Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 189 Sol's Change

"Okay, you don't have to be angry, the big deal is that I will give you a copy of my upgraded technology! Help you upgrade the energy shield over Wakanda! You can get my technical support, but you have made a lot of money. !"

Tony knew he was wrong, so he told T'Challa his compensation plan!

Of course, T'Challa was right, Tony had only been to Wakanda once. It was also at that time that he took a fancy to the technology of Wakanda's aircraft, so he let Jarvis secretly invade Wakanda's system!

In the end, not only the technical data of the aircraft was found, but also many advanced technical data. What kind of person Tony is, of course, he will not refuse, so these technologies let him quietly copy them out!

And that includes the technology of this energy shield.

Of course, there are many other technical materials, but Tony has been concentrating on researching medicines before, so he has no time to study those technical materials!

It's just that he started researching this shield technology a few months ago. He felt that this shield could be added to his latest nano-armor, so he took the time to improve and upgrade this technology!

Then it became what everyone sees now!

"Humph! Who cares about your skills!"

T'Challa snorted and said nothing! However, he never took this matter to heart, and after this year of fighting for the righteousness of the layman, he also had some insights! He felt that Wakanda should not continue to be closed like that!

It's just that now he is only the prince of Wakanda, and he has no right to make such a major decision!


"Tony, what's the matter with your little black house? Why did you deliberately prepare this kind of program?"

Li Yue looked at Sol who was surrounded in front of him, and asked Tony suspiciously!

Although this level of energy shield is estimated to be unable to resist his full-strength attack to Li Yue, it will shatter! But for Sol and Hulk, this level of energy shield should be able to stop them for a while!

"Ahem, getting along with you non-human beings, I naturally have to take precautions and think about my villa! Who knows if you people will go crazy and tear my villa into ruins!"

"Look, isn't that the way Sol is now! Fortunately, I have already prepared,

Otherwise, my villa will not end well! "

Tony answered Li Yue's question as I had expected!

"Okay, you're amazing! It's just that a shield of your level is estimated to be able to stop some weak people. I'm afraid Hulk can break this shield with a few punches!"

Li Yue said this, and looked at Banner next to him with his eyes!

"I think Li Yue is right. I know the horror of the Hulk best. In my opinion, there is almost nothing that can stop it! I am afraid that this kind of shield can stop it for a few seconds. Torn apart by his mighty power!"

Banner was falling into memory, intoxicated by the powerful power of the Hulk, but suddenly sobered up and added: "Of course, except for perverts like Li Yue!"

After all, he still remembered the fear of Hulk being dominated by Li Yue a year ago!


After that, everyone didn't discuss much, and with Tony's shield blocking it, it was considered to ensure safety, so everyone didn't need to go out to evacuate! Instead, he stayed and continued to observe Sol's state!

At this time, Sol's whole body was completely enveloped by dazzling silver lightning, like a dazzling sun, making people unable to look directly!

What everyone didn't know was that the sky above Tony's villa was already covered by thick dark clouds.

Not too far from Tony's Villa, two people in black suits are looking up at the dark clouds in the sky, and they are very surprised!

"What's going on? The weather was very sunny a few minutes ago. Why does it seem like it's going to rain in a blink of an eye?"

One of them said to his comrades with some doubts!

"Don't make a fuss! Don't you know who we are monitoring now? The Asgardian Thor is in the villa, maybe he's the one who created this situation!"

The other did not seem to take this apocalyptic scene to heart, and said casually!

"It turns out that although I have heard the name of the Asgard Thunder God, I don't know him very well. Today, because I have a mission nearby, I was temporarily transferred to monitor here!"

"However, should this situation be reported to the top?"

The one who speaks first asks for the opinion of the other!

"I don't think it's necessary now. The thunder is loud and the raindrops are small! Such a thick dark cloud has been around for a long time, and there is not a single flash of lightning... Now."


Just when the other person casually wanted to refuse, a flash of lightning exploded instantly along with his voice! It was as if the explosion sounded in the ears of the two of them, causing them to feel deaf for a while!

It seems that such a thick dark cloud has been brewing for a long time to split this lightning. After a dazzling lightning seemed to split the entire sky in half, the dark clouds that originally covered the sky disappeared almost instantly!

The sky has returned to the clearness before, as if everything just now was an illusion!

"This...this should be...the report must be made!" One person opened his mouth and stuttered in shock!

"Hey, boss, there is a special situation here. A lightning strikes the location of the villa. What should we do next?"


At this time, in the villa, everyone was also startled by this sudden lightning!

Li Yue could see even more clearly that a lightning bolt the thickness of a bucket crashed straight down from the top of Sol's head in an instant. The energy shield that Tony arranged did not block it for a moment, and was directly smashed into a big hole by the lightning!


The lightning was castrated non-stop, directly hitting Sol's body! With a loud roar from Sol, he was absorbed into his body as much as possible! The bed under him was also shattered instantly!

"My villa! Sol, you bastard!"

Tony looked at the villa above Sol's head, and a huge hole was also cut out, and he was a little furious! And the facilities of the villa don't know how much it was damaged by lightning!

"However, it shouldn't be an accident for Thor to be struck by such a thick lightning bolt, right?"

Of course, Tony himself often demolished his home, so he didn't feel too distressed, but began to worry about Sol!

"Hehe, do you think a Thunder God who can control thunder will be struck to death by lightning?"

Li Yue is a little speechless, Sol is the god of thunder, no matter how strong the lightning is, he will not take it to heart!

But even though he said that, Li Yue couldn't help but think of the scene where Thor was stunned by the Valkyrie device in Thor III! It feels kind of funny!

However, it is said that the director later came out to refute the rumor, saying that the Valkyrie used neurotoxins to make Sol faint! Of course, Li Yue didn't know about this either!


At this moment, the lightning that swirled around Sol finally slowly dissipated, no, it can't be said to dissipate, but it was controlled by Sol and gathered in his hand!

As the lightning converged, the dazzling lightning concentrated on Sol's hand, as if it had its own thoughts, kept surging and changing its form!

And Sol also suddenly moved. He looked at his hands where the lightning was gathered, and he turned the lightning into a meow hammer and waved it a few times; then he turned the lightning into a storm axe. , waving again!

Whether it is a knife or a sword, a hammer or an axe, all the weapons that Thor has an impression of have been changed over and over again by him, and it is a lot of fun to play!

In the end, he transformed the lightning into the appearance of his father Odin's artifact, the eternal spear, and slammed it on the ground! There was actually a ripple on the ground, sweeping all around!

"Haha, yes, and this one!"

Sol suddenly said something! Then he controlled the eternal spear composed of lightning to change again, but it turned into Li Yue's weapon, the appearance of a three-pointed two-edged sword!

"Sol, have you had enough?"

Li Yue looked at Sol's movements, and even changed his weapon, feeling speechless for a while, and shouted to him! Fortunately, the room is not soundproof, Sol can hear it!

"Hey, right now!"

Sol noticed that Li Yue's tone was a little impatient, and quickly dispersed the lightning version of the "three-pointed and two-edged knife" in his hand, but slowly formed a small lightning ball, which appeared in Sol's palm!

"Haha, Li Yue, look, I can do this now!"

Sol flipped the lightning ball in his hand twice, very happy! Then open your mouth wide and throw the ball into your mouth!

"Li Yue, you lied to me, there is no chicken flavor, obviously there is no flavor at all!"


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