After Li Yue used his frozen breath, the flames in the building where the firefighters were helpless was extinguished almost instantly.

Even this wasn't over, the entire building's surface and interior were instantly covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

"Cough, it seems a little too much."

Seeing the situation that he had caused in front of him, Li Yue felt a little embarrassed.

This was one of the few times he used this ability to extinguish the flame, so he didn't have much experience and couldn't control the cold air that was blown out, so the building was covered with frost.

Fortunately, Li Yue saw that the situation was not good, and stopped using his abilities in time, so he didn't freeze the entire building.

Otherwise, the masses trapped by the flames might not have been burned to death by the fire, but frozen to death by the cold brought by his frozen breath.

However, the people who survived inside now probably won't feel too well. Just now, they were in an environment where they were being roasted like a stove, but the next moment they were shrouded in extreme cold.

However, Li Yue wanted to come. Although those people were not feeling well, there would be no danger to their lives after all. It was better than being burned to death by a fire.

Thinking of this, the guilt in Li Yue's heart disappeared a lot in an instant.

"Wow, well done, Superman!"

The crowd watching below, including those firefighters who were just fighting in the sea of ​​​​fire, at this time saw that the fire was blown out by "Superman" in one breath. Naturally, they were very happy and cheered directly to Li Gao who was floating in the air. and applaud.

"This reaction doesn't seem right?"

Li Yue looked at the cheering and applauding onlookers below, and felt that the current atmosphere seemed a little wrong.

He always felt that the people below saw him appear and save a serious fire.

Although the expression was very excited, it was far from the incomparably surprised expression that should have appeared when the dead superhero was suddenly resurrected and appeared in front of their eyes.

"Forget it, now that I have appeared, I can wait quietly for those curious people to come to the door!"

However, Li Yue didn't care too much, and was ready to fly away directly.

But when he was about to fly directly away from here, he suddenly felt that a figure was flying towards him from the distant sky at a very fast speed.

Li Yue's first reaction was that the military saw his presence, so he sent a plane to investigate the situation.

"How is this possible? Isn't he supposed to be dead by now?"

However, when Li Yue felt the figure flying towards him quickly, the expression on his face instantly became a little shocked, and he felt very unbelievable.


"It's absolutely impossible for me to feel wrong! Then, is the person flying towards here really a great super? And still a living super?"

Li Yue was a little confused at this time.

He didn't expect that Da Chao, who he thought was dead at this time, actually appeared in front of him alive at this time.

Of course, this is nothing. It's a pity that the current Li Yue was approached by the deity himself when he was playing the other side.

It's like the fake Li Gui meets the real Li Kui, how embarrassing Li Yue is at this moment.

However, during this period of time when he was in a daze, the superman in the distance had already flown to a place not far from him at an extremely fast speed.

Then Da Chao slowly stopped flying, and his body floated quietly in the air nearly 100 meters in front of Li Yue.

With both curious and extremely solemn expressions in his eyes, he stared at Li Yue on the opposite side.

"Who are you? Why are you pretending to be me?"

Clark felt very unfamiliar after seeing Li Yue's face, and realized that he should have never seen each other before.

However, the other party has abilities similar to their own.

This made Clark naturally think that the other party is likely to be of the same race as himself, and they are all Kryptonians.

But the other party disguised himself as himself and swaggered in front of everyone, what did he want to do?

This made Clark very curious.

At this time, although the two were 100 meters apart, they could clearly see each other's faces.

And both of them have super hearing, so although Superman's voice is very small, Li Yue can hear it very clearly.

"How should I answer him? Could it be that I liked watching your movies before, so this time I have the opportunity to experience what it's like to be you?"

However, when he heard Dachao's question, Li Yue could only be silent, with a speechless appearance.

After all, he had never thought that he had miscalculated the time and acted as Superman during the time when Da Chao was still alive.


"Hehe, if you want to know who I am, then catch up with me first!"

However, although he couldn't say why he pretended to be Superman, Li Yue was ready to compete with the Superman at this time.

Although he has absolute confidence in his heart, his ability at this time must surpass the super in film and television.

But people are in front of them now, and there is such a good opportunity to learn from each other in person, why not do it.

Therefore, Li Yue directly smiled and said to Da Chao, then without any hesitation, he found a direction and flew away.

To be honest, there was no provocative tone in Li Yue's words, but Da Chao didn't feel that way at this time.

After all, when this mysterious man first appeared, he was dressed in almost the same clothes as himself, and also had a red cloak that was as windy as himself.

And flying in the air, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly tell that the other party is not a real Superman.

At this time, the other party said this to himself again, which naturally made Superman feel that the precise goal of the other party's appearance this time was for him.

Although Superman didn't quite understand for a while, what was the purpose of the other party to find him.

But he would never have thought that the other party did such a thing because of a wrong judgment and felt that he should be dead now.

After being provoked by the other party, although Clark didn't feel much anger in his heart, it was not that he didn't react at all.

Moreover, what he is thinking now is to first understand what the other party wants to do when he appears here.

Therefore, Clark had no other choice at this time. He could only follow Li Yue's movements and chased directly in the direction Li Yue flew away.

The speed of the two was very fast, breaking the sound barrier almost instantly, and then also continued to accelerate.

The two disappeared from the sight of the crowd below in an instant, but the news that two supermen appeared at the same time instantly detonated the whole world.


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