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"Okay, I've finished speaking! You can say whatever questions and ideas you have!"

After Tony finished speaking, he sat back on the sofa and waited for everyone's questions!

However, everyone fell into silence, their gods were different, and they didn't know what they were thinking!

"74% bet success rate? Although it looks high, the chance of failure is still as high as 26%! It's not a small number! Tony, can't we improve it further?"

It was Li Yue who spoke first, breaking the silence! It's just that Li Yue is still a little dissatisfied with this result!

"Li Yue, do you think that science can be achieved by talking about it? You must know that Bruce and I are the most talented people in this century. But we worked together and after nearly a year of dedicated research, we finally perfected this medicine. To this extent!"

"If you want to perfect this medicine again and increase the success rate, there is no hope at all without a great breakthrough. But the time and energy spent in that way may be immeasurable! Two, three years, or even ten years may not necessarily be possible. success!"

Tony is a little speechless. After all the research, you are still not satisfied. Do you have to have a 100% success rate to be satisfied?

"Stark is right. The progress of science requires a flash of inspiration and constant experiments to make slow progress! And in biology, this is even more true."

"As far as this special potion is concerned, when I first saw it, I was also shocked by its effect! It's hard to imagine how it was made by people! There are actually people in the world that can endow human beings with super powers. Potion! It's incredible!"

"Although its success rate is very low, I still admire the person who can develop this medicine. He is definitely a genius!"

"However, Stark and I are not ordinary people, so with the help of Jarvis, a powerful artificial intelligence, a lot of tedious experimental processes were saved, and we were able to increase the success rate in just one year. Elevate to this level!"

"This is already the maximum that can be improved in a short period of time! If you continue to study it, it will almost take a lot of time to get a small gain, which is a bit of a loss!"

"Although there is still a one-quarter failure rate,

It seems a lot, but biological medicine is like this, it can't be perfect at all, there will always be a failure rate and side effects! "

"What's more, this kind of medicine should not exist in the world. It is very fortunate to be able to do this!"

Banner agreed with Tony's remarks. Only he and Tony knew how difficult it was to study this drug.

If it weren't for the help of Jarvis and Tony's very comprehensive experimental equipment, it is estimated that after hundreds of years, there may not be much progress! Of course, the talent of the two should also be put first!

"Okay, sorry Tony, I'm really insatiable! In fact, the success rate is far beyond my expectations now!"

Li Yue also suddenly understood that he was indeed a bit greedy, and being able to do this was already the result of Tony and Banner's extraordinary efforts! And don't let yourself down!


"Okay, this is the end, and now there are only 7 complete potions! Although everyone present can do one per person, there is a high failure rate after all."

"So whether you want to use it or not depends on everyone's own wishes! But you don't have to worry too much about the consequences of failure. Bruce and I have reduced the side effects of the medicine as much as possible!"

"Now if the injection fails, it will not directly lead to the collapse of the body's gene chain. It will only require a period of weakness, and may be accompanied by symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea!"

"So, who wants to bet on this potion and bet on whether it will successfully mutate an unknown superpower?"

Seeing that everyone didn't ask any more questions, Tony directly asked everyone to see who needs superpower medicine!

"I definitely have to bet!"

Of course, Li Yue was the first to speak out. After all, he brought back this potion for his own use, and wanted to see if he could strengthen his abilities. And he is not afraid of any side effects, his ability to adapt to evolution is not a dry meal!

In space, oneself can survive unharmed, it is only the side effect of the medicine, what can it be calculated!

"I want to pay attention too!"

Li Yue's statement was expected by Tony! However, the person who spoke up next surprised Tony and everyone!

"Why are you all staring at me! In the alliance, my ability is a little low. Of course, I will spare no effort to improve my strength! Otherwise, how to face the dangerous situation in the future!"

It was Captain America Steve who was speaking, and he was the second to express his position, and he said it almost immediately after Li Yue's voice fell!

"Uh, it's nothing, just a little surprised. Captain, don't you think about it? Or after I finish the bet, it's not too late to see the situation and decide!"

Li Yue reminded the captain kindly!

"No need, didn't Stark just say it, even if it doesn't work, it's just weak for a while, it's no big deal, it's not too serious for me!"

The captain directly rejected Li Yue's proposal, saying that such a little side effect was just a drizzle for him!

"Haha, as expected of Captain America, that's brave!"

Tony showed a meaningful smile, admiring the captain's bravery!

Thinking of the side effects of the drug, Tony couldn't help but recall the last ** experiment a few days ago.

That sad little guinea pig still looks like it's better to die now! It's almost pulling as you go! But now it can hardly move half a step!

Because after these few days of mad pulling, he has completely collapsed. If he and Bruce had not been feeding him food with extremely high nutritional value, he would have been pulled to death already!

Of course, apart from these, there are no other fatal side effects. After all, although Tony has some personality flaws, he never jokes about his friend's life!

So he can guarantee the absolute safety of this potion, and it is precisely because of this that he will gather everyone together!

"I want to pay attention too!"

While Tony was thinking about it, a voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked around, but found that it was Sol who also said aloud!

"Okay, the three of them are almost there, let's look at their notes first, so you can have a more intuitive feeling!"

After Tony saw that Sol finished speaking, no one spoke for dozens of seconds, and then said aloud!

"Let's go, let's go to the underground laboratory to prepare!"

With a big wave of his hand, Tony took the lead to stand up from the sofa and lead everyone towards his underground laboratory!


And at this moment, in the SHIELD headquarters building, in Nick Fury's office! Hill dressed as a black agent is reporting something to Nick Fury!

"Director, do you remember the two superheroes who called themselves Starlight and Black Panther who suddenly appeared a year ago? The personnel monitoring them just reported the latest situation. They suddenly left their city in a car today!"

"Oh? What's their purpose?"

Nick Fury was sitting on his desk with a cup of coffee in his hand. After listening to Hill's report, he took a sip of coffee before asking a question out of curiosity!

"Director, I'll talk about this later. There is also news that the Asgardian who was in love with the earthlings recently, Thor, the god of thunder, suddenly flew away at the same moment, and the agents monitoring him could not continue to track him! "

Agent Hill continued to narrate the content of the message!

"Oh? Interesting, keep talking!"

The look of interest in Nick Fury's eyes flashed away, and he said after taking another sip of coffee!

"And, at the same time, Captain America also abruptly left the residence that S.H.I.E.L.D. had arranged for him."

Hill went on to add!

"What is their purpose? Don't tell me, it's Stark's villa!"

Nick Fury's watch at this time is finally no longer playful, but has a bad premonition, directly put the unfinished coffee on the table, looked at Hill and asked in a deep voice!

"Although I don't want to say that, but unfortunately, you guessed it correctly, Director!"

Hill said helplessly!

"They actually knew each other? Why didn't we get any news! And what were they getting together for? Is it for a party?"

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