This sudden occurrence caused everyone to fall into huge doubts.

The people who were watching Li Yue and the others were extremely surprised to find that the special space they were in seemed to overlap with the space where Li Yue was.

Or, the scene and everything in their space is slowly and completely covering the space where Li Yue and others are.

However, it was this extremely strange situation that made everyone feel a little unbelievable.

They had no idea what was going on at this time.

Although, the overlap and combination of spaces did not surprise them too much.

However, they did not forget that Li Yue's timeline was completely different from theirs.

The space of the same timeline overlaps, and they can still accept it.

However, the space of different time lines suddenly overlapped, which made everyone feel very incredible.

In this process of overlapping and alternating spaces, the one who was most shocked and fluctuated the most was undoubtedly Clark beside Li Yue.

He quickly thought of the key to the scene just now, which was Li Yue's previous words, what happened in this world is not real, and even this world is not real.

So, that detonator will disappear, the Joker's body will disappear, and Batman will disappear.

Clark can imagine that there are countless people and things that will disappear along with it.

Because, when his ability recovered, he knew that although Li Yue said that this space was not real, every thing and everyone in this space was extremely real, as if it really existed.

However, now, along with the scene of another space, the scene of this space is slowly covered until this space is completely covered.

What disappeared together was probably everything in this space.


Even if everything in this space disappears, it doesn't matter much to Clark at this time.

He can accept that the Joker he killed with his own hands is not real, and he can accept that his former partner Batman is not real.

Even if the whole world is not real, he can still accept it.

But only, he can't accept that his lover Louise and his son are not real!

If they do disappear with the change of space, I am afraid that Clark will feel like he will fall into madness in an instant.

If such a hard-won reunion was shattered in an instant like an illusion, I am afraid Clark would never accept it.

Seeing that the invisible dividing line that was changing the scene of the two worlds was about to sweep across Louise's body, Clark's heart instantly became extremely nervous.

He was extremely worried in his heart, what would he do if Louise disappeared directly in front of his eyes like other things in the space?

He can't wait to rush to the other side in an instant, hug him tightly, so that the other side can't disappear in front of him.

However, Clark's ability has disappeared again at this time, and he can't use that extremely fast speed to quickly rush to Louise.

Therefore, he could only stand on the spot and watch the invisible boundary, like the scythe of the god of death,

across Louise's body.

Clark's heart was extremely nervous. He couldn't imagine what would happen to Louise, who had just returned to him, and disappeared again at this moment.


Soon, that invisible boundary crossed Louise's body without the slightest pause.

Wherever the boundary of everything crosses, it instantly becomes a different appearance.

The entire space seemed to be cut in half by that invisible boundary.

And Clark looked at the boundary line extremely nervously, after sweeping over Louise's body.

He was surprised by the development, although everything around Louise was greatly changed because the invisible boundary was swept away.

However, the bodies of Louise and the others did not change at all because the boundary that could change the space scene was swept away.

"This is really good!"

After seeing that there was no change in Louise, the incomparable nervousness in Clark's heart dissipated instantly, and was then filled with strong surprises.

Then, the boundary line swept across the entire space at an extremely fast speed.

And this space has also undergone an earth-shaking change.

The original scene has almost completely disappeared, and what has reappeared is a group of people who are still somewhat unclear about the situation.

And these people are the people who are still paying attention to Li Yue just now.

They also didn't understand why they suddenly appeared in the timeline where Li Yue was.

"Mr. Li Yue, what happened just now? Why did we suddenly come here?"

"Could it be that we have also crossed this timeline?"

The sudden appearance made everyone very puzzled.

And only the three people who knew Li Yue knew that this situation should be inseparable from Li Yue.

So they found Li Yue's location directly, and then approached Li Yue's side.

After coming to Li Yue's side, the three looked curious and asked Li Yue.


"I've just said that the world is not the real world, and now it's just that the world has disappeared."

Facing the curious three people, Li Yue also slowly opened his mouth to explain briefly.

"Uh, Mr. Li Yue, although I know you shouldn't lie to us, but if that world is just a false phantom, how should they explain it?"

Hearing Li Yue's explanation, The Flash couldn't help but weakly pointed at Louise in the distance, and then said to Li Yue in disbelief.

"Yes, if it is a completely illusory world, then any person or thing in it should completely disappear in the change just now."

"However, the Louise of this world, contrary to common sense, did not disappear with the changes of the world, which completely shows that this world is definitely not what you said, it is completely an illusory world."

After The Flash was the first to doubt Li Yue's statement with some uncertainty.

Batman also questioned Li Yue's claims.

Moreover, Batman's doubts are obviously much firmer than Flash's.

At the same time, Batman's face showed a thoughtful expression, as if he was thinking about what caused the current scene.

"Well, since you are so curious, I will tell you about it carefully."

Li Yue was questioned by the two, and there was no dissatisfaction on his face.

Moreover, he prepared with great interest to explain to a few people the reason for this situation.

"Actually, I did not lie to you, the essence of this world is indeed illusory!"


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