Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 622 The Crazy Plan of the Laughing Bat

Looking at the young boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, there was an expression of incomparable fear on his face.

The superwoman who was in anger instantly calmed down, and she stopped thinking about the fist swung in the other's face.

At the same time, the dazzling red light that flickered in his eyes slowly disappeared. She gave up the red-hot gaze that was just about to be released at the other party's body!

Facing this young boy who was caught in her hands, the kindness and justice in Supergirl's heart prevented her from continuing to attack the other party.

However, Supergirl obviously still doesn't understand that pity for the enemy is cruelty to herself.

She can follow the kindness in her heart and not do things that hurt the other party, but the other party will not be as kind as she is.

And Supergirl hesitated, thinking about what to do with the initiator of the chaos.

But she found out that the boy who was full of fear, now had a strange smile on his face again!

"Ah, not good!"

The next moment, Supergirl noticed the weird smile on the boy's face, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

However, just as Supergirl's eyes continued to flash red, and she wanted to send out red heat rays to attack the boy who had a strange smile on his face.

The young boy seemed to have already prepared, and his strange smile became brighter and brighter.


The next moment, the boy spoke, his voice was soft, but it exploded in Supergirl's ears like thunder.

No, it wasn't like thunder, but there was a real thunder crashing down.

This flickering thunder seemed to crash down from the sky, hitting the Supergirl's body directly.

Flashing Thunder instantly passed through Supergirl's body, and then bombarded the young boy's body.

A strong thunder burst, even as a superwoman, after being hit by this thunder without much precaution, her body was instantly paralyzed by this terrifying thunder and lightning.

Thunder Shazam, possessing the divine power of six ancient gods, is very powerful.

However, if you want to say which of his moves is the most powerful, then there is no doubt that it must belong to the thunder that he attracted when he transformed.

And because of this, his ability was dubbed by some of his fans as output by transformation.

And his move is not only a little unexpected, but also very powerful in attack power. Many people have suffered a lot from this move.

It can be said to be his best move to turn around in a desperate situation!

And now, Supergirl is also under the influence of compassion, and is directly hit by Shazam's unexpected attack.

The powerful power of thunder, even the superwoman who is a Kryptonian, suffered a lot of damage without much preparation!

But the boy who was also struck by this lightning bolt was not injured in the slightest.

Moreover, his body changed again, instantly from a boy who seemed to have no offensive power to a mature man with a strong body and cool armor.

However, the only thing that hasn't changed is the weird smile on his face.


After the transformation, there was a piercing laugh from his mouth.

Like a demon from hell, it makes people feel extremely infiltrating.

Once again incarnated as Thunder Shazam, he felt a powerful force filling his body again.

Of course, he was already very familiar with this feeling, and naturally there was nothing to be excited about.

However, what excites him the most is that after being tricked by his own strategy, he was transformed into a superwoman who triggered a thunderous attack.

The Supergirl at this time was the first attack that could make her feel extreme pain since she came to Earth.

Originally, although her strength surpassed Thunder Shazam, she was also very limited. If she didn't go all out, it would be difficult for her to easily suppress and defeat the opponent.

However, she still lacks combat experience after all.

Of course, maybe even a real Superman wouldn't be able to kill Shazam, who had turned into a weak boy again.

So, you can't blame Supergirl for being careless.

We can only blame Shazam after being infected by the clown virus, not only has a strong intelligence, but also can use the weakness of human nature at the same time.

In other words, this weakness is the most fatal weakness that all righteous people have in common.

"Hehe, sure enough, you people who claim to be righteous are really childish and ridiculous!"

In the distance, with a weird smile on his face, he looked coldly at the Laughing Bat, who was fighting fiercely between Thunder Shazam and Supergirl, but at this time, he was looking at the Supergirl who was hit by Thunder with a sneer.

"However, it is your sense of justice and compassion that makes people feel ridiculous that makes us unscrupulous people have the means to defeat you more easily!"

"And now, you are about to join our camp!"

"Then, use the mighty power you possess as a Kryptonian to help me realize my great plan!"

Of course, although he laughed at Supergirl's meaningless pity in his heart, the Laughing Bat did not forget his ultimate goal.

That is to use the clown virus to infect all human beings on earth in this parallel universe!

Of course, after this plan is completed, Laughing Bat has an even grander plan!

Because, he learned from somewhere that the universe he was in was only one of many parallel universes.

And more importantly, his universe is not important, but among the many parallel universes, there is an existence called the main universe.

When he heard the news, he instantly understood what he wanted to do, which was to infect everyone in the main universe with the clown virus.

Let the whole world be filled with wanton laughter.

And now, this universe is his experimental place, and he wants to take the lead in realizing his plan in this universe that is not very important like his universe.

Then, enter the main universe and implement your own great plan!

The next moment, the emperor Shazam, who had turned into Shazam's divine body again in the sky, waved his fist without any hesitation, and smashed it at the superwoman in front of him.

"Damn, my body can't move!"

Feeling Shazam's fist waving towards her, Supergirl instantly had the idea of ​​​​doing away.

However, if it was before, she could easily control her body and avoid the fist that the opponent threw at her.

But now, after being hit by a powerful thunder just now, her body felt a strong sense of paralysis, and she couldn't dodge quickly.

She could only watch the opponent's fist helplessly, hitting her body directly.

The next moment, Supergirl was smashed and flew out.

The body fell from the sky and fell straight towards the ground.

And the direction in which she fell was exactly the direction of the Laughing Bat!

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