Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1434 The Body of Laws

Neuron structure is an important cell structure in the biological brain that can support the transmission of information between each other.

The situation at this time is not exactly the same as the structure of real neuron cells.

But there are some similarities.

All the power of Li Yue's mind turned into a special energy signal, transmitting important information between the many light groups of the power of law.

Therefore, at this moment, in this special dimensional space, a special structure similar to the growth of branches, interconnected and influencing each other, is formed.

And this special structure is the key to promoting the power of many laws to merge with each other.

As Li Yue's mind continued to shuttle among all the light groups of the power of law.

More and more light groups of the power of law began to slowly change, and the light of the power of the law began to change.

Although, even after the change, the colors of the many power of law light groups still did not become similar.

But it gives people a very harmonious feeling.

As time continues to pass.

This inexplicable feeling of harmony has become stronger and stronger.

Until a certain moment, Li Yue could clearly feel that the many different light groups of the power of law had completely established links with other light groups of the power of law.

The power of all laws is no longer absolutely exclusive of the powers of different laws.

This means that Li Yue's plan is only half-way from its true success.

There is already some kind of special bond between the many different powers of law.

What builds this bond is Li Yue's mental energy, which has been initially integrated and assimilated with all the powers of law.

Although before this, if the forces of different laws meet, it will be like the collision of atoms, instantly generating extremely huge energy and causing devastating disasters.

But at this moment, the power of Li Yue's mind connected them in advance, and built a special structure that was stable and harmonious.

So now, just in contact with each other, the power of different laws will not instantly burst out with terrifying energy like it did at the beginning.

The power of different laws,

There is also the possibility of harmonious coexistence with each other.

However, allowing all the powers of law to coexist harmoniously with each other is not Li Yue's ultimate goal at this time.

Li Yue's ultimate goal is to dominate with the power of his own mind.

And with the help of the power of many laws, they integrate and coexist with each other, and can even supplement each other's shortcomings.

Eventually it condensed into a new body led by Li Yue.

And this body is made up of the power of one hundred and eight laws.

With just a wave of the hand, you can create a gathering of laws, condense the power of laws, and manipulate the power of various laws in the world at will.

It is even more abnormal than the powerful physiques described in some fantasy novels.

Even if it can really condense such a powerful body.

Perhaps in the end, just relying on this body's ability to manipulate the laws of the world at will will be more powerful than most powerful people in the multiverse.

In other words, relying only on the newly condensed body, Li Yue's consciousness clone can even directly surpass the original body with billions of cells and the universe as its energy source, and become even more powerful.

Of course, the two are originally differentiated by different consciousnesses.

There is no difference between them.

Therefore, even if this body made of the power of many laws has power beyond the original body just after it is condensed, it will not have any bad impact on the original body.

Because Li Yue has planned that when the new body is successfully integrated and leaves here and returns to the main body, it will directly start to merge with the main body.

At that time, not only can you retain the body condensed with the power of laws, but you can also control the power of many laws at will.

It can even integrate with the billions of cell universes owned by the main body and achieve mutual success.

At that time, Li Yue's actual strength may also undergo huge improvements in an instant.

It even directly crosses the level of the multiverse and reaches the level of the omnipotent universe, omniscient and omnipotent, and superior to all things.

By then, not only will the barriers between the multiverses be like plastic films to Li Yue, they can be easily broken through.

He can even change the realities of many multiverses at will, easily destroy countless multiverses, and even merge different multiverse realities together.

In short, Li Yue, who has omniscience and omnipotence, can completely override everything, control everything, and rewrite reality.

Of course, these are just some of Li Yue's fantasies and have not been truly realized.

But at this time, Li Yue was also working hard to achieve this goal.

At this time, the power of the mind has been used to establish corresponding connections between the powers of all laws.

The next step is to infinitely amplify this special connection until it is stable enough, then the final step can be taken to integrate the power of all laws and condense the body of laws.

Time continued to pass as Li Yue continued to strengthen the connection with the power of his mind.

In the outside world, the girl's process of condensing the golden elixir also fell into a strange state just like Li Yue.

The normal process of condensing golden elixir is a huge test for cultivators, second only to the coming of heavenly calamity.

Countless practitioners must make complete preparations before preparing to form elixirs.

Find a place with strong aura of heaven and earth, and even prepare some special elixirs to avoid being unable to survive when the golden elixir is condensed.

There are also some core disciples of the sect with excellent qualifications, and they have elders with extraordinary strength to protect them when forming elixirs.

In order to avoid some special accidents during the process of forming the elixir, causing the elixir formation to fail and affecting its own excellent qualifications.

At this time, although the girl had made a lot of preparations before forming the elixir.

But she just found a secluded place for herself. Not only did she not have the protection of her seniors, she didn't even prepare any pills to replenish her spiritual power.

However, although it sounds like the girl's process of forming pills is a bit shabby.

But in fact, she is luckier than all other practitioners.

Because from the beginning to the end, almost no cultivators had the opportunity to take the fruit of the power of law to help form the elixir during the process of condensing the golden elixir.

At this moment, what was most helpful to the girl in forming the elixir was actually the golden fruit of the power of law.

Because it not only contains enough energy to support the girl to form a pill, but also contains some special ability that allows the girl to master new magical powers.

Moreover, because the process of condensing the golden elixir and comprehending new magical powers are carried out at the same time, the girl can obtain unexpected benefits from this process!

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