Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 483 Grandpa's Doubt

Bruce Wayne, the most popular superhero in the DC universe, is affectionately called Grandpa by fans.

Even Superman, who has great power, is slightly less popular than him.

As a mortal body and a representative of gods, he is not like other superheroes, he has powerful superpowers with extraordinary talents.

What he has, just after hard training, has a physique and fighting ability far beyond ordinary people.

Of course, he also owns a family business with assets worth more than 100 million yuan. As he said, having money is his superpower.

Ahem, of course, this superpower is even more enviable than some of the more tasteless abilities, and I wish I could have the same wealth as the other party.

After all, there is a saying that money can make a ghost run.

Money is everything. If you find out that money is not everything, it must be that you don't have enough money.

Back to Bruce Wayne.

When he was young, he lived a very happy life, owned a prominent family business, and had a pair of parents who loved him very much.

Unfortunately, the good life did not always accompany him to grow into an adult.

When he was just a few years old, he was walking down the streets of Gotham City with his parents one night when a murderer shot and killed young Bruce in front of him.

This incident, in the subsequent growth of Bruce, has always affected him.

In the end, even when Bruce grew up, he decided to turn into a superhero wearing a bat suit under the night to punish the sinful people in Gotham City.

It's just that he can turn into Batman in the middle of the night, driving high-tech Batmobiles and aircraft, and haunt any place in Gotham City.

Wear a suit of steel, walk between good and evil, become a superhero, and punish criminals who are guilty of evil.

Such cool behavior did not make Bruce Wayne feel much happiness.

He never felt like a superhero.

He even felt that he was actually not much different from those criminals,

All they do is the same.

It's just that criminals bring pain to innocent people, and he brings pain to criminals.


But lately, Bruce Wayne has been feeling very tired.

And these are all because of the incident eighteen months ago, a terrifying disaster that almost wiped out the entire earth.

Although in the end the powerful Superman tried his best to prevent the disaster.

But after this disaster happened and ended, unlike most people who would sincerely thank Superman, Bruce had a special feeling for Superman.

He doesn't trust Superman because he can't get away from the fact that he's not an Earthman, but an alien.

Of course, that's not the main reason why Bruce is wary of Superman.

On top of that, he is equally terrified of the great power Superman possesses.

But what he is afraid of is that if a superman with such a powerful strength will not continue to be kind in the future, he will no longer continue to play the role of a superhero who saves innocent people.

Instead, he becomes the incarnation of evil and uses his unparalleled power to rule the entire earth, then the entire earth will easily be completely controlled by him.

At that time, there will be almost no one in the whole earth who can oppose him, and almost no one can stop him from ruling the whole world.

So, Bruce wants to do something so that after Superman goes black, no one can stand up and stop him.

It's a pity that Superman is Superman, his strength is terrifying, and he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses.

Until now, Bruce has not found a way to restrain him.

However, Bruce naturally would not compromise so easily.

Moreover, he still has a long time to prepare now, after all, Superman has not done anything evil at the moment.


However, Bruce did not expect that he has now encountered a mysterious hacker invasion.

Bruce paid no attention to the $100 million lost in his account.

What he cares more about is who is this mysterious person who is powerful enough to use him as a back garden and can easily enter.

Moreover, he was a little fortunate that the other party seemed to be only interested in his money, and did not steal the information from his system by the way.

Of course, it's not that Bruce didn't test and counterattack, trying to take back control of his system from the opponent.

But after he tried for more than ten seconds, he had no choice but to give up.

The power of the other party is far beyond his imagination. The other party seems to be not a human being, but a god of the Internet.

He easily disintegrated all his counterattacks. He is not weaker than some powerful hackers' computer skills, but in the hands of the opponent he is like a child, and he cannot make any threats to him at all.

Then, after transferring the money from the account, the other party left without any intention of staying.

Immediately afterwards, his computer returned to normal in an instant, and then all the facilities in the basement also returned to normal, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

But Bruce understands that this is not an illusion, because there is indeed a $100 million less in his account.

"Who is this guy who hacked my computer? What is his purpose? Is it really just for money?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to have left, strong doubts arose in Bruce's heart.

"No, it's absolutely impossible. The other party is definitely a world-class top hacker, and it may even be a top-level team composed of several top hackers. It will never do this for such a small amount of money."

But the next moment, Bruce directly denied his idea. He didn't believe that spending so much energy to invade his system was just to steal 100 million US dollars.

"But, if that's the case, what is the other party doing this for? Why is he completely disdainful of the other information on my computer when he has the opportunity?"

The original Bruce was very suspicious. After experiencing this very strange thing at this moment, he naturally wouldn't think that the other party would spend a lot of energy to invade his system just for 100 million dollars.

After all, a hacker with such a powerful strength can easily get 100 million US dollars. He doesn't need to come to him specially and spend more energy to invade his system.

However, the other party did so and only took away the 100 million US dollars in his account, and even left several billion US dollars to be taken away. Not the slightest interest in the world-class top technology in his computer.

Bruce was completely in a state of confusion at this time. Not only did he not understand why the other party did this, but he had no information at all about the identity of the hacker.

And when the other party left, he didn't leave any clues.

His idea of ​​finding each other along the Internet simply didn't work.

"Alfred, it seems that we have to strengthen the firewall here."

Afterwards, Bruce, who could only put this matter aside temporarily, said something to himself with a very solemn expression.


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