"What are the two of them talking about in the sky? Why haven't they come down to help!"

At this time, Rocket Raccoon, after the shackles to protect the Infinity Stones, has really improved a lot, and can almost kill a soldier under Thanos with a single shot.

And looking up from time to time, the two figures who were constantly being bombarded by the continuous artillery bombardment from the Thanos battleship in the air, without a trace of damage, said to the small tree Groot next to them.

"I'm Groot (and I don't know)!" However, Groot didn't even know what the two were talking about.

Of course, the Rockets have no plans to get the answers they want from Groot at all.

He just couldn't help whining. ...

On the other hand, Thanos, who had succeeded in the bombing at the beginning, had already escaped the control of the Scarlet Witch.

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the bombardment, he continued to rush towards the rocket's position, trying to get the Infinity Stones as soon as possible and end the war.

However, he had just run a few meters away when a figure holding a shield blocked his way.

And then, two figures appeared again, crashing down from the sky, standing beside the first person to appear. "Thanos, it's time for the reconciliation between us."

After the captain, Tony, and Sol blocked the way of Thanos, they did not continue to talk nonsense with Thanos, but rushed towards him directly.

And Thanos was also a little physically and mentally exhausted at this time. He was injured by Li Yue before, and although he recovered a little, he was almost torn apart by the Scarlet Witch just now.

Even if he was as strong as Thanos, he felt quite helpless when he saw the three people standing in front of him and madly rushing towards him.

This battle can be regarded as the most difficult battle that Thanos has fought since his expedition to the universe.

The opponent's strength is not weak, otherwise, he can't force himself to this level, and he can only look forward to getting the Infinity Gems as soon as possible, in order to turn defeat into victory.


"Then let me kill the three of you first, and then go grab the Infinity Stones."

Although Thanos at this time has already gone through the previous rounds of battles, he is no longer in the peak state.

Even the big knife in his hand was almost half left. And only the remaining half has already become pitted.

But facing the three people in front of him, Thanos also did not show any look of wanting to retreat.

He clenched the broken sword in his hand tightly, and stared at the three people who were rushing towards him in front of him.

The battle between the two sides was about to break out, and it entered a white-hot stage from the beginning.

Wearing a battle armor, Tony rushed into the air, continuously firing energy beams at Thanos for long-range harassment.

Sol and Captain, face off against Thanos on the ground.

Silver lightning swirled around the storm axe, and was swung by Thor and slashed towards Thanos.

At the same time, in the other hand, Thor's Hammer smashed at Thanos from time to time.

For a time, there were hardly any other figures around the four of them fighting, as if space was deliberately reserved for them to fight.

The silver lightning flashes constantly, and the yellow beam pulsates out to the surroundings. The roar of the collision between the sword and the shield sounded one after another.

At this time, the battle between the Big Three and Thanos was no worse than the previous scene where Li Yue and Thanos fought.

Even better for viewing.

The two sides have come and gone, and the tricks are deadly, without any fancy.

Originally, the strength of the three of Tony was not enough to compete with the peak Thanos, but at this time Thanos was not in the peak state at all, and the captain and others were almost in the peak state at this time.

Under this situation, Thanos was unable to defeat the three in a short period of time.


Thanos, who felt that this was not the way to go, made a decision in his heart to endure Thor's hammer bombardment, seize an opportunity, and blast the captain out with one punch.

Then he threw the sword in his hand to the sky,

It slammed directly on Tony in the sky.

After knocking the two out, Thanos put all his hatred on Saul and attacked him for a while.

At this time, Thor selectively forgot that he was originally a mage, and instead held the Storm Axe and Thor's Hammer to fight against Thanos hand-to-hand.

Soon, Thor fell into a disadvantage, and even Thor's Hammer was beaten out, and I don't know where it fell.


At the same time, the three of them did not know that Doctor Strange, who was watching the entire battlefield, was already in an extremely tangled state.

In his original expectation, he should play in the water behind the army at this time.

But now, because of the appearance of Li Yue, the battle positions between them and Thanos have changed beyond recognition.

At this time, they were in the forest, but Li Yue made a big move to make them look like this.

However, this place is far away from the water source behind the Fulian Base. The expected flooding is simply not possible.

So Doctor Strange is very entangled at this time, should he fight against Thanos with Tony and others?

If I personally participate, it will definitely change the future. Doctor Strange cannot know whether it is good or bad.

This is the concern of those who have the power of time, and the more they know, the more they have to worry about.

Just like Gu Yi, although he knows everything that will happen in the future, he cannot easily participate in it. He can only let himself wait quietly for death to approach, and hand over the position of Supreme Mage to the next successor.


Just when Thor was suppressed by Thanos and almost lost his ability to resist, the Thor's Hammer, which he had fallen to the side before, suddenly moved away from the ground and was lifted up.

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and crashed on the ground, even attracting the attention of Thanos and Sol, who were competing for power.

"Cough, sorry Captain, I didn't mean to interrupt you to pretend."

Li Yue looked at the captain who held a shield in his left hand and Thor's Hammer in his right hand, feeling quite helpless.

He really didn't expect that things happened so coincidentally, when he came over, it was the highlight moment when the captain picked up Thor's Hammer.

However, now it was interrupted by the self who suddenly appeared.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue still felt a little sorry for the captain.

"Uh, it's okay, Mr. Li Yue. However, are you here to fight Thanos with us?"

The captain was also a little embarrassed. Originally, he was going to hold the Thor's Hammer that recognized him and have a vigorous battle with Thanos.

"It seems that the set of tricks I expected at the beginning can't be used now."

But it's over before it even started. This made the captain somewhat regretful.

"I'm not here to help you against Thanos, but to end this battle."

Afterwards, Li Yue flashed the glove inlaid with the Infinity Gems to the captain, and said with a smile on his face.

"Thanos, stop, you have already lost."

Afterwards, Li Yue turned around and said loudly to Thanos.

"This is... Infinity Stone? Why is it in your hands?"

Thanos looked at the glove in Li Yue's hand that was shining with various colors, and was extremely shocked, and subconsciously let go of the hand that was holding Sol.

"Isn't this thing in our hands all the time? It's just that I want to use it for you now."

Li Yue said to Thanos in a very relaxed tone. At the same time, he slowly put the Nano Infinity Glove on his right hand.

"everything is over."

Thanos watched Li Yue put on his gloves, and subconsciously wanted to rush to stop it, but he saw the people who were already guarding Li Yue at this time, and Li Yue's strength beyond himself.

Thanos' tense body also relaxed instantly, and he staggered to a stone behind him and sat down.

"Hu...hu..." He took a few breaths of the air of this world, and the tyrant at this time knew that he was powerless now.


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