Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 589 Superman's Compromise

Although, when he was fighting with the opponent, he was still in a state of brainwashing and was completely unable to control his own body.

And for some special reason, at that time, he actually possessed a powerful strength that could pull the entire moon.

But in his memory, he seemed to be able to personally feel the powerful strength of the other party, the huge oppression caused to him, and the huge sense of powerlessness that he had.

It seems that no matter how much his strength increases, he cannot cause any harm to him.

Even the moon, which was pulled towards the earth by itself, collapsed under the punch of the opponent.

And just now, after Batman woke up, he always put his attention on this person who made him extremely curious.

Therefore, the person present, I am afraid that he is the only one who has noticed. When everyone fell into the state of time rewind just now, this person was the only one who was not affected by time rewind.

With Batman's intelligence, it's easy to figure out that the scene that went back in time was from the only person who was not affected.

In addition to being so powerful and terrifying, the other party actually possesses this incredible power that can control time.

This made Batman extremely shocked, and completely did not understand who this person was.

Anyway, in his impression, he had never seen or even heard of someone with such a powerful power.

However, the other party always helped him and successfully stopped the crazy behavior of Superman in his own world.

Therefore, Batman is very grateful to Li Yue at this time.

Of course, as Batman is known for being cautious, he never really trusts a person.

Therefore, Li Yue, who has many times stronger than Superman, also has a lot of vigilance in his heart.

After all, for people from other worlds, he doesn't even know whether the other party's real purpose is to help him or have other special purposes.


"Okay, you don't need to discuss other things. Anyway, this is the end of the matter, and the catastrophe of this world should disappear today."

"What do you say? Mr. Clark Kent?"

Li Yue interrupted the conversation between the two Batman who sympathized with each other, and then slowly opened his mouth and said to the Blackened Superman not far away.

"This gentleman, please call me Carl El. Since that incident, I think Clark Kent from Earth has disappeared, and now only Carl El from Krypton is alive!"

Facing Li Yue's inquiries, Heihua Superman did not retreat in the slightest, facing Li Yue directly, and said without any fluctuations in his tone.

However, they did not directly answer Li Yue's question.

"Hehe, that's true, you are indeed Karl El from Krypton."

Hearing Superman's words, Li Yue also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and said slowly.

"However, what your name is now is not very important. What is important is whether you can accept that you have failed, and your rule over this planet, starting at this moment, has come to an end!"

Afterwards, Li Yue put away his smile and continued speaking with a serious face.

"That's right, K... Karl El, what you did before was not completely correct, so from now on, you should give up the crazy plan in your heart, you are absolutely impossible to succeed!"

After Li Yue finished speaking, Batman, who was a good friend before Superman in this world, also spoke directly and persuaded Superman.

"Maybe, what you said is correct. Maybe what I did before was a little extreme..."

Hearing Li Yue and Batman's words, Superman's face became a little heavy, and then he said slowly, as if in self-reflection.

"However, I don't regret what I did!"

But the next moment, the expression on Superman's face became very firm.

"Bruce Wayne, before that happened, I had the same thoughts, the same principles. I thought, give those criminals a chance, they can let go of the evil in their hearts.


"But it turns out that you and I were both wrong. Although there are criminals who can put down the evil in their hearts and become a good person again."

"However, even if it changes, those criminals can't make up for the sins he committed before and the harm he caused to innocent people. Just like what happened in the Metropolis, the sadness in my heart still can't be made up..."

Perhaps thinking of sad things, even Superman has a sad expression on his face.

"Everything I have done since then has been to enable all human beings to live in a more peaceful world where there is no crime and no killing."

"Everyone need not worry that one day they will be hurt by evil people."

"There will be no one who will feel sad for the relatives who died in the disaster..."

Having said this, Superman fell silent.

And everyone who knew what he had endured before did not interrupt his talk at this moment.

"Forget it, until now, it's meaningless to say anything. If I can, I will take the corresponding responsibility for what I did before."

"And they were coerced by me. I hope you will not embarrass them in the future. After all, they were once heroes like us, who fought to save innocent people."

After a period of silence, perhaps because he accepted the fact, Superman spoke again in a low tone.

However, up to now, he still does not forget to say some pleas for the people behind him.


"K... Karl El, you can rest assured that after today, they will only be restricted from personal freedom, and cannot go out at will, and cannot use their abilities at will."

"As for you, go back to the prison I prepared for you before. Under the radiance of the blood-filled red stars, repent of everything you have done before and the serious harm you have brought to the whole world!"

"I'm afraid you will spend the rest of your life there!"

Seeing that Superman had given up his resistance, Batman in this world acted as the executor and directly made a decision to punish them.

After all, they used to be comrades and partners who worked together to prevent disasters, so no matter how crazy they did before, Batman would never kill them.

After all, Batman's principle is that when facing evil villains, he will save the opponent's life, not to mention his previous partners who fought side by side.

"Hehe, Mr. Bruce Wayne, I don't think he will spend the rest of his life in the bloody special prison you prepared for him."

"I have a better plan than your decision."

However, when Batman announced the trial of Superman and the people behind him, Li Yue spoke directly and objected to Batman!

"Karl El, do you want to see your wife and son again?"


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