Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 488 Injustice Superman

At this time, Bruce fell into a very strange state, as if he was having a nightmare.

But his purpose is very firm, that is, to get the kryptonite meteorite that can restrain the superman like a god and come to earth with superman.

This green stone is not only very hard, but its main function is to make Superman who is near the stone lose his ability.

Let him change from a god who can easily destroy the world to an ordinary mortal.

So, kryptonite is Superman's only weakness.

And Batman's current purpose is to get kryptonite from some rebels of the Superman regime, and then use these kryptonites to find an opportunity to overthrow the cruel regime ruled by Superman.

The beginning of the transaction went well, but when it was about to end, Batman Bruce discovered that the person who provided him with kryptonite had deceived him.

The other side is someone who obeys the rule of Superman.

And this transaction is all about deceiving him here.

Knowing that he was fooled, Bruce fought hard, but he was only one person after all. His fists were invincible with four hands, and he was soon subdued by Superman's minions and some kind of very vicious-looking monster.

And Bruce was directly knocked unconscious.

After waking up again, Bruce found that he had been controlled, and there were some humans around who also opposed Superman's rule tied in this dark dungeon.


While waiting for Bruce to explore the surrounding situation, a sound like a plane flying over suddenly reached his ears.

This voice Bruce was very familiar with, but he was very unwilling to hear this voice at this time, or in other words, he was afraid to see the figure that appeared with this voice.


However, no matter what Bruce was thinking at this moment, the voice was hurriedly approaching.

After a loud bang, the dungeon was directly blasted with a big hole by a figure, and a stalwart figure in tights descended from the sky, kneeling on one knee, face down.

"Superman, here you are."

Bound Bruce,

Looking at the figure slowly raising his head, revealing a stern face that he is very familiar with, he coldly revealed his identity in his heart.

This figure that fell from the sky was the culprit that made this world become like this.

And he, once had an identity, is the righteous representative of human belief and worship: Superman.

Also Bruce's former friend and partner. Together they once fought their enemies and saved the city and the planet from the evil.

But at this time, the two sides have become mortal enemies who cannot resolve their grievances.

At this time, Superman was also given another title: Unjust Superman! Or Evil Superman.


After Superman arrived, his eyes looked directly at Bruce who was tied to the opposite side in the distance, his eyes were terrifyingly cold.

Slowly getting up, Superman slowly walked towards Bruce in the distance.

During this period, when he saw the resisters bound on both sides, he did not hesitate, and his eyes glowed with bright red light.

Two dazzling laser beams like flames shot straight out of his eyes, and then as his head turned slightly, the resisters bound on both sides were directly swept by the dazzling lasers.

what! what! what……

After a heart-wrenching scream, the rebels on both sides, without any accident, were instantly brutally killed by a dazzling laser.

"Do not!"

Bruce watched as his teammates were brutally murdered by Superman, but he couldn't rescue him, and he could only let out an unwilling roar.

However, at this time, Superman had no kindness in his heart, and he did not have any burden in his heart to kill him at this time.

Soon, after all the rebels were slaughtered, there was only one figure of Bruce left. Injustice Superman slowly approached Bruce, with no expression on his face, and the coldness made people shiver.

However, Bruce was not frightened by the expression of Injustice Superman. He stared angrily at the former teammate in front of him, who has now become a cruel executioner Superman, and felt very regretful in his heart.

He originally had the opportunity to remove this threat with his own hands.

But he didn't do it at that time, but wanted to protect the city and the earth with this person.

And it was his decision that made the current situation out of control, and the whole earth fell into "chaos".

"Bruce, I have given you many opportunities to join me in building a world without evildoers."

Injustice took off the Batman mask on Bruce's head, kept it aside, and said slowly to Bruce who showed his real face in a cold tone.

"Clarke, your methods are too brutal. You will eventually bring destruction to yourself and the entire world."

Bruce was unmoved, his eyes fixed on Superman who was close at hand.

"Hehe, I did have the same idea as you in the past, and wanted to use kindness to arouse the kindness of human beings. Unfortunately, my kindness finally made me lose her, my world, and My everything!"

When he said this, Superman's cold and cruel face unexpectedly revealed a touch of tender memories.

But it disappeared immediately, returning to the cold and cruel expression again.

"Well, since you turned down the last chance, I'm sorry, Bruce!"

Then, the expression on Superman's face gradually calmed down, and he slowly raised his hand and placed it on Bruce's abdomen.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the skin sounded, and Bruce only felt a sharp pain hit.


However, the excruciating pain disappeared in an instant, and Bruce woke up suddenly as if from a dream.

"What the hell is going on? Was that a dream just now?"

Bruce looked up suddenly and found himself sitting in front of the table.

There was some confusion in his heart, and he couldn't believe that the incomparably real feeling just now was just a nightmare he had.


However, before Bruce recovered from the extremely real and terrifying dream, he suddenly felt a dazzling light group suddenly appearing around him.

Moreover, there are countless silver-white electric currents constantly flickering around the light group, like a thunderstorm.

This situation that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes made Bruce instantly fall into a state of consternation and confusion.

He didn't know what happened, why strange things appeared one after another.

However, what made him even more unbelievable happened again. In the light group that flashed this intense light, a figure in a red battle suit suddenly appeared.

At the same time, Li Yue, who was in the hotel, also suddenly received a reminder from Xiao Der.

"Sir, what you brought to my attention has now appeared!"


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