Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1390 The Legend of Swordsmanship

In fact, the girl didn't pay any attention to the attack and the momentum that the big man had just launched.

Because for her at this time, with this level of attack and momentum, even if she stood still, it would be difficult to hurt her.

After all, at this time, the girl's realm in the late stage of foundation building has completely surpassed the realm of a martial arts master. Even if a martial arts master is perfect, it will be difficult to compete with her.

In the girl's opinion, if you want to truly solve the existence of this martial arts master, you don't even need a complete sword.

For example, at this moment, she didn't even take out the sword in her hand, but she could still directly kill all the momentum gathered by the opponent.

Moreover, with a simple sword, all the condensed momentum of the opponent was easily destroyed.

A sword energy visible to the naked eye also emerged, floating on the immortal sword that had not yet been unsheathed.

The next moment, this brilliant sword energy shot out directly from the sword that the girl was waving, and separated from the sword body.

"Is this... sword power?"

As a pale white sword energy emerged, it instantly slashed towards the big man in the air.

There were also well-informed people present, including true warriors with swords.

Although before, the invisible sword intention when the girl waved the sword could not be truly felt.

But at this time, the sword energy visible to the naked eye can naturally be seen clearly.

As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same destination, whether it is cultivating immortality or practicing martial arts, it is just a way to transcend oneself.

Although martial arts practitioners seem to be outnumbered by immortal cultivators in terms of both the power they display and their true strength.

But in fact, martial arts are not as weak as they seem.

The reason why martial arts practitioners will be completely suppressed by immortal cultivators at this time is entirely because they have not found the true path to martial arts.

On the path of martial arts, if you practice to the end, you can also break the void, see the gods as indestructible, and even ascend to the fairy world.

The pinnacle of martial arts is no weaker than an immortal cultivator.


The beginning of practicing martial arts is much easier than that of cultivating immortals.

But being able to persevere completely and truly reach the pinnacle of martial arts is even more difficult than it is for a cultivator to overcome a tribulation.

In short, the starting point is low, but it is very difficult to truly reach the top.

Moreover, although the martial arts world in this world has experienced thousands of years of development, it has formed a unique system because there was no spiritual energy in the previous world.

Although this unique system can ensure the possibility of practice in a world without spiritual energy.

But it has already somewhat departed from the fundamentals of martial arts.

Therefore, when the spiritual energy of the world was revived at this time, although the martial arts world ushered in tremendous development, the progress of warriors was far lower than that of cultivators who could fully utilize their spiritual power to practice.

However, cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts are different paths with the same goal. In the end, they are both for transcending the ordinary world and overcoming tribulations to become immortals.

Moreover, after truly reaching the peak, the combat effectiveness of martial arts practitioners is even greater than that of ordinary immortal cultivators.

Therefore, whether it is martial arts or cultivating immortals, there is the possibility of transcendence.

Among the immortal cultivators, there are sword cultivators.

So in martial arts cultivation, there are naturally some people who are similar to sword cultivation.

Whether they are sword cultivators among immortal cultivators or sword cultivators in the martial arts world, their understanding of the realm of swordsmanship is roughly the same.

However, because the immortal cultivator is relatively strong in the early stage, based on the practice of swordsmanship, even in the same realm, the power displayed is greater than that of the martial arts sword cultivator.

However, regardless of combat prowess, sword cultivators in martial arts can also exert the same power as sword cultivators among immortal cultivators.

Among the legends in the martial arts world, there are also people with outstanding talents who shocked the past and the present.

Even if there is no spiritual energy in the world, he still relies on his powerful talent to successfully understand the three realms of swordsmanship.

Not only can it condense sword energy, but it can even actually produce sword energy that is visible to the naked eye.

Of course, the practice of sword power already involves the level of the soul.

Normally, in a world without spiritual power, no one can truly achieve the most powerful sword power in the realm of swordsmanship.

Therefore, in the martial arts world, sword cultivators who can cultivate sword energy are already extremely cherished existences.

In the thousands of years of martial arts history, among the recorded sword cultivators, there are less than ten people who have successfully comprehended the realm of sword energy.

He can use his sword to produce sword energy visible to the naked eye, injuring enemies several feet away.

At the same time, these two talented swordsmen also shocked the entire martial arts world with their powerful and gorgeous sword energy.

In the martial arts world, the reputation of the sword cultivator, which was originally not very impressive, became great.

Therefore, generally knowledgeable warriors also know the existence of the legendary martial arts sword energy.

Know that some powerful sword cultivators can release sword energy across the void.

However, although the reputation of martial arts sword energy is very loud in the entire martial arts world.

But because there was no spiritual energy in the world at the beginning, and if you want to release powerful power, you naturally need to expend a corresponding amount of energy.

And because there is no support from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, even if these sword cultivators can truly release sword energy, every sword energy they cast will cause huge damage to themselves.

Therefore, even the unique martial arts sword energy of kendo has become famous in the entire martial arts world and has become an absolute symbol of strength.

However, as those who have cultivated martial arts sword energy continue to use martial arts sword energy, their own blood energy will be greatly affected and consumed, and they will eventually die early.

Therefore, for a long time, the martial arts world rarely had powerful sword cultivators who could truly release sword energy.

However, as long as there is a sword cultivator who can release sword energy, he can still become famous in the martial arts world.

At this time, when the girl waved her sword lightly, the sword energy visible to the naked eye was condensed.

For the knowledgeable warriors around, this is tantamount to seeing the legendary miracle with their own eyes.

At this moment, all the warriors felt unbelievable.

At first they couldn't believe that they were lucky enough to witness the miracle of sword energy flying across the sky.

Secondly, I couldn't believe that something like this happened to a teenage girl.

After all, even the swordsman geniuses recorded in the legends, with extraordinary talents that shocked the past and the present, usually only finally understood the way of sword energy after they reached middle age and fell in love with swords for decades. .

In the entire history of the martial arts world, it has never been recorded that a sword cultivator under the age of thirty was able to comprehend the realm of martial arts sword energy.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be witnessing the birth of a historical glory.


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