Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 583 Skeleton Spaceship

"Skull-shaped ship? Could this be Brainiac's ship?"

Li Yue was also very interested in this skull-shaped, strange-looking and infiltrating spaceship.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the figure-collecting maniac, Brainiac's spaceship.

Brainiac used to drive this spaceship, wandering among the various civilizations in the universe, shrinking the cities, and then collecting them into his spaceship.

Including Krypton, has suffered the visit of Brainiac.

And Li Yue had thought before that the timeline of this world should be developed according to the Injustice game he had learned about before.

So in the game of Injustice 2, the big villain that appears is this Brainiac.

And now this spaceship appeared, it was definitely captured after the superman of this world defeated Brainiac.

While Li Yue was looking at the spaceship that suddenly appeared above everyone with interest, Superman on the other side was talking to Wonder Woman.

"Diana, what are you doing here?"

Although he lost all his powers and abilities, Superman still did not change anything, and he was very good at the momentum.

Even at this time, the strength of Wonder Woman is enough to easily kill him, but the tone of his speech has not changed in any way, and there is still a feeling of being aloof and the leader of everyone.

"Clark, we got the news that they were freed from brainwashing, so we will support you as quickly as possible!"

The Wonder Woman in this Injustice world is very different from the Wonder Woman in other worlds.

Everything she does seems to violate the norms of justice.

When Superman lost his lover, Lois Lane, Wonder Woman took advantage of it and became Superman's spiritual pillar.

Moreover, when Superman had just turned black and hadn't used too radical means, it was Wonder Woman behind the scenes who encouraged Superman to establish and maintain his dictatorship.

Even, in order to support Superman's plan, Wonder Woman unconditionally led the Amazons who lived on Paradise Island and had always been indisputable in the world to join the Superman camp.

After that, she became even more unscrupulous in order to achieve her goals, killing some people with her own hands.

It can be said that she is an absolute supporter of Blackened Superman.

It was also the driving force behind Superman becoming what he is today.

Without her encouragement, Superman might not have done so many injustices.


"It's useless, our plan, it can't be successful at this time!"

Looking at the people who came to support with Wonder Woman, although Superman was reluctant to admit it, he could only helplessly say that their plan had failed.

Because at this time, he has lost his own strength and power.

And without the power that can suppress everything, he can't forcefully suppress others by force and obey his orders.

Although Superman didn't care about it before, he still knew very well in his heart that among those who joined his camp, except for Wonder Woman, who was absolutely sincere to him, everyone else was only forced by his powerful strength.

But now, without absolute strength suppression, I am afraid that soon, their alliance will fall apart.

What's more, the situation at this time is even worse. Dozens of Superman and Batman from other universes are staring at them.

The opponent's strength can completely crush them.

"Clark, don't be discouraged. Before coming here, I brought the Legion left by Brainiac with me."

"The legion under his command is as many as billions, and it contains multiple races that are very powerful in the universe, including Kryptonians, Dakosams, etc. This powerful force is completely enough to help us. Destroy these rebels."

Compared to Superman's lack of confidence, Wonder Woman is very confident.

Brainiac's collectibles throughout the universe,

They are all very powerful races in the universe.

Because Brainiac only collects things and races that make him feel valuable.

And the worthless race will be directly destroyed by him.


Today, in Brainiac's spaceship, there are billions of legions from various powerful races in the universe.

This powerful force can even completely destroy all the Lantern Ring Corps guarding the universe.

Domination of the entire universe is no longer a problem.

In fact, the original Superman's plan was to use these legions to dominate the universe, so that the entire universe would be under his own rule, no war, no resistance, no crime!

There is only everlasting peace.

However, after defeating several waves of rebels from other parallel universes, Superman changed his mind.

He is not satisfied with only ruling his own universe, he will also use tyrannical power to sweep other multiverses and rule all parallel worlds.

Let every parallel universe be in perpetual peace.

However, when his plan was about to unfold, he encountered Li Yue and others.

Li Yue, who he didn't know anything about, completely overturned his plan by himself.

To this day, Superman still feels very unbelievable in his heart.

"It's useless, the opponent's strength is very strong, and it is very strange. Although the number of these legions is large, I am afraid they can't pose much threat to them."

If he hadn't seen that Li Yue had forcibly deprived him of his full strength with just one sentence, Superman would probably still feel very confident in the powerful army he had.

But now, he feels that even billions of warriors have no way to defeat the man with incredible power.

This was the first time Superman had doubts about his ability to defeat his opponent.

He had never had such an idea before.

"Anyway, we have to give it a try. At least, we should be able to hold them back first and buy us time to leave!"

Superman's lack of self-confidence made Wonder Woman feel helpless in her heart.

However, in the end, she did not hesitate too much, and was going to release the alien legion trapped in the spaceship directly according to the previous plan.

The next moment, the skeleton spaceship hovering in the sky, countless tentacle-like devices began to dance rapidly.

Subsequently, all the hatches of the spacecraft were opened.

Immediately afterwards, countless strange-looking alien creatures swarmed out from it like a swarm.

In just a moment of effort, all kinds of aliens covered the entire sky, covering the sky and the sun, as if a dark cloud completely covered the sky above everyone's heads.

And those who had just recovered from the brainwashing state also raised their heads and looked above their heads, looking at the constant stream of alien creatures, their faces filled with solemn expressions.

The situation reversed at this moment, and they, who were originally large in number, became the target of being surrounded by more alien creatures!


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