Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 145 Sol War Hulk


A huge green palm smashed a slate into the air with one punch and stretched out from under the ruins, and then a green figure broke through the rubble, jumped a few meters, and rushed out.

Roar! !

It was Hulk who rushed out. Sure enough, as Li Yue expected, it didn't have any scars on its body at this time, but it was a little disgraced after being buried under the rubble!

Not only was it unharmed, but it seemed to be so teased that it became extremely angry, clenched its fists at Li Yue and the others, and kept roaring.

Hulk has always been a representative of people who don't talk much, so he didn't say anything nonsense. After roaring a few times and adding an anger buff to himself, he spread his legs, and his huge body rushed towards Li Yue and others at a very fast speed.

"Sol, what you caused is up to you!"

Because of the presence of Li Yue, everyone almost didn't see Hulk's body like a human flesh tank rushing towards him and others. Tony even turned his head and said to Sol with a smile!

"I'll come, I'll come, you can watch from the side, Li Yue, I hope you don't interfere! This is a battle between us, I'm not afraid of this green monster, watch me fight him for 300 rounds!"

As Thor, Thor has his own pride, saying that if he wants to fight Hulk, he will never back down! He simply stepped forward and met Hulk's rushing figure.

Sol was not afraid, facing the figure of Hulk rushing directly. And Sol won't sit still, just quicken his pace, and soon he will run fast and meet Hulk's body head-on!

As the god of thunder, Saul suddenly shot, of course, lightning and thunder, and the originally clear sky was instantly covered by thick dark clouds, like a huge black dragon hovering over it!


A thunderous explosion sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue, causing countless town residents to stop their movements subconsciously and turned to look in the direction of the thunder.

But you can only see the dark clouds circling in the sky not far away, in which bursts of electric light flicker, and the dazzling silver snake-like lightning keeps blooming downward!

"This is it? Is it going to be a thunderstorm?"

Everyone looked at this wonder, and their hearts were full of deep doubts! Have they ever seen such a sight?


And here,

The angry Hulk was about to face Thor, who was covered in electric light. Both figures moved very fast, surpassing the national 100-meter athlete. The distance of tens of meters was almost finished in less than two seconds.

While Hulk was running, he clenched his right fist and smashed it hard towards the front. Anger is always the source of Hulk's strength! Therefore, Hulk, who was extremely angry at this time, contained extremely terrifying power in his huge fist!

At this time, Sol holds a hammer and an axe in each hand, and he can use either to face the Hulk without falling, but the proud Sol is unwilling to do that! So while running, he directly released the weapons in his hands and let them fall freely on the ground.

Then, with bare hands, facing Hulk, Sol also clenched his fists, and the electric light around his arms continued to make crackling explosions. At this time, Sol no longer needed to hold a weapon, and he could use thunder freely. divine power.

boom! ! !

Although there are so many words, the time passed is not very long. In the end, the fists of one person and one monster collided together! A deafening loud noise, accompanied by an invisible ripple, swept around.

Although Sol's figure is weaker than Hulk's, Sol's strength and physical fitness are not as big as the two sides, the gap is so obvious!

Even when the two sides collided with all-out punches, the powerful force caused a shock wave, but neither of the two sides stepped back half a step!

The strength of the two is actually evenly matched!



Tony came to see Banner this time, and he forgot to swear a few swear words one after another! But he couldn't do anything about it. The shock ripple released by the collision between Hulk and Sol was not too strong.

Even if the US team is not too physically strong, they can ignore it, let alone Annie and Li Yue. But Tony is an exception. Without the armor, he is just an ordinary person.

So he was sad, and caught off guard, he was directly swept by the shock wave, his body staggered, and he sat on the ground with a stubborn butt! His famous brand suit was also covered with dust!

"After I go back, I will retreat to develop a portable nano-armor. I swear to the lamp that if I don't develop a finished product this time, I will never leave home!"

Tony, who stood up from the ground, put a fg in his heart fiercely!

All these encounters today were because he thought it was troublesome. He felt that Li Yue and Sol were present, and he thought he would not be hurt, so he simply did not wear the armor.

However, things are often unexpected. He did not expect that although he was not hurt, he would feel more humiliated than being hurt!


The sadness in Tony's heart will not be told to Li Yue and others, but he can only bury it in his heart! After getting up from the ground, he continued to look at the figure of Sol and Hulk fighting like no one else!

"Li Yue, we can't go on like this. The movement between them is too big, and I'm afraid it will attract the attention of ordinary people! We have to find a way!"

Captain America Steve's tone was full of worry, and he said to Li Yue!

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Li Yue made an inexplicable gesture with both hands and waved it in front of him a few times, and then everyone only heard a "crunching" sound like glass shattering.

However, after Sol and Hulk fought with all their strength, they did not decide the winner. The strength of the two at this time was actually evenly matched.

Simply stretched out his hands and grabbed each other's arms, just like ancient Roman gladiators, fighting on the spot!

Although this scene looks a bit funny, one tall and one short figure is not very harmonious no matter how you look at it. But judging from the feet of both sides sunk close to the ground, it can be seen that they are competing with each other with enormous strength at this time!

However, when the two were confronting each other, the battle was inextricable, and the two sides were evenly matched! But they found that the space between them suddenly shattered like a mirror!

The two didn't even react and were swept in!

This move is exactly the magician's famous skill, mirror space magic!

And when Li Yue used it, it was even comparable to the ancient one who passed away!

"How is this going?"

The two people who were fighting stopped fighting with a stunned expression on their faces, some inexplicable, I don't know what happened! But at this time, they were surprised to find that the ground under their feet was constantly rising, and the distance between them was also increasing!

In the distance, Team America and the others looked at Li Yue's actions in shock, the boss with his mouth open!

I saw that as Li Yue's hands continued to swing, everything in the town had undergone earth-shaking changes. Countless houses were directly differentiated into building materials and divided into pieces of different sizes.

A neat queue floated towards this side, and as Li Yue waved his hands, it slowly spread on the ground.

The grids are intertwined with each other, which looks extremely natural and comfortable, as if it should be so normal!

As Li Yue swayed his hands, a new building rose from the ground. Like building blocks, the new building took shape at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In less than a few seconds, Li Yue stopped swinging his hands. In front of him, a huge and brand-new building like the ancient Roman Colosseum appeared in front of everyone!

This was built by Li Yue imitating the Colosseum owned by the Grandmaster of Thor No. 3 Middle School!

And as Li Yue waved his hand again, Sol and Hulk, who were entrusted in mid-air, also slowly descended. Their positions were on both sides of the Colosseum, facing each other!

The war is really on the verge of breaking out at this time!

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