Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 479 Stop Talking

"Forget it, it doesn't make much sense to fight him. Let's have a good chat with him and figure out the current situation as soon as possible."

Seeing that Clark did not continue to attack himself, Li Yue felt that the time was almost there.

Next, let's use the other party to find out the specific situation of this world.

The Oolong incident just now appeared again in the province, and he came out to pretend to be Superman when Superman was not dead, and was later discovered by others and came to him.

Moreover, Li Yue was also a little curious as to which aspect of the problem was causing Superman to not die at this time.

After all, the little Flash has already obtained the speed force at this time. According to the development of the plot, Superman should have been dead for a while.

But the fact that Superman is alive now cannot be changed, so Li Yue wants to find out as soon as possible what is the reason for this situation.

However, if you want to chat, naturally you can't continue in space.

Thinking of this, Li Yue did not hesitate, gestured at Clark with his eyes, then accelerated directly and flew towards the earth below.

"What is he trying to do?"

Clark looked at Li Yue who was flying towards the ground, and when he remembered his seemingly friendly gesture just now, he felt very puzzled.

However, he was naturally not afraid of any conspiracy by Li Yue, so he followed Li Yue at an accelerated speed and chased after Li Yue.

The speed of the two was very fast, but at this time, neither of them used their full strength to fly. After all, they were just landing on the ground, not a thrilling and tense battle, and there was no need to fly so fast.

In just a few dozen seconds, the two came to the ground from space.

After landing on the ground one after the other, the two of them were separated by a distance of more than ten meters, staring at each other, and did not speak for a long time.


"Okay, we shouldn't need to continue fighting now."

Li Yue looked at Superman in front of him and said with a relaxed expression.

He has almost completely understood the strength of Superman at this time just now.

And this is also considered to be the fulfillment of a dream of his previous life,

Fighting Superman in person.

And now, he doesn't want to continue fighting with Superman, and it doesn't make much sense to continue like this.

Therefore, Li Yue directly opened his mouth to express a truce.

"Who are you? Are you from Krypton like me?"

Hearing Li Yue's words, Clark did not object, his tense body slowly relaxed, and he was secretly relieved.

If the opponent insists on continuing to fight, Clark cannot guarantee how long he will be able to fight with the opponent in the future.

After all, the opponent's strength is much more than his own, and even if he uses his full strength, he cannot cause any harm to him.

Even, he doesn't need to use all his strength to easily block his own attack.

However, Clark immediately asked Li Yue about his identity.

Karak was very curious as to whether the other party was really from Krypton, as he had guessed, the same as himself.

Clark even had some expectations that the other party could give him a positive answer.

In this way, there is still some consolation in his heart, at least then, he is not the only Kryptonian surviving.

"No, no, I'm different from you. I'm not from Krypton, but a down-to-earth earthling."

Regarding Clark's inquiry, Li Yue told the truth directly and denied that he was a Kryptonian.

"What? Are you an Earthling? How is this possible? Your power..."

Hearing Li Yue's answer that he was not a Kryptonian, Clark felt very disappointed for a moment. He originally thought that he had seen his compatriots, but in the end, it turned out to be empty joy.

But soon, Clark suddenly remembered that the other party said he was an earthling.

But in Clark's view, although there are some people on earth who have powerful special abilities.

However, people like Li Yue, who have more strength than himself, have almost never seen them.

This made an extremely shocked expression on Clark's face immediately. He could hardly believe that the other party said that he was an earthling.


"Hehe, nothing is impossible. Don't underestimate the people on Earth. It's not just you Kryptonians who have the right to have such a powerful power."

Seeing a look of shock on Clark's handsome face, Li Yue replied with a smile.

"No, I have never underestimated the Earthlings, and I admire the Earthlings very much. In their blood, there are some very admirable spirits flowing, which are also the objects I want to learn. For example, mine..."

Speaking of humans, Clark didn't show the slightest contempt on his face.

Even, he seemed to fall into some kind of memory in an instant, with a look of memory in his eyes, and a look of memory on his face, but at the end of his speech, his words stopped abruptly.

"It seems that he is thinking of his adoptive father."

Although Clark didn't finish speaking, Li Yue naturally understood what Clark wanted to say very easily.

"It's just that your situation is something I've never heard of, and it's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes. This makes me a little unbelievable."

Soon, Clark was freed from his memories, then returned to his calm expression and spoke slowly to Li Yue.

"Haha, just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"For example, you are not the only Kryptonian in the universe. In parallel universes you have never been to, there are countless existences like you. And in a certain world, you even have a cousin! "

Li Yue naturally caught the disappointed expression in Clark's eyes when he heard that he was not a Kryptonian.

It dawned on him almost instantly that Clark should feel very alone at this time.

Although, he has the strength to dominate the earth, and also has a perfect appearance.

But as the only Kryptonian surviving on Earth, he is lonely in his heart, and with this loneliness, other people are completely unable to help him.

Therefore, Li Yue felt that he could reveal some news about the parallel universe to Clark, so that he could reduce some of the feeling of loneliness.

"What did you say? I'm not the only Kryptonian left? Are you telling the truth?"

Clark had regained his calm expression, but after hearing Li Yue's words, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face again.

He didn't know if what the other party said was true.

However, in his heart he was looking forward to it, and what Li Yue said was true.

"Of course it's true, but it's not easy for you to meet them now, so don't get too excited."

Li Yue replied with a smile.


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