillness.

Even if it is my main consciousness clone not far away,

There was no sign of any movement at this time.

In Li Yue's opinion, this may be due to some special mechanism in the reincarnation space.

Because from the perspective of the reincarnation space, I am experiencing reincarnation in other worlds.

Therefore, time in the world of reincarnation has completely stagnated. Only when one's own consciousness returns can this special mechanism be released and the entire reincarnation space start operating again.

“But whether it’s for this reason or not, you’ll find out if you try it!”

At this time, Li Yue encountered this special situation for the first time.

The clone of his own consciousness has forcibly broken through the limitations of the reincarnation world and returned to the reincarnation space.

But perhaps it is because one does not return to the reincarnation space according to the normal path of the reincarnation passage after a normal death in the reincarnation world.

Therefore, the reincarnation space is still in an absolutely static state after he has returned.

It's like some kind of special machine suddenly got stuck.

If you want to wake up your main consciousness, you may have to return to the reincarnation space according to the normal way.

However, at this time, Li Yue has returned to the reincarnation space in the state of the Yang God. Naturally, he cannot return to the reincarnation world again. He will wait for the death of his reincarnated body and then return here according to the normal way.

But maybe it doesn’t need to be so troublesome.

Perhaps as long as Li Yue's consciousness returns and integrates into his main consciousness again, he can make the reincarnation space operate normally again.

"Then it seems that the next step is to directly fuse this body of Yang God with my body of main consciousness!"

If Li Yue hadn't gained the ability to control the Thunder Law in his last reincarnation world, he was completely unexpected and extremely surprised.

Li Yue didn't need to bother at all at this time.

Because there is no conscious clone that controls the power of the Thunder Law, even if he has achieved the body of the Yang God, it will not be of much use to Li Yue.

Perhaps it can only end up being re-decomposed into energy and then absorbed by the body of the main consciousness at will.

But at this time, because this body of the Yang God has the power to control the power of the Thunder Law.

Therefore, Li Yue also became a little troublesome when integrating his partial consciousness and main consciousness.

Because Li Yue must go through this fusion process so that his main consciousness can successfully inherit the ability to control the law of thunder possessed by his clone consciousness.

However, although such a fusion process is somewhat troublesome, for Li Yue, it is something that must be done.

After all, being able to control the Law of Thunder is a rare thing.

Even Li Yue felt a little unbelievable.

If he misses this opportunity to master it, Li Yue may never have the opportunity to master the Law of Thunder again!

Therefore, there must be no surprises in the subsequent fusion of consciousness and inheritance of abilities.

Fortunately, at this time, although there are two bodies condensed with different consciousnesses.

But after all, they all belong to the same origin. At this time, Li Yue's consciousness was still differentiated from the main consciousness.

It's just that in the process of reincarnation, I regained a body.

According to normal circumstances, if Li Yue wanted the current consciousness clone to reintegrate into the main consciousness, there would be no need for much trouble.

But the trouble is, not only does he need the consciousness clone to reintegrate into the main consciousness, but he also needs the new body condensed by the consciousness clone and the abilities it masters to also be integrated into the main consciousness body.

However, when this body itself is the body of the Yang God that is condensed from the power of Li Yue's soul and can be controlled by him at will, although this matter becomes a bit troublesome, it is not impossible to do.

Afterwards, Li Yue did not hesitate any longer.

The Yang Shen's body, which was originally just like an ordinary person, suddenly changed from a substantial state to an illusory form.

It seemed that at this moment, Li Yue had once again returned to the state of the divine soul body when Li Yue had not yet successfully condensed the body of the Yang God, and the power of the divine soul had not yet turned into substance.

The next moment, Li Yue, who had changed from substance to illusion again, floated directly towards the body of the main consciousness not far away, like a void soul!

Soon, Li Yue, who looked like an illusory soul, came near the body of the main consciousness.

Afterwards, the illusory soul did not stop, but continued to approach the body of the main consciousness.

It seems as if it ignores the obstruction of the body of the main consciousness and still floats forward.

Immediately afterwards, the illusory figure of Li Yue seemed to have really turned into a gust of wind.

When the body of the main consciousness comes into contact, it is as if the two parties are in two different spaces and have not touched each other at all!

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