It has to be said that the discovery of this phenomenon made Li Yue's goal of finding the same vibration frequency of two bodies even more difficult to achieve.

Fortunately, in fact, this phenomenon simply affects Li Yue's next operation method.

He cannot treat the entire body as a whole and change the vibration frequency together as he did before, hoping to achieve the same vibration frequency.

He needs to control each human organ to varying degrees to cause different changes in vibration frequency.

In the end, it was even difficult to find the vibration frequency of every human organ.

Then each cell is manipulated to completely achieve the same vibration frequency, so that the two bodies can be completely integrated.

Although, to describe it, this is almost impossible to achieve.

But for Li Yue, there is still a great opportunity to truly achieve such a difficult thing.

It's just that it has become countless times more troublesome on top of what was already a very complicated process.

However, sometimes, Li Yue also likes challenges.

Therefore, faced with such a difficult situation, Li Yue did not choose to retreat, but faced the difficulties.

No matter what, he had to find the same vibration frequency that would allow the two bodies to blend together perfectly.

Although, this may take more time than Li Yue expected.

Moreover, the consumption of his energy has also become extremely huge.

But as long as Li Yue's energy is not completely exhausted, Li Yue will not stop the process of exploration.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

If you want to be superior to others, you must be prepared to work harder than others.

Therefore, in the face of difficulties, all Li Yue can do is continue to work hard.

Time continued to pass minute by minute.

And Li Yue is also constantly working hard to find the different vibration frequencies of every organ in the body.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, Li Yue finally had a very surprising harvest.

After constant attempts, he finally found the vibration frequency of the most important organ of the human body, the heart, between the two bodies.

After continuous efforts, luck finally came to Li Yue.

While he was constantly testing at a certain vibration frequency, he suddenly discovered that the vibration frequencies between the hearts of the two bodies suddenly reached a completely consistent state.

Even when reaching a completely flawless frequency, the heart organs of the two bodies have fused together on their own.

Li Yue was a little unexpected.

He could only say that there was only one chance in a billion that he could meet him accurately. This was definitely his greatest luck.

Li Yue was extremely lucky to find the same vibration frequency of the hearts of the two bodies.

Such a lucky situation also allowed Li Yue to enjoy great convenience in the subsequent process of searching for the vibration frequency of the entire body.

Now that the same vibration frequency of the heart organs in the two bodies has been found with great accuracy.

This also means that Li Yue's next process of finding the vibration frequency will become much easier.

Because the human being itself is a complete body, the vibration frequencies of different human organs may not be exactly the same.

But the gap is definitely not too huge.

At this time, Li Yue was very lucky to find the vibration frequency of one organ, which represented the vibration frequency of other organs. Although it was not exactly the same as the vibration frequency of the heart, it was definitely not too far apart.

This means that when Li Yue next searches for the vibration frequencies of other organs,

Just keep trying within a limited range.

You don’t need to keep trying almost aimlessly like you did in the beginning.

Therefore, Li Yue's next process of searching for the vibration frequency will definitely consume less energy and time.

For Li Yue, this is also an affirmation of his entire plan.

After finding the same vibration frequency of the heart organs in the two bodies, the hearts in the two bodies naturally and perfectly fused together.

This is also completely certain that Li Yue's idea and plan of using a common vibration frequency to fuse two different bodies together did not make any mistakes!

Li Yue naturally became more confident for the next plan!

Since this time, it already means that Li Yue's plan can succeed as long as he persists and makes the two bodies completely consistent in vibration frequency.

Then Li Yue naturally had no reason to give up.

For Li Yue, it was just a matter of spending more energy and time.

What's more, time has no meaning at this time, even if this process wastes thousands of years, it won't matter.

So at this time, Li Yue did not hesitate at all, after gradually accepting that such a lucky thing had happened to him and being full of surprises.

Li Yue no longer had any other hesitation, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to finding the same vibration frequency of other body organs in the two bodies, except for the perfectly fused heart organ.

With Li Yue's efforts, time continued to pass.

And after having a certain range, it did become much easier than when Li Yue tried casually before.

Soon, Li Yue took the lead in finding the same vibration frequency of another body organ.

And the moment it found the same vibration frequency, that organ, just like the heart before, perfectly fused together in an instant.

However, Li Yue, who had already experienced this situation once, would no longer be surprised by it.

I just felt happy inside, and then continued to look for the common vibration frequency of other body parts.

After Li Yue gradually became familiar with the search process and had a certain limit, the next situation became relatively smooth.

Soon, Li Yue found the same vibration frequency of many body parts one after another.

Gradually, Li Yue successfully found the same vibration frequency for each body part of the two bodies, and gradually merged together perfectly.

"Why does it feel like this is a human body jigsaw puzzle!"

As the body parts of the two bodies gradually merged together, Li Yue couldn't help but feel like he was playing a jigsaw puzzle.

It seems that every body part represents a piece of the puzzle. When all the body parts are perfectly integrated, this special "human body puzzle" is successfully completed.

However, Li Yue naturally did not pay attention to this strange feeling, but continued to look for parts of the body that had not yet been perfectly integrated.

After some time, most of the body parts of the two bodies were finally perfectly fused together.

And I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but the only thing left with the same vibration frequency that has not yet been found is the brain, the most important organ of the human body besides the heart!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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