Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1318 Differentiation of clones

Originally, Li Yue just wanted to understand how this reincarnation space was formed and operated.

But at this time, in a world of reincarnation, he gained the ability to control the law of thunder that surprised him.

Li Yue's plan has undergone some changes. Li Yue's purpose is no longer just to understand the information of this reincarnation space.

Rather, he is prepared to obtain useful help for himself in various reincarnation worlds.

However, reincarnating thousands of reincarnation worlds at once is too time-consuming.

So Li Yue thought of a special method, which is to differentiate thousands of consciousness clones at the same time in an instant, and then each go to one of the reincarnation worlds to experience reincarnation.

In reincarnation, you can gain abilities, gain knowledge, and also gain information from various reincarnation worlds.

Doing this can definitely significantly reduce the time Li Yue spends.

At the same time, it will also allow Li Yue to gain more abilities, knowledge and information faster and with maximum efficiency.

There is no doubt that if this can be done, it will definitely be a great help to Li Yue.

However, before he actually started trying, Li Yue knew that it was absolutely difficult to do so.

If you say that in your own consciousness, it is very easy to separate one or two branches of consciousness and condense them into consciousness clones.

However, it is not easy for Li Yue to separate thousands of consciousnesses in an instant.

Therefore, although this plan can definitely save Li Yue a lot of time, it also has very strict requirements for Li Yue himself.

At least, relying solely on Li Yue's own ability at this time, I am afraid that he will not be able to separate thousands of consciousness clones at the same time.

"But fortunately, this reincarnation space itself can help differentiate the consciousness clones."

Although Li Yue relied only on himself, he might not be able to differentiate thousands of consciousness clones at the same time.

But with the help of the characteristics of this reincarnation space, maybe it can be done successfully.

After all, before entering the world of reincarnation, in the mirror-like passage of reincarnation,

A trace of chaos will be released to help replicate a trace of consciousness.

And with the help of a large amount of chaotic energy, Li Yue's plan to create thousands of clones at the same time in an instant may still be successfully realized.

"In this case, I would be really sorry for myself if I don't try it now!"

Now that conditions have allowed it at this time and it is truly possible to realize it, Li Yue naturally can't help but want to give it a try.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy.

Even if the attempt failed, it would not have much impact on Li Yue.

Therefore, Li Yue did not hesitate too much at this time and was ready to start dividing his consciousness clones.

However, before dividing the consciousness clone, Li Yue must first communicate with every reincarnation channel here.

Arouse a trace of chaos contained in it to help you separate your conscious clones.

Otherwise, Li Yue's own strength alone would not be able to differentiate thousands of consciousness clones at the same time in an instant.

It is naturally not an easy thing to communicate with every reincarnation channel in this reincarnation space at the same time.

Li Yue must first separate his consciousness, and then he can contact each reincarnation channel, draw out the chaotic energy in it, and help his consciousness condense new consciousness clones.

So the first thing Li Yue had to do at this time was to differentiate his consciousness, and even his soul and body energy.

After all, there is only a trace of consciousness without the support of soul and energy. Even if it comes into contact with the reincarnation channel, it will not be able to induce the chaotic energy in it to help shape the consciousness clone and enter the reincarnation channel.

Fortunately, Li Yue was strong enough at this time, with sufficient soul strength and energy strength.

Therefore, Li Yue did not hesitate next, but directly began to divide his soul and body energy.

Although dividing soul and body energy is an easy task, Li Yue must master a certain degree.

Neither allow too much differentiated soul and energy, nor allow yourself to suffer too much loss.

Nor should the differentiated soul and energy be too small to support the condensation into a consciousness clone.

Therefore, mastering an appropriate amount is the most important step for Li Yue at this time.

Fortunately, Li Yue's control over his own soul and energy has reached its peak.

So it’s easy to find the right amount.

After dozens of attempts, Li Yue finally found a suitable amount.

The consciousness soul and body energy differentiated according to this amount can fully meet the requirements of forming a consciousness clone with the help of chaotic energy, but it will not waste too much of Li Yue's body energy and soul at this time.

So soon, a somewhat ethereal shadow emerged from Li Yue's body.

"That should be fine."

Looking at the illusory clone beside him, Li Yue nodded with satisfaction.

Although this clone looks a bit illusory, it is actually already in a physical state.

Energy wraps the soul and consciousness in it, forming a real body.

However, this body is naturally a little special. If someone touches it, they will find that it feels like touching cotton.

This is a phenomenon caused by the insufficient amount of energy and soul that formed this body.

However, it is indeed possible to have a physical and real touch!

Having a real sense of touch and being able to truly touch the mirror-like passage of reincarnation is enough for Li Yue at this time.

After all, before entering the reincarnation passage and entering the next reincarnation world.

The trace of chaos contained in the reincarnation channel will help to copy a real consciousness clone, and then integrate into the reincarnation channel and enter another reincarnation space.

Therefore, at this time, it was enough for Li Yue to successfully contact the reincarnation channel, draw out the chaotic energy in it, and help successfully condense the consciousness clone.

And consuming too much energy to truly create a body that is exactly the same as a human being would be a bit wasteful in this situation.

"However, whether it can succeed or not, we still need to experiment first!"

Although he felt that this could be successful, Li Yue still could not guarantee that it would be successful until there was no real experiment.

So at this time, Li Yue was not in a hurry to continue to differentiate his conscious body. Instead, he gave instructions to the newly differentiated body and asked it to contact the nearby reincarnation channel to see if it could successfully enter the world of reincarnation.

After receiving Li Yue's instructions, the somewhat illusory figure walked directly to the nearest "mirror" without hesitation.

Then he raised his hand and touched the "mirror" without hesitation!

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