Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 175 Nameless Black Mage

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But T'Challa didn't object either, because his objection was useless.

Therefore, Li Yue and others came to Wakanda this time, and in the end they not only took away a lot of Zhenjin materials, but also a few sets of Zhenjin battle clothes. Even the future king of Wakanda, the current prince, was taken away!


Time flies, time flies, spring, summer, autumn and winter are fleeting.

In a blink of an eye, a whole year has passed since Li Yue and others left Wakanda!

A year can be said to have happened a lot, or it can be said that a lot of things did not happen!

Because since the last time I went back from Wakanda, everyone has not been together often anymore, after all, each has their own things to do. Li Yue went directly to Kama Taj to sit in town.

After all, the news that Venerable Ancient One had just passed away had already spread throughout the magician world. And since Li Yue is going to take up the position of Supreme Mage, of course he has to assume his due responsibilities!

Protecting Kama Taj is his primary responsibility! After all, he will still be here waiting for that Strange to come to the door!

So he has been living in Kama Taj since then, and even the house that Tony bought for him before has been given to Annie to live in! It is worth mentioning that the house is in Queens!


A few months ago, the three major temples were finally repaired. Of course, Li Yue didn't help much because he didn't know anything about it.

How to link the earth's energy nodes, hide the earth's coordinates, protect the earth from other dimensions, etc., listening to the ears of people like Li Yue who do not understand magic very well, it is like listening to a book from heaven.

Fortunately, there are Wang and Mo Du, two more knowledgeable people, so Li Yue is useless to rebuild the temple. It's all done by the two of them!

Fortunately, in the past few months of repairing the temple, there have been no major accidents!

It's just that a lot of small things still happened, because people came to Kama Taj to learn about the situation after learning the news of the death of the Supreme Master Gu Yi!

Of course, some people are just magic practitioners who come to learn about the specific situation. Although they have a different practice system from Master Kama Taj,

But they are all practicing white magic.

So they came to Kama Taj with no malice, and Li Yue, as the new Supreme Mage, of course, he came forward to meet these people and briefly explained the situation, and those who had no malice also left!

Some people are different, because they practice black magic. Although people who practice black magic are not necessarily bad people, frequent use of black magic will inevitably disturb the mind of the user.

Therefore, most people who study black magic are very withdrawn, and they are basically loners. Moreover, his personality is also very strange. What's more, he directly uses black magic to harm ordinary people if he disagrees. This kind of thing is also commonplace!


While guarding Kama Taj, Li Yue met a mage who practiced black magic!

It was before Li Yue came to Kama Taj for a month, and he had seen several mages who came to visit politely before. But one morning, an uninvited guest came!

The man was wearing a black robe and a black hood, so he couldn't see his face clearly! It's similar to Gu Yi's original dress, but the color has been changed, and the clothes look bigger and heavier!

He is holding a deadwood staff with a height of one person. Although it has some curved arcs, it looks very comfortable! The top of the staff is inlaid with a white jade-like skull, which is only less than the size of a fist. It is lifelike and vivid!

Even the eyes, mouth and nose of the skull are still blazing with faint blue flames! Like a ghost fire! As the man walked, a string of blue phantoms were left behind!

Moreover, he directly broke into Kama Taj, and the ordinary wooden door of Kama Taj was directly smashed by him!

You must know that the door of Kama Taj looks very ordinary, but as the entrance of Kama Taj, of course, it is not an ordinary wooden door, it has the magic seal of the ancient one on it.

Ordinary people, even if they walk by the door, seem to be blinded by a leaf and do not notice the door at all! And only under the leadership of the magician, can you find that door and enter into Kama Taj!

It is because of this that Doctor Strange in the movie turned around in Kathmandu for several times without any gain, and finally met Gu Yi under the leadership of Mordo!

Moreover, after this door is blessed by Gu Yi's magic, even if it is blasted with a bomb, it may not be able to be forcibly opened! But he was smashed by this guy who didn't look strong!


"Who is that self-proclaimed Supreme Mage, get out of here and see me!"

After smashing the door with black magic, the man stepped on the debris, walked directly into Kama Taj, stood on the training ground and shouted!

His voice was so harsh that he couldn't tell the difference between men and women, but the voice came from far away.

Li Yue, who was in the room, listened softly! But at this time, neither Modu nor Wang are here, and they are stepping up the rebuilding of the three major temples!

"Looks like a villain is finally here!"

With this thought in mind, Li Yue walked out of the room and came to the place where the sound came from! Let's see which one with short eyes is going to disturb his purity!

"Who are you? Why are you trying to break into Kama Taj!"

When Li Yue came to the training ground, he saw a man in a black robe. There is nothing wrong with this attire, but Li Yue felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it!

He only felt that there was an evil feeling in this person. In Li Yue's mental induction, that person was constantly exuding a black magic atmosphere, which looked very evil and cold!

"Sure enough, it's not a good bird!"

Li Yue directly gave this person a conclusion in his heart! But he still asked aloud, just to be sure, lest he feel wrong.

"Hahaha, the new Supreme Mage is actually a little brat with no hair! Gu Yi, did she have a broken head, she actually asked you to inherit her title of Supreme Mage! I think you have not surpassed your magic skills. Three years!"

"Haha, but now she's dead, then you should hand over the position of the supreme mage directly! Then I can give you a good time! Otherwise, I will kill you first, then strip your soul out, and give it to me forever. Drive!"

After the man saw Li Yue's face, he laughed for a while, and his tone was full of ridicule!

"Oh, the position of the supreme mage is not an item, how can I give it to you?"

Li Yue asked him with great interest!

"Sure enough, I'm a rookie. I don't know. It is said that the position of the supreme mage was obtained by Gu Yi who participated in a wizard war hundreds of years ago and defeated all opponents!"

"And now that Mage Gu Yi is dead, of course the strongest Mage should inherit this title. And you, just a rookie who hasn't practiced magic for a few years, are so lucky to get this title."

"Next, after I kill you, it's time for me to inherit the title of Supreme Mage!"

The man in black robe looks very old, otherwise why are you nagging so much!

"So, I am merciful and give you a chance to let you, a rookie, take the lead in casting magic, so that others will not say that I bullied the small. Also, you have to remember that the one who killed you is the great..."

Two scarlet rays of light flashed away. Under such a fast action, the man in black robe almost didn't react, and he didn't even have time to use his defensive magic, but a black qi appeared in his black robe and disappeared. , blocking the red light for a moment.

But this did not reverse his result. He only felt the red light shot in front of him instantly, and then he felt a hot feeling in his chest.

"You...this is...what...magic!"

He looked down and saw that his chest was pierced by a laser, he raised his head in disbelief, and asked Li Yue intermittently in front of him!

"My name is heat vision, it's not magic, but you probably haven't heard of it! Also, I did learn magic for less than two years, but I didn't say that I can only use magic!"

"It's just, don't everyone say that black magicians are more cruel to kill, why are you not as decisive as me! Hey, it seems that you are still talking about going to hell to practice black magic for hundreds of years!"

Li Yue's eyes slowly turned red and faded. The two red lights just now were Li Yue's signature skill!

Li Yue had no intention of beeping with someone who seemed to be the villain, so he shot with a thunderous force, and when the person didn't react, he immediately solved him!

" don't play cards according to the routine!"

The person who didn't even say his name was lying on the ground after all, and you didn't say a complete sentence for a long time! The latter sentence was made up by Li Yue himself!

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