Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 212 Procrastination

"Everyone, Loki has left! We don't need to keep pretending!"

It was T'Challa, Annie and the others who rushed to Loki's place. When they saw that Loki had left, they spread the news of Loki's departure directly to the others!

"OK, the plan is successful! Sol, let the Hulk quiet down! Don't really dismantle the entire aerospace aircraft carrier in a while! I'm afraid the braised eggs will find us desperately!"

When Tony heard that Loki had left, he showed a successful smile, how similar to Loki's smile just now! ...

Soon, everything was settled, and the entire aerospace carrier became devastated! S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel are working on a fix! This time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has suffered heavy losses!

"Stark, how do we know, where is Loki now?" the captain said curiously to Tony!

"Don't worry, Captain, I have already left a tracking device on Loki, we just need to follow him!"

Tony showed a smile, as if he was ready!

"Then do as you say!"

Since Tony had a plan, everyone didn't say much! Immediately, all the members of the Justice League quickly came to the aircraft they had taken before, drove the aircraft made by Tony, and followed directly!


"Sir, the latest news just came. Stark and the others left suddenly! Captain and Sol also left with them. What should we do now?"

"What are they going to do?"

Hearing Hill's report, Nick Fury's face was cloudy! He always felt that this incident had nothing to do with Stark! It's just that at this time, almost no one is available in his hands, and the only superhero captain seems to have become their person!

"Tell Natasha to fly a plane to keep up with them as soon as Barton wakes up. No matter what they do, we must get the exact news as soon as possible!"

Nick Fury pondered for two seconds before giving the answer, and at this time, only Natasha and Barton had some fighting power in his hands!

Fortunately, as in the original plot, Barton was knocked out by Natasha, and barely escaped Loki's control! Otherwise, I am afraid that Nick Fury will be left with only Natasha to command at this time!

"Also, go ahead and complete the repair of the aerospace aircraft carrier as soon as possible! At least some combat capabilities must be restored! Also, it's time to take out the weapons that Tianma plans to manufacture!"

"War may be coming soon!"

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury stood in his command position, staring at the sky in front of the aerospace carrier, as if he had made a decision in his heart, and told Hill!

"But, sir..."

After hearing Nick Fury's order, Hill hesitated, as if he had something to say!

"Don't say any more, execute the order! We can't hand over the safety of the entire world to those who do not belong to the leadership of any government department, the so-called Justice League!"

Nick Fury felt Hill's hesitation, and then spoke softly, stopping what she was going to say next!

Nick Fury was also full of helplessness at this time. If those people were members of his Avengers, he could trust them unconditionally!

However, they are out of their own control and do not even obey any organization or government! In this case, Nick Fury had to make some preparations to prevent the serious consequences of their failure!

"Yes, sir!"

Seeing Nick Fury's determined expression, Hill didn't continue talking!

Everything is being deployed in an orderly manner under Nick Fury's orders!

A few minutes later, a Kun-style fighter also separated from the aerospace carrier, and quickly chased in the direction where Tony and the others left!


"Stark, why did Loki stop now, and he seems to be in the middle of New York City now! What is his purpose there?"

at this time,

Tony and others took the aircraft and followed Loki's whereabouts. Banner looked at the red dot on the map and said to Tony!

"Fark, Loki's destination is Stark Building! He must want to use the Ark reactor there to power the Rubik's Cube!"

Tony also saw the location where Loki stopped at this time, which was the Stark Building that he had just built not long ago! And after a little thought, I understood the purpose of Loki's trip!

"No, the speed of the aircraft is too slow. I'd better rush over first. It would be fine if Loki just borrowed the power from the reactor! But if he destroys the Stark Building, it will not be worth the loss!"

After thinking about it carefully, Tony still couldn't let it go. He was very worried that the building he had just built was destroyed by Loki!

"Everyone, I'll take one step first, and you can follow after!"

Tony put on the nano armor, jumped off the aircraft again, and flew towards the Stark Building quickly!

"Let's speed up and keep up, otherwise there may be unexpected situations!"


Tony's speed is very fast, especially at this time, he is worried about the safety of his building, and the speed has risen a notch again!

Within minutes, Tony was able to see New York City, as well as his own iconic Stark Building!

"Fortunately, my building should not have been damaged!"

Looking at the Stark Building still standing there, Tony also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Loki did not destroy the Stark Building's mind! Instead, he's getting ready to summon his army of aliens!

Tony quickly flew to the top of his building, but saw that Loki was instructing an old man to do something, and in front of them a device several meters high stood at the highest point of the building!

And that old man is Dr. Silvig, who is controlled by Loki. He is connecting the device and the reactor. It seems that he wants to charge the device!

"Hey, you reindeer, what do you want to do if you don't stay in the zoo well?"

When Tony saw this, he didn't take the initiative to interrupt their movements, but flew over them and mocked Loki!

"You...why did you come so quickly?"

After Loki found Tony wearing a battle armor, his face changed instantly! Exclaimed in disbelief!

He thought that the chaos caused by the aerospace carrier would hold those people back for a while. As long as he successfully opened the wormhole and summoned the Qitarui army, it would be useless for those people to come over!

But he didn't expect that Tony almost followed him here! And his device is not ready yet!

Moreover, the fighting power of this earthman is extremely strong, even he can't easily defeat him! If he shoots directly at this time and destroys this device, then his plan will fall short in an instant!

This was not the result that Loki wanted to see, so his face turned gloomy in an instant, holding a mind scepter and using his divine power to shoot a blue beam of light at Tony in the sky!

He wants to personally hold the earthling in front of him, so that he cannot interrupt the power supply of the device!


"Oh, are you angry? But since you want to fight, then I will fight with you!"

Tony turned sideways, dodging Loki's attack, and then said something to Loki in a relaxed tone! Suddenly, he accelerated and rushed towards Loki!


Loki was directly knocked out by Tony in the armor and fell on the platform below, and Tony continued to chase Loki on the ground as if he didn't see Dr. Silveger, who was still stepping up his action next to him!

"Haha, he was actually fooled! What an arrogant and stupid earthling!"

Although Loki looked rather embarrassed at this time, when he saw that Tony didn't destroy the device, he instantly became very happy. As long as he could last for a minute, he wouldn't need to be afraid of this earthling after that!

Immediately, Loki did not confront Tony directly. He was always fleeing and dodging in various ways. From time to time, he used his psychic scepter to attack Tony to prevent Tony's attention from leaving him!

And Tony is like a cat playing a mouse, constantly firing palm cannons at Loki, forcing Loki to keep fleeing!

He even landed directly on the ground and had a close-quarters fight with Loki!

For a while, the clanging sound of the two fighting each other kept ringing, and the Stark Building on the top floor was also destroyed! Affected by the battle between the two!

The energy beams emitted by the two from time to time bombarded the surrounding walls and buildings, leaving a deep trace directly, blowing black smoke, as if hit by a hot laser! In the fight between the two, a minute passed quietly, and Dr. Silveger over there seemed to have started the device, and the whole device radiated blue light!


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