Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 601 High Latitude Space

"What, do you feel the same way about Mr. Li Yue?"

The Flash's words surprised Clark.

"Compared to all of you feeling this way about him, what's even more puzzling is why I'm the only one who doesn't feel this way about him?"

Clark and The Flash both have an inexplicable trust in that Li Yue, but Batman feels something is not right.

For the sake of the three of them, the other two have a strong feeling of trust in Li Yue, but he is the only one, not only does not have this feeling, but it seems that he has always been hostile to Li Yue.

"Could it be that when he first appeared, he punched me so hard that he almost killed me?"

This strange situation made Batman couldn't help but recall the punch that nearly killed himself when Li Yue just appeared.

As Batman, it is natural to understand that the first impression left on the first side of seeing a stranger can have a great influence or prejudice on people.

And his first meeting with Li Yue was of course not pleasant.

Therefore, he also thought about whether he had a huge prejudice against Li Yue because of this matter, which led to his feeling of not trusting him later.

"But, it shouldn't be the reason for this."

However, knowing that first impressions can create great prejudice, Batman naturally tries his best to restrain himself from this influence.

So, this influence has long been minimized by Batman.

And Batman is largely immune to this impression.

But now, he has to doubt that he was affected by this, because only he himself has always had doubts about Li Yue.

Although it wasn't enough to make him completely distrust Li Yue, after Li Yue did something, he couldn't help but doubt what he did.


"Okay, we can't figure out this matter for the time being, let's go back to the theme."

In the end, Batman could only give up thinking about it for a while, but he also kept it in mind, and maybe he might be able to figure out why in the future!

"Then, all we can do now is to believe in Mr. Li Yue, who has already made foolproof preparations and will not let us be affected by the changes in the universe?"

Afterwards, Batman reluctantly spoke out about the situation they were facing now.

He didn't have a better way to avoid the effects of this universe change on them.

The most direct means is to let The Flash, before this universe change, bring them into the Speed ​​Force together.

However, this choice also has a great possibility of causing them to be hunted by the special creature in the speed force, the time undead.

If it is a speeder, under the pursuit of the time undead, it is possible to escape several times and go to different universes to prolong the time it takes to be found by the time undead.

But among them, there are still dozens of people who are not speeders. If they are hunted by the time undead, I am afraid they will not even be able to escape.

And so, this choice is not the best choice.

They had better find a better way.

However, figuring out a better way is easier said than done.

Not to mention finding a better method, even the method of entering Divine Speed ​​Force is already impossible to achieve.

Because since the beginning, all the Flash have been surprised to find that they can't use speed to open the speed force channel no matter what.

Even, there are several Flashes together, using their fastest speed, trying to gather all the speed force in everyone's body, and open a speed force channel together, but they can't do it successfully.

After discovering this situation, the Flash deliberately used extremely fast speed, wanting to stay away from this area to try if he could open the space-time channel.

But what was even more shocking happened, they found that they could not leave this space at all.

A Flash left from the east and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight, but the next moment, he would appear in this space from the west.

Seeing this, some Superman didn't believe in the oblique, changed direction, and flew towards the sky.

But they found that when they broke through the atmosphere, they would appear in this space next time.

And the ground under their feet did not change in the slightest, as if they appeared in this space out of thin air!

It was as if this space was not a three-dimensional dimension of their previous life, but a special dimension beyond their cognition.

And they, no matter what means, could not escape this space.

They are trapped here!


"It seems that even if we don't believe in Mr. Li Yue, there is no better way. After all, we can't even leave here at this time, so we can only sit here and wait to die!"

After being tested by The Flash and Superman before, Batman can only accept the truth.

At this time, there is absolutely no way for them to leave this space beyond their cognition.

Waiting here is their only option now.

However, few of them who are working hard have noticed that the movie-like scene around them has progressed to a very critical moment with the development of time.

Things have to start after Superman meets Louise.

Although she temporarily believed that this person might be Clark, Louise did not let her guard down, and even prevented Clark from approaching them.

This made Clark, who was a superman and, in the previous universe, incarnate as the ruler of the world, a little helpless, and could only look at Li Yue who was watching a play with a look of help.

Now, he feels that the only one who can help him is this seemingly omnipotent Mr. Li Yue.

"Alright alright……"

Li Yue felt that Superman was looking at him for help, and he could only helplessly choose to help ease the relationship between the two.

Of course, Li Yue's method is more direct.

He did not explain Louise verbally, but directly made some more memories in Louise's mind.

And these memories are exactly what Superman has experienced before, from the time the Metropolis suffered a nuclear bomb explosion, until this moment.

The huge memory instantly appeared in Louise's mind, but it didn't make her feel uncomfortable at all. She only felt that instead of Clark, she experienced a few years of life after a relative died in a nuclear bomb.

At this moment, Louise no longer doubted Clark's identity.

However, she was also somewhat unable to accept the fact that she and their son died in the nuclear bomb explosion.

However, when she saw Clark's loving eyes again, Louise also felt very distressed.

With the memory of the other party, she naturally understands what a huge blow was caused to this powerful and god-like person after her death.

It even made him so paranoid that he wanted to use his own power to change the entire world, and even the status quo of the entire universe!


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