Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 620 Supergirl Attacks

Supergirl, originally Superman's cousin.

Before the destruction of Krypton, Superman's parents sent the newborn Superman to Earth, and then sent Kara to Earth with him.

However, unlike Superman who came to the earth smoothly and was adopted by a farmer couple, the spaceship that Superman's cousin Carla took was lost in space and did not follow Superman to the earth.

It was not until more than ten years ago that Kara finally took a spacecraft and came to the earth.

However, the original purpose of sending her to Earth was to protect Clark growing up safely.

However, when Kara finally came to the earth after being lost, she was shocked to discover that the object she needed to protect had become a superhero praised and worshipped by human beings on earth.

Moreover, he was already an adult at this time, and he possessed a powerful power comparable to that of a god.

Everything has changed. Clark, who originally needed her to protect him, needs to take care of her who just came to Earth and is not familiar with it.

And, not long after she came to Earth, Clark's character underwent a huge transformation due to Louise's death.

Superman, who was originally the embodiment of justice, became the embodiment of evil trying to rule the world.

However, all this Supergirl didn't know at that time, because Superman never let her really touch and integrate into the human world.

Until, Superman failed for the first time and was put into the red prison by Batman.

Wonder Woman finds Kara, who has gained great powers, and asks her to rescue Superman.

After that, after experiencing many things, and after Brainiac's invasion, Supergirl gradually understood that Clark at this time was no longer the righteous Superman when she first met.

Therefore, the heart of justice in the heart made Supergirl choose to stand in the camp of Batman and stop Superman together.

Sadly, they ultimately failed and failed to stop Superman.

Even after the failure, Batman was brainwashed by Superman.

And Superwoman was also locked up by Superman.

It wasn't until, three years ago, that Superman's second plan failed and Supergirl regained her freedom.

Since then, Supergirl has been fighting crime with Batman.

But now, Batman has been refused help by Superman, and now the situation is very critical, so he can only take Supergirl to stop the Laughing Bat together.


Although Batman drove his high-tech flying machine to Gotham City at breakneck speed.

But as a Kryptonian, Supergirl is much faster than him.

So, Supergirl was the first to arrive at the scene of the incident.

After arriving at the scene, the superwoman looked at the scene in front of her and was also very shocked.

She had no idea that the current situation was about to get out of control.

Although the area has been brought under control by the police, the scene is still in a state of chaos.


A burst of crazy laughter came out, almost breaking through the sky.

And these sharp and harsh laughter came from the mouths of some civilians who were infected with the clown virus.

Hundreds of grimacing and twisted faces burst out with piercing laughter, and after being infected with the virus, their personalities changed dramatically in an instant.

At this time, all the hundreds of people became extremely crazy, as if they were dying, and attacked the surrounding police in various crazy ways.

Facing the madness of these people, the police at the scene fell into a passive state.

Although these people have become so crazy, they are still human, and the police naturally cannot use firearms and powerful hot weapons to attack.

So for a while, in the face of these crazy crowds, laughing wildly, while frantically attacking the police defense, the police couldn't make a better defense at all.


Supergirl floats in the air, watching the chaos below.

Then, without any hesitation, she rushed directly to the culprit who caused the confusion.

A combination of Batman and Joker, Laughing Bat!

At this point, he was standing behind the infected crowd.

His eyes stared coldly at the chaos ahead, with a strange smile on his face.

Then, as if feeling the superwoman who had just arrived here from above the sky, the Laughing Bat raised his head, with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

"It turned out that she came, but, that's not bad!"

Then, as if thinking of something, a strange smile appeared on the face of the Laughing Bat.

Although he did not attract Superman according to his own plan, he attracted Superwoman who was also a Kryptonian, which also made Laughing Bat very satisfied.

If he succeeds in infecting Supergirl, then his plan will be easier to implement.

But seeing the Supergirl flying straight towards him, the Manic Laughing Bat didn't show the slightest fear on his face, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even brighter.

The speed of Supergirl has exceeded the speed of sound, and with a huge sonic boom, she quickly rushed to the bat of laughter.

In just an instant, she rushed not far in front of the Laughing Bat, and then the Supergirl clenched her fists directly, aiming at the body of the Laughing Bat and blasting it.

However, in the face of the attack of the Supergirl Supersonic Fist, the Laughing Bat did not show any panic at all.

He didn't even make any dodging moves at all.


Seeing Supergirl's fist, it was about to bombard Laughing Bat's body.

But the smile on the face of the Laughing Bat did not disappear.

And the next moment, before the superwoman could be happy, she found a dazzling silver light that suddenly crossed the body of the Laughing Bat and appeared in front of her.


Supergirl didn't have time to dodge, and was directly hit by this silver lightning.

When the two sides collided, an incomparably strong light burst out in an instant, as if it could illuminate the entire sky.

And accompanied by a violent explosion, a huge thunder explosion sounded at the same time.

The power of this lightning was very huge, and it exploded with a powerful force in an instant, which directly sent the superwoman rushing towards the body of the Laughing Bat and flew out.

"This is?"

Suffering a powerful attack suddenly, Supergirl is a little surprised.

However, although the attack just now seemed to be very powerful, it was nothing to Supergirl.

She was only swept upside down by this powerful force for more than ten meters, and she instantly stabilized her figure and stopped smoothly in the air.

However, her eyes at this time became a little dignified.

His eyes were staring at the direction of the Laughing Bat.

Soon, the dazzling light disappeared completely, and at this moment, a figure appeared beside the madly laughing bat.

And this figure, Supergirl also felt a little familiar, she had seen each other before.

It's just that the crazy expression on his face at this time, as well as the strangely upward arc of the smile at the corner of his mouth, make Supergirl feel very unfamiliar!


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