Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 214 Play the villain to the end

"Thanos? What the hell is this name! How did this guy Li Yue come up with such a name!"

I heard Li Yue's domineering self-reported name! Tony and the others couldn't help but slander in their hearts! Almost all of them had never heard the name at this time!

I never knew that in the future of other universes, it was this purple potato essence named Thanos who caused them tremendous harm!

"This ignorant country bumpkin! How dare he call himself Thanos! Aren't you afraid that the real Thanos will come to trouble him?" But Loki, who was still bound and lying on the ground not far away, was of course to Thanos. The name hits the ears! Even the messenger behind his coming to earth this time is Thanos!

Although in Loki's heart, there is also no lack of ideas to use him! But for his status as the overlord of the universe, Loki still recognizes it very much!

Now I hear that someone dares to pretend to be the name of the overlord of the universe! He couldn't help but feel extremely funny in his heart! ...

"Thanos, what are you doing on Earth suddenly? Why did you attack us? You even stole the universe cube!"

The captain seems to be too deeply into the play at this time, and continues to immerse himself in his own world, as if the one standing in front of him is not his friend Li Yue, but a bully from the universe!

"Snatch? No, no, no, I'm just taking things that didn't belong to you in the first place! The Cube of the Universe has never belonged to the earth, nor to humans, nor to any of you!"

"The power of the universe cube is beyond your imagination, and you humans are not worthy of controlling such a powerful thing! Only I, Thanos, are qualified to own it and have the right to use it!" Seeing the captain's acting skills exploded , Li Yue certainly can't let himself be ashamed!

He looked at the universe Rubik's cube in his hand with infatuation, as if he was addicted to the azure blue light, and at the same time disdainfully said to the captain and others!

"Fuck, although I know he's acting, what he said is false! But I still want to beat him from the bottom of my heart. What's the matter?"

Li Yue's acting skills also exploded at this time, the kind of look that is immersed in his own world and dismissive of others!

Even everyone who knew that Li Yue was acting at this time had an idea in their hearts that they couldn't help but teach the people in front of them a lesson!

"Then we'll let you see, who is the real unqualified to own it!"

Tony even seemed to be a little embarrassed and angry. He directly put on the battle armor, and flew out a dozen specially made small tracking missiles from his shoulders, bombing in the direction of Li Yue!

Then Tony kept moving, violent flames erupted from his feet, his body was parallel to the ground, and he rushed towards Li Yue! And clenched his fists and punched Li Yue's face!

As soon as Tony shot, he directly used all his strength, but he still kept some, at least he used a powerful hot weapon to attack without coming up, but wanted to fight Li Yue up close!

Of course, Tony is still very clear that they are acting at this time, but because of this, he has to use all his strength. Anyway, in Tony's opinion, even if all of them use all their strength to besiege Li Yue at this time, it is estimated that they will be against him. Not much trouble!

However, Tony would not admit that he was really annoyed by Li Yue's words just now, so he would use his full strength to openly retaliate against him!


"Damn it, Tony, you really want to beat me as Thanos!"

Seeing that Tony came up with a combo similar to the scene of the Avengers III fighting Thanos, Li Yue felt speechless for a while!

However, Li Yue is not a tyrant, and he will not be beaten by Tony's tricks when he comes up! He gently waved the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and the blade surface flew out the dozen or so tracking bombs that were charging at him with incomparable precision!

boom! boom! boom……

Tracker bombs explode in the distance, sending a wave of smoke and heat!

And Tony's figure rushed over immediately, and punched Li Yue with a punch!

I have to say that Tony's timing is not bad,

If it is an ordinary person, even if it is defended against the bombardment of those tracking bombs, it will take a while to react! But Tony's attack followed closely, making it almost impossible to react!

Even Thanos suffered the loss of Tony's combo at the beginning, so that Tony won a blood!



Seeing Tony rushing over, Li Yue also prepared to carry the villain to the end, and snorted heavily! Then, the three-pointed two-edged knife held in the right hand slammed into the ground!

After releasing his right hand, Li Yue also clenched his right fist, and greeted Tony who was rushing towards him with an ordinary punch!

However, compared to Tony's full-strength burst, Li Yue of course just hit it casually, and he didn't even take a step to accumulate power!


But with just a light punch, Tony, who was wearing a battle armor, didn't have the ability to compete with him. Instead, he was knocked back!

On the other hand, Li Yue took the all-out blow from Tony wearing the armor, and his body didn't even shake at all!

"Everyone, let's go together!"

Tony, who flew back upside down, rolled a few times in the air, and finally stabilized his body in a hurry, and then said to the other people who were still dumbfounded beside him!

"It's not good to besiege Li Yue like this!"

Although they thought so in their hearts, their bodies were still very honest and rushed towards Li Yue!

There are not many opportunities to besiege Li Yue like today, so they feel that it is necessary to seize the opportunity and besiege Li Yue well!

Anyway, he is acting now. Although Li Yue is powerful, he still needs to keep his strength even if he is besieged! So as not to really hurt other people!

But Tony and the others don't need this, they can try their best to use all their strength to attack Li Yue!

It is for this reason that there are some incredible scenes at the scene!

Tony and the others rushed straight to Li Yue, but almost all of them were beaten back by Li Yue with one punch and one kick! Only Sol's combat power is stronger, and he can surpass Li Yue in a few moves! And then there was only Thor in the field with the Storm Axe!

When Sol was holding a storm axe, when he fought against Li Yue, violent lightning filled a radius of more than ten meters around the two of them, and lightning flashed and thundered for a while, making people feel a little dazzled!

Li Yue could almost ignore the lightning power that Sol burst out! But not everyone else!

So when Sol and Li Yue were fighting, other people couldn't get close to them at all, they could only use long-range attacks from afar!

But even if the energy beam released by Tony hit Li Yue directly, it would not cause any damage to him!


"Fuck, the skin of this Thanos is too thick! It can't be moved at all!"

Tony exclaimed in exclamation while continuously releasing energy beams to harass Li Yue who was fighting with Sol!

He did this only because he noticed Natasha and Patton who were watching! It shows that he and others have attacked with all their strength, and it is only because the other party is too powerful!


However, at this moment, Sol, who was fighting with Li Yue in the field, was finally unable to escape, and was punched in the chest by Li Yue and flew out! Hit the wall and set off countless rubble!

For the rough-skinned Sol, Li Yue did not deliberately keep his hand, so the punch seemed to be a bit heavier!

So much so that Sol lay on the ground for a long time and didn't get up, and he didn't know if it was real or fake! The silver lightning that was lingering around him actually slowly dissipated! It's like being beaten back to the prototype!

"Sol!" The crowd exclaimed!

"Damn, now it's our turn!"

The captain was covered in flames, and the intense high temperature kept everyone away from him!

He clung to the shield in his hands and rushed to Li Yue first! The others followed closely, and the momentum of their charge was really like that for a while!

"I... what should I do? Should I transform?"

Only Dr. Banner stood there, not knowing what to do!


After rushing to Li Yue at a very fast speed, the captain shook the shield in his hand imperceptibly, and his eyes flashed at Li Yue!

It was as if he was saying to Li Yue, "Come on, hit here!"

Li Yue understood, ignoring the high temperature of more than 2,000 degrees carried on the captain's body, clenched his fists and blasted towards the center of the shield!


There was a loud bang, and the place where the fist and the shield intersected, actually caused a huge explosion of air! There was even an invisible gust of wind, which swept towards the surroundings to the extent that it was visible to the naked eye!

And the captain also flew back in response, and also hit the wall like Sol and fell to the ground, not knowing whether to live or die! The vibrating gold shield in his hand also rolled aside! Downside down to the ground!

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