The light beam is surrounded by wisps of silver current, making the beam look like a laser cannon that can destroy everything.

With unstoppable power, the energy beam bombarded Bill's body directly.

After that, Bill only felt that his eyes instantly turned white, as if he was suddenly in a light group full of dazzling rays of light.

"What's going on? Why don't I feel the slightest pain?"

However, Bill felt a little confused at this time, because the silver-white dazzling energy beam that looked extremely terrifying just now seemed to be able to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

But when he was hit directly after being unable to escape, he felt that there was no pain in his body.

This made him feel very confused.

"What kind of power is this?"

However, the audience at the scene was not as calm as Bill was at the moment, because they saw with their own eyes that after the beam of light hit Bill's body, a huge silver mushroom cloud instantly erupted at the scene.

The silver mushroom cloud rose up in an instant, directly covering Bill's body completely, and then the terrifying aftermath of the mushroom cloud swept away again without any pause.

Ignoring the silver lightning raging in it, the terrifying power made everyone on the scene turn pale.

Even the Valkyrie sitting on the aircraft above the center of the field and watching the battle below is no exception.

Because she watched the huge mushroom cloud rise and swept towards her position.

And the rising mushroom cloud was extremely fast, and almost instantly enveloped her and her aircraft in it.

This made the Valkyrie feel very bad, and she was even ready for the aircraft to be instantly destroyed by this powerful force.

However, then she was extremely surprised to find that she and her aircraft seemed to be completely unharmed.

There was no pain in her body, but she was surrounded by a vast expanse of white, and she could even see a trace of silver current flickering in it.

"What exactly is going on?"

The Valkyrie couldn't help but raised her own questions in her heart.


"Hurry up and open the energy shield!"

At this time, Gao Tianzun was in a very sad mood. He didn't expect that he would still be unable to change the fate of the entire arena being destroyed by Li Yue.

However, he didn't really care about this arena, even if it was destroyed, it would be destroyed. But there are nearly a million people of Saka Star in the stands here, and they are all his people.

As a ruler, even if he rules a planet, if there are not many people on the planet he rules to be ruled by him, then he will have no sense of accomplishment.

So he can give up this huge arena that cost a lot of money and manpower to build, but he can't just give up the lives of millions of people.

Fortunately, he was prepared before and arranged a very advanced energy shield around the stands.

And this energy shield just came in handy at this time, just to protect the audience.


The female guard beside Gao Tianzun saw Gao Tianzun's expression very eagerly, without any hesitation, she directly took the scepter in his hand, and then raised it high.

In an instant, streaks of blue brilliance flashed from the top of the scepter, like a little blue meteor, flying towards the surroundings quickly.

And these meteor-like blue light spots just quickly disappeared into the sky above the stands in each direction.

Then, a light blue transparent mask was quickly generated, and the process did not take even a second.

"Huh, it should be fine now."

Seeing that almost all the spectators in the stands were protected by a light blue transparent mask, Gao Tianzun breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this kind of mask looks very weak, as if it can be easily pierced with a finger, Gao Tianzun understands its power very well.

Even a space battleship that can annihilate an asteroid with one blow, this energy shield can barely block an attack.

And the technology of this energy shield was also dug out from the garbage heap.

But that junk was huge, a spacecraft with a diameter of thousands of kilometers.

I don't know what enemy attacked it, and it was finally destroyed and tattered, and then flowed to the Saka star like garbage.

The advanced technology above was also almost completely destroyed. Only this energy shield technology is still well preserved, and it was developed by Gao Tianzun's subordinates.


When the energy shield rose, Gao Tianzun was relieved.

Although he felt a little distressed about his arena, but the matter has come to this point, it is very good that he can protect the nearly one million spectators.

However, the development of the event was somewhat beyond his expectations.

That power was so terrifying that even Gao Tianzun felt that the mushroom cloud, which could easily completely destroy the entire arena, stopped for some unknown reason after the strong power swept through the wall in front of the stand.

It seems that there is an invisible and strange energy that prevents the power of the explosion from continuing to spread and sweep around.

Then, there was a burst of energy that lasted for a few minutes.

The huge mushroom cloud has not dissipated for a long time, and the huge thunder and lightning are constantly raging inside, and it looks like it is going through the end of the world.

"What the hell is going on here? Can anyone survive here?"

Countless spectators were stunned for dozens of seconds before finally coming back to their senses, looking at this apocalyptic scene in shock.

They couldn't imagine whether anyone could survive in such a harsh environment.

Anyway, they knew that if it was themselves, they would not be able to survive even a thousandth of a second, and would be directly torn to pieces by the terrifying huge lightning.

"This? Why does something feel wrong?"

And Gao Tianzun saw that the power of the mushroom cloud only swept to a certain extent and stopped strangely, and did not immediately destroy the entire arena as he imagined.

There was still a hint of happiness in his heart.

And in his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen for no reason. If no one took action to control the power of the explosion spreading outward, the outcome of the matter would definitely not be what it is today.

When the entire arena is directly razed to the ground, it will be light, and it is even possible that half of the city will be directly destroyed, and the violent shock wave can even sweep dozens of kilometers away.

And soon, Gao Tianzun thought that the person who shot was probably the initiator of this explosion, Mr. Li Yue.

However, this should have made him happy, but at this moment, a not so good feeling appeared in his heart.


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