Bruce's actions that night were disrupted by the sudden appearance of Superman. This made Bruce's fear of Superman intensified again.

A few days later, the hearing for Superman's trial was held as scheduled.

Clark, who is Superman, did not escape, but arrived at the hearing on time to accept his trial by humans.

However, this hearing is also one of Lex Luthor's plans.

He knew that just relying on the conspiracy methods he had done before could not make all humans resent Superman.

And the results of this hearing probably won't put Superman on the opposite side of humans.

So, Lex never expected the hearing to work.

And in secret, he prepared a cruel plan.

In order to pull Superman off the altar, Lex also spared no effort and went crazy.

He disregarded the lives of all the humans at the scene, and placed a bomb in the wheelchair of the man who lost his legs because of the injuries he suffered in the incident eighteen months ago.

The material of the wheelchair is also made of lead. Although this will reduce the example after the bomb explodes, it can block Superman's perspective and prevent him from discovering the bomb.

In the end, Lex's plan worked without any surprises.

The bomb he placed was also successfully detonated, and the entire hearing site was instantly destroyed by the violent explosion.

However, almost no one was injured in the explosion.

Because, just before the explosion, someone rescued everyone on the scene in advance.

And this shot is not Li Yue.

Although Li Yue was hesitant to take action at the beginning, even his figure was staring down from the sky above the scene.

However, when he found a figure surrounded by lightning, he gave up the idea of ​​helping.

That's right, it was the Flash from the world of Injustice who saved these people.

At the moment of the explosion, he only spent less than a second,

All the people on the scene were moved out.

Totally worthy of the name The Flash.

Afterwards, he left without everyone recovering from the dazed state.

Almost none of those people at the scene saw the shadow of The Flash.

They didn't even know who saved them, they just felt that they had a flower in front of them, and then they came outside.

Even Superman, who was within the range of the explosion, couldn't see what The Flash looked like.


However, when he saw the explosion at the scene, Bruce could no longer remain calm.

Although he knew in his heart that the explosion could not be Superman's masterpiece, he also knew that it might be a conspiracy against Superman.

But he couldn't just sit back and watch. He felt that as long as Superman stayed on Earth, it would cause more disasters.

So, what is Bruce going to do for the peace of mankind.

Then, without any hesitation, he put on the bat suit and went to Lex Luthor's laboratory to steal the kryptonite there.

Then started making kryptonite weapons directly, preparing for the next battle with Superman.

Although this explosion, the person sitting in the bomb wheelchair did not have time to be rescued and died, and no one was injured.

But the Superman at the scene didn't discover the bomb at the first time, so those humans who had long disliked Superman grabbed the handle.

They added fuel to the matter and expressed their strong dissatisfaction with Superman.

And Superman, also in this attack, felt a special feeling, as if no matter how good he did, there would always be humans who would not accept him.

This made Superman's heart a little shaken. He didn't know whether he should continue and continue to be a superhero who uses his own power to save mankind.


"Superman is gone!"

Several days have passed since the explosion, and Superman disappeared after the explosion.

It seems that the world has evaporated, and it has not appeared until now.

And with the disappearance of Superman, the voices of those who opposed it gradually became much smaller.

However, at this time, almost no one was happy about the disappearance of Superman.

Because, when Superman disappeared, some people were surprised to find that they felt fear and fear again.

They are afraid that when an accident occurs one day, no Superman can make him their last hope.

I don't know since when, people in danger are more inclined to pray that superman can appear in front of them and save them, rather than praying to the God who has never appeared at all.

Because Superman can really hear their call and rush to their side.

They would draw the strange symbol on Superman's chest on the ground, because according to Superman, that symbol represents hope...

However, now, the last hope, has also disappeared...

At this time, more human beings called out, calling for the return of Superman.

This sound reached its peak one day.

Because, on this day, a monster with a huge body and a terrifying face suddenly appeared in the metropolis.

And, this monster is frantically destroying!

The army sent out by humans is absolutely no match for this monster.

Even the gunship was easily smashed by this monster.

With the power of human beings, it seems that this terrifying monster cannot be stopped at all.

So, countless people started calling for Superman to return and defeat this monster!

However, those humans didn't know that the superman they were praying to appear was being abused by a human a few minutes ago, and it was too late to come to help them.


For some reason, the plot of this world ended up being a little different from the movie.

Under the clever calculation of Lex Luthor, the contradiction between Superman and Batman broke out directly.

Under the threat of Lex using Clark's adoptive mother, Clark finally had no choice but to do what Lex ordered.

And Lex asked him to trade Bruce's life for the life of his adoptive mother.

Although Clark didn't want to do this, he had lost his adoptive father before, and he didn't want to lose his adoptive mother again.

Even if he was asked to kill a human with his own hands, he could only accept it.

So, he accepted Bruce's challenge.

However, Clark still had some luck in his heart, and felt that if Bruce could unite with him, there might be a turnaround.

But as soon as the two sides met, Bruce didn't listen to his explanation at all, and directly attacked him several times in a row.

"Since you don't listen to me now, then I'll let you calm down!"

Although these attacks, there is no threat to Superman.

However, Superman was very anxious because his adoptive mother was caught, and at this time, he was provoked by Batman one after another, which finally aroused his anger.

He decided to let Bruce calm down first.

And the best way to calm him down is to beat him to calm down!


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