Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 514 Bruce first saw the Doomsday

In the command room, almost everyone was cheering enthusiastically.

When Superman appeared, whenever the earth was in danger, he needed to rely on Superman's help.

However, at this moment, mankind can proudly say that they have overcome this crisis by their own strength.

Humans don't completely need alien protection.

They can rely on their own strength to overcome difficulties.

"Wait, is there anything about that mysterious man?"

However, the commander soon recovered from his joy and asked his subordinates about the mysterious man.

"Sir, there is no sign of the other party returning to Earth."

However, the news that was obtained made the mood of the people present instantly become a little heavy.

Although the origin of this mysterious person is mysterious, he just did his best to stop that monster for the sake of mankind.

If possible, they don't want to see this result.

"Wait, sir, how is this possible! The monster still seems to have signs of life."

However, before they came and mourned for the mysterious man's sacrifice for a long time, they suddenly heard an unbelievable exclamation.

Then, everyone was shocked to find that the monster that had fallen from space and had no signs of life suddenly came to life.

This made everyone present feel very incredible that this monster was able to withstand the explosion of a nuclear bomb without dying.

"What the hell is going on here, didn't you just say it's dead?"

And the commander who heard the news was undoubtedly the one who least wanted to see such a thing.

His tone became a little irritated.

"Quick, send the nearby army to check it out, make sure that the monster is dead or alive!"

"If it's alive, it must be destroyed at any cost."

However, things have happened, and anger doesn't fix things.

The most important thing now is to determine whether the monster really should have signs of life.


"Alfred, is that monster dead?"

On the other side, when Bruce, who was driving the aircraft, saw a burning flame falling from the sky, he directly drove the aircraft and flew towards the crash site quickly.

During the flight, Bruce asked his butler, Alfred.

"Master Wayne, I'm sorry to tell you that the monster is still alive."

Hearing Bruce's question, Alfred on the opposite side replied with some helplessness.

He was also shocked by the powerful vitality of this monster, even a nuclear bomb could not kill it!

"Didn't you die?"

Hearing his butler's answer, Bruce didn't seem to be surprised at all, and repeated the sentence very calmly.

Afterwards, he quickly drove the aircraft to the location where the monster fell.

I saw that on the ground that was smashed into a deep pit, a huge smoke mixed with flames was set off, and it did not dissipate for a long time, making it almost impossible to see the things inside.


However, soon the smoke slowly dissipated.

Moreover, before the smoke and dust had completely dissipated, a roar full of anger came from inside.

It was not until the smoke was completely dispersed that Bruce finally saw a huge monster figure appearing in the smoke.

"Is this the monster? It seems that although it has withstood the bombing of the nuclear bomb without dying, it seems to have suffered serious damage?"

And now, it was the first time that Bruce had seen this very tenacious monster with his own eyes.

It's just that the monster at this time looked a little horrible.

There are scars all over the huge body, and large areas of skin seem to have been burned by the fire, leaving hideous and terrifying scars.

Even the flesh and blood on its body is missing a lot.

It looked very tragic.


"Bruce, here you are, how is my mother now?"

While Bruce was carefully observing the monster that survived the nuclear bomb explosion, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Even in the aircraft, Bruce could clearly hear the sound.

He didn't need to think about it at all, he knew who was coming.

"Alfred, help me control the aircraft."

However, the fact that the other party's voice can clearly reach his ears does not mean that Bruce's voice can be the same.

Of course, it is still possible to be accurate. After all, Bruce, who is wearing a bat suit, will be processed by a unique microphone when he speaks.

However, Bruce is still used to interacting with people face-to-face.

So, after handing over the control of the aircraft to his housekeeper, Fu, Bruce directly opened the skylight on the top, and then jumped out of the aircraft.


Although he was speechless in his heart, the housekeeper Ah Fu still took over the control of the aircraft.

And Bruce, who jumped out of the aircraft, stood firmly on the top of the aircraft. His eyes looked at Clark, who had come to him in an instant.

"Don't worry, fortunately, your mother has returned home safely now!"

Bruce looked at Clark, who was flying out of thin air, on the aircraft now, and then said slowly.

"That's good."

When Clark heard Bruce's answer, his expression became noticeably lighter.

"By the way, thank you, Mr. Bruce Wayne."

Afterwards, Clark, who had reacted, thanked Bruce in a grateful tone.

"You don't need to do this. Let's think about the things in front of us now. The vitality of this monster seems to be too tenacious, and even a nuclear bomb can't kill it."

Bruce waved his hand, telling Clark not to be so polite.

Then, Bruce focused the discussion on the monster.

As an ordinary person, facing a terrifying monster that even a nuclear bomb can't kill, Bruce didn't have a good way to deal with it in a short time.

However, this is because he has not yet carefully understood this monster at this time.

If you have a careful understanding, with Bruce's wisdom, you can definitely think of a way to deal with it quickly.

"Leave this monster to me."

Clark, who was no longer worried, looked much more relaxed, then turned to look at the Doomsday on the ground.

Although Clark didn't say it explicitly, it was not hard for Bruce to hear the contempt for himself in Clark's tone.

Of course, this is understandable, Clark is also thinking of Bruce.

After all, the strength gap between Clark and Bruce is really too big.

The monster that even Clark himself couldn't defeat before, he naturally didn't want Bruce to fight it at this time.

In Clark's view, if Bruce, who is just an ordinary person, fights Doomsday, it will undoubtedly be no different from sending him to death.

After all, Doomsday will not keep his hands on him many times like himself.


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