The following chapters will be changed later!


Li Yue's confidence made the three feel at ease instantly.

Just now, Li Yue showed that strange and powerful, god-like ability, and the three of them are still fresh in their memory and feel extremely shocked.

At this time, since Li Yue was so confident that they didn't need to worry, they naturally believed what Li Yue said.

Moreover, after getting along with Li Yue during this period of time, they can all feel that Li Yue is a very reliable partner.

As long as Li Yue said there was no problem, there would never be a problem.

It has to be said that the feeling that Li Yue brings to them now makes them feel extremely at ease.

And those people from other worlds who just got out of the brainwashing state and haven't done anything yet, but at this time they can only find partners from the same universe as themselves, and then get together.

Or they were discussing what to do with a solemn face, or they all looked at the sky with solemn eyes.

At this moment, even as superheroes with powerful powers, they felt tremendous pressure.

However, they are also ready for battle.

In any case, as superheroes whose responsibility is to protect the world, they naturally cannot retreat when they encounter a strong enemy.

What's more, they were not alone at the scene at this time.

Doppelgangers from other parallel universes share the same beliefs as them, and no one backs down.

At this moment, they from different universes, upholding a common goal, faced an enemy nearly a million times their size, full of strong fighting spirit.


At this time, countless alien creatures rushed out of the skeleton spaceship, and then covered the entire sky.

It didn't take long for the densely packed alien creatures to cover the entire metropolis sky.

The dense figures blocked even the dazzling sunlight, and the entire metropolis, like other areas on Earth, fell into darkness at this time.

The next moment, the alien creatures that covered the sky and the sun began to bow down.

Although most alien creatures are rushing towards those superhumans and others from other universes.

However, there are still many alien creatures that seem to have lost control, rushing towards the civilians hiding in the buildings in a frantic manner.

Seeing this, all the people from other parallel universes finally couldn't help but take action.

In an instant, countless lasers of different colors rushed to the sky.

Any alien creature that came into contact with the laser was instantly burned to ashes, or was directly pierced through the body, seeing that it was impossible to live.

At the same time, countless yellow-red lightning figures appeared in the city on the ground.

All alien creatures that landed on the ground and wanted to attack civilians were quickly wiped out by these dozens of lightning bolts.

And those Batmans, though completely incomparable to Superman and The Flash in terms of damage.

But they are wearing battle armor, and they also use all kinds of hot weapons, cold weapons, and even fists to resist alien creatures.

In just a moment, the alien creatures suffered heavy losses and were wiped out by tens of thousands.


Although this number is large, it is completely incomparable with millions of alien creatures as a base.

There is hardly any reduction in alien life at all.

In the end, the gap between the numbers of the two sides is too large.

Even if everyone can defeat one hundred, or even ten thousand, among the millions of alien creatures, there is no wave at all.


"Mr. Li Yue, are you still not taking action? If you continue, I am afraid that innocent citizens will be harmed!"

Beside Li Yue, Clark is also constantly firing hot eyes of fiery red light into the sky.

Every heat sight shot out, plus it swayed a few times in the sky like a searchlight.

Hundreds of alien creatures died.

After all, the alien creatures are like locusts at this time, and they basically don't need to aim, just shoot a hot sight at will, and they can sweep a large area.

It's just that even Clark couldn't hold on to the repeated attacks.

After all, when the heat vision is released, Superman's eyes also suffer from very severe burning pain.

And now Superman, who is continuously releasing his hot eyes, also feels that his eyes are going to be a little sore and swollen.

He couldn't help shouting to Li Yue, hoping that Li Yue, who had just behaved so confidently, would do something quickly.

At the same time, countless yellow-red lightning figures appeared in the city on the ground.

All alien creatures that landed on the ground and wanted to attack civilians were quickly wiped out by these dozens of lightning bolts.

And those Batmans, though completely incomparable to Superman and The Flash in terms of damage.

But they are wearing battle armor, and they also use all kinds of hot weapons, cold weapons, and even fists to resist alien creatures.

In just a moment, the alien creatures suffered heavy losses and were wiped out by tens of thousands.

However, this number, while large, is completely incomparable with millions of alien beings as a base.

There is hardly any reduction in alien life at all.

In the end, the gap between the numbers of the two sides is too large.

Even if everyone can defeat one hundred, or even ten thousand, among the millions of alien creatures, there is no wave at all.


"Mr. Li Yue, are you still not taking action? If you continue, I am afraid that innocent citizens will be harmed!"

Beside Li Yue, Clark is also constantly firing hot eyes of fiery red light into the sky.

Every heat sight shot out, plus it swayed a few times in the sky like a searchlight.

Hundreds of alien creatures died.

After all, the alien creatures are like locusts at this time, and they basically don't need to aim, just shoot a hot sight at will, and they can sweep a large area.

It's just that even Clark couldn't hold on to the repeated attacks.

After all, when the heat vision is released, Superman's eyes also suffer from very severe burning pain.

And now Superman, who is continuously releasing his hot eyes, also feels that his eyes are going to be a little sore and swollen.

He couldn't help shouting to Li Yue, hoping that Li Yue, who had just behaved so confidently, would do something quickly.


At the same time, countless yellow-red lightning figures appeared in the city on the ground.

All alien creatures that landed on the ground and wanted to attack civilians were quickly wiped out by these dozens of lightning bolts.

And those Batmans, though completely incomparable to Superman and The Flash in terms of damage.

But they are wearing battle armor, and they also use all kinds of hot weapons, cold weapons, and even fists to resist alien creatures.

In just a moment, the alien creatures suffered heavy losses and were wiped out by tens of thousands.

However, this number, while large, is completely incomparable with millions of alien beings as a base.

There is hardly any reduction in alien life at all.

In the end, the gap between the numbers of the two sides is too large.

Even if everyone can defeat one hundred, or even ten thousand, among the millions of alien creatures, there is no wave at all.


The above chapters will be changed later.

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