Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 187 Sol's Use of Potion


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But when I think about it at this time, I also feel that maybe as Tony said, there is an unknown superpower that is awakening!

Of course, it would be best if you can awaken a superpower, but if you just think too much, there is nothing to regret!

"Whether I have awakened superpowers or not, after taking the potion, my strength has also improved a lot. This at least shows that your improvement of the potion is still very effective!"

"So let's go out first and let everyone know what's going on first!"

Li Yue stood on the ground, moved his body greatly, clenched his fists, and felt the skyrocketing power. Some excitedly said to Tony!

When Li Yue read novels before, he always said that after the protagonist gained powerful power, he would not be able to control his own power and cause damage to items inadvertently.

It's just that Li Yue didn't have such troubles after he obtained the power of protecting the country, and he didn't even need to spend time to get acquainted with his own power! It's like he doesn't know exactly how he learned to fly!

The power he uses in his daily life is still the same as that of an ordinary person, but he can clearly feel that the upper limit of his own power is very high!

As long as he is fighting or doing other things, when he needs to use great strength, his strength will instantly become as huge as he imagined.

It's like being able to control the power contained in your body at will! Because of this, Li Yue has never been afraid that his powerful power will accidentally hurt people or objects on the side!


"How is it? No accident happened! Did Li Yue use the medicine successfully?"

After Li Yue and Tony came outside, everyone eagerly greeted them, and the captain couldn't wait to ask!

"Don't worry everyone, the use of the potion is considered a success. It's just that an unforeseen thing happened. Although Li Yue's strength has increased a lot, his super power has not been awakened directly, perhaps because of time!"

"But this is not the point. The point is that this medicine can be used with confidence, and it will not cause life danger!"

"Although I put Jarvis through hundreds of millions of simulation experiments,

The result of the test is that the success rate is about 74%, but that is only relative to ordinary people! But don't forget, we are not ordinary people and should not fail so easily! "

Although the first use was not perfect, it did not fail in the end, Tony said with a relaxed expression.

"So, whose turn is it next? Let's invite the next victim... ahem, the next user!"

Tony was in high spirits and asked everyone to see who would be the second person to use the potion!

"I'm coming! It was the first time Li Yue took the lead, this time it's my turn!"

Sol stepped forward directly and shouted loudly!

"No problem, let's go in!"

Tony smiled and said to Sol who was away from the crowd!


There was no accident when using the potion, but Sol's physique was also very strong, so he drank it directly like Li Yue!

After drinking the potion, it was different from what Li Yue showed!

After Li Yue drank it just now, there was not much reaction!

However, after Sol drank it, he was not as calm as Li Yue!

At this time, Sol's body was already shaking slightly, and the fists on both sides were clenched tightly! He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth!

It can be seen from his god that he is enduring great pain at this time! It's just because Sol has a strong will, so he didn't make any painful sound!

"What's going on? It's too different from when Li Yue just used it!"

Steve looked at Sol's appearance at this time, and asked Tony worriedly!

"Don't worry, this is a relatively normal reaction. Li Yue is an outlier and cannot be compared with him!"

Tony seems to have no worries about this situation! When he spoke, he glanced at Li Yue!

"You are the outlier! I really didn't feel much at the time, otherwise how could I fall asleep! But, Tony, are you really sure that there is no danger in Sol?"

Li Yue is a little speechless, who is an alien, it must be that I am too powerful, Tony is just jealous!

But thinking of this, Li Yue looked at Sol with a little worry in his eyes. Although Tony said that this is the normal situation, Li Yue can only hope that what Tony said is correct and that Sol is not in danger!

"I'm sure, you see, this is the current state of Thor's body! After the medicine enters his body, it is changing his body from the inside out from the genetic level, and his genes are being reorganized, which is also the birth. The key to super power!"

"It's just that Sol's physique is too strong, so when the gene is reorganized, it is often accompanied by far more severe pain than ordinary people!"

"However, his life is not in danger. I just don't know if he can successfully overcome the pain and awaken his special abilities!"

Although Tony's face is very confident, there is also worry in his eyes, because Sol will suffer more severe pain than ordinary people! Therefore, for him, the chances of success will become even slimmer!

"I hope he can make it through!"


As time passed slowly, more than ten minutes had passed in the blink of an eye! Sol was still the same, clenching his teeth, suffering great pain without saying a word!

But after a few more minutes, Sol seemed to finally be no longer suffering, his body relaxed, and he stopped shaking.

"Okay, it should be over soon! His genes have been reorganized, and it looks like it should be a success!"

Tony looked at the image of the instrument, finally heaved a sigh of relief, then finished speaking to the crowd, and was ready to enter the room!

"Wait Tony! His transformation doesn't seem to be over yet!"

Li Yue suddenly stopped Tony's movements, because at this moment, Sol, who had calmed down in the room, suddenly changed abnormally again!

He reappeared the way he had suffered when he suffered, and the pain seemed to be even more violent than before, because with such a strong willpower as Isol, he couldn't bear it!

"What's going on? His gene sequence has been reorganized just now, and it has stabilized! Why is it disrupted again at this time? It seems that there is some stronger force that is forcibly interfering with the result!"

Hearing this, Tony stopped, quickly returned to the instrument, and watched carefully. And Banner has been here just now, so he said directly!

"What's the matter? The previous experiment and simulation were very successful. Why did accidents happen frequently when it was officially used? Li Yue is like this, and now Sol is like this!"

Tony stared at the image displayed by the instrument, but as Banner said, Tony came to the same conclusion! It's just that this has never happened before, so why are accidents happening one after another now?



"Tony, I think I've figured out why this happened!"

Just when Tony was thinking hard and trying to find the key to the problem, Li Yue suddenly said in a deep voice!

"Li Yue, do you understand? Then tell me what's going on?"

Tony heard Li Yue's words, his voice was very urgent, and he couldn't wait to know what the reason was!

"I think just like what you just said, Tony, your simulation experiments are based on ordinary people! And Saul and I, as well as everyone present, don't seem to be ordinary people!"

"Moreover, Sol is not in any danger at this time. He has indeed succeeded just now! It's just that compared to the physique he mutated, his original physique is undoubtedly stronger!"

"So, he is like this because he is changing back to a stronger physique! You can look at his hands!"

Following Li Yue's words, everyone couldn't help but look at Sol's hands, but they were surprised to find that a dazzling silver light appeared at some point, and it was constantly beating on Sol's fingertips, and the light was Straight line growth.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the electric light followed his arm and spread all the way to his entire body! At this time, Sol was like the god of thunder, and he was surrounded by lightning!

At this moment, Sol's eyes suddenly opened, and two real silver lights came out of his eyes and went straight to the ceiling before disappearing!

However, the eyeballs of his eyes were replaced by silver white, and the color of the pupils could not be seen clearly!

"Ah ah ah... ah!"

Looking at Sol in front of him, a familiar melody appeared in Li Yue's mind unconsciously!

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