Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 624: The Purpose of the Laughing Bat

"Could it be ... infected with the clown virus?"

The next moment, Batman seemed to suddenly think of something, and the calm expression on his face disappeared instantly, becoming extremely solemn.

At this moment, a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

He even doubted whether it was the right choice to bring Supergirl over by himself.

The Laughing Bat did not hide, but made such a crazy event in Gotham City, there is definitely his conspiracy.

On the way here, Batman is still thinking, what is the purpose of the Laughing Bat doing this?

Is it just to cause a huge mess?

At this moment, Batman finally understood that the target of the Laughing Bat was probably the Kryptonian with powerful power from the beginning.

Perhaps, he had long guessed that he would go looking for Superman to resist him.

And he has long been ready to infect Superman with the clown virus.

This can be seen from the special bat dart that he just threw at Supergirl, which is made of kryptonite and has been contaminated with the Joker virus.

The other party must have been ready to infect Superman with the clown virus.

And this makes Batman extremely worried.

If even Supergirl is infected with the clown virus by the other party, the consequences may become unimaginable.

"Absolutely can't let him succeed!"

Thinking of this, Batman made a decision in an instant.

In any case, the Laughing Bat cannot be allowed to succeed, otherwise, their world will face great danger.

The other party has already been infected with Thunder Shazam, a powerful combat power comparable to Superman. If the Supergirl who is a Kryptonian is infected again, then they will really be unable to resist the other party's invasion.


When Batman noticed the purpose of the Laughing Bat, he fell into an extremely solemn expression.

The Laughing Bat, on the other hand, didn't seem to feel any anger at all for Batman's sabotage of his actions.

He just had a weird smile on his face, staring at Batman with a dignified expression in front of him.

And Batman did not show weakness, and his eyes also looked at the manic bat without any fear.

However, although the surface is very calm, Batman's heart is not as calm as the surface.

He was trying to think about what to do for a while.

Although, at this time, in his camp, there is a very powerful existence like Superwoman.

In addition, they are assisted by hundreds of police officers.

Even some superheroes representing justice are on their way here.

However, Batman still felt in his heart that the battle would be difficult.

Because they had to be very careful, always on the lookout, not to get infected by the Laughing Bat's clown virus.

Otherwise, like those who were infected, their personalities would change drastically in an instant, and they would become extremely crazy in their hearts, and would destroy everything unscrupulously.

And Batman understands even more that when a superhero is infected with a virus, the consequences are far greater than the harm that an ordinary person can cause when infected.

Moreover, at this time he has not developed a cure for this strange virus.

So, if he could, he didn't want to see anyone else get infected at all.

However, in order to do this, the bat of laughter must be controlled.

Only when the Laughing Bat is controlled and unable to infect others can this crisis end.

However, with what Batman knew about himself and the Joker, he felt that it would be very difficult to control the Laughing Bat.

In a sense, the combination of Batman and the Joker can be called the most perfect human being.

Even in the face of Superman, it is very possible to use his weakness to defeat him easily.


Soon, the violent current raging in Supergirl's body finally slowly disappeared, and Supergirl finally regained control of her body.

She stood up directly from the ground, then quickly came to Batman's side, and together with Batman, confronted the maniacal bat in front of her.

At the same time, Emperor Shazam, who had just gained the upper hand in the battle with Supergirl, also slowly landed from the sky and came to the side of the Laughing Bat.

"Kara, the next situation may be very unfavorable for us, so leave here as soon as you find an opportunity."

Although Batman didn't look back, he whispered and said to the superwoman beside him.


Supergirl doesn't understand why Batman wants to let herself out of here, after all, she is a superwoman with great power.

"They have kryptonite specifically for you Kryptonites. Now you are no longer a man of steel. If you get hurt, you are likely to be infected with a virus specially made by the other party."

"At that time, with your power, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Batman voiced his inner concerns.

"But what do you do?"

Hearing Batman's words, although Supergirl was a little unwilling to leave like this, but thinking of the feeling that made her feel scared for the first time just now, Supergirl has no better way.

She also understands that kryptonite is her Achilles heel, and she continues to stay here, not only can't help him, but can only add burden to Batman.

However, she was also a little worried that if she left, how would Batman face two crazy evil elements alone.

"You don't have to worry, I will have a way to get out at that time. The most important thing now is not to let them take advantage of you."

Batman spoke calmly, as if he was confident that he could easily leave here later.

"Okay, Bruce, come back safely, now only you can lead us against evil."

Ultimately, Supergirl decided to follow Batman's advice and get out of here to avoid further chaos.

In the next moment, Supergirl no longer hesitated, soaring into the sky in an instant, breaking the sound barrier almost instantly.

In terms of speed, Kryptonians are definitely in the top ranks. Except for speeders with unscientific energy such as speed force, there are almost no people faster than them.

However, despite this, there are still some people whose speed is comparable to that of the Kryptonians, and Shazam, who possesses the power of the six gods, is one of them.

After Supergirl rushed into the sky, the emperor Shazam on the opposite side, as if he had already prepared, leaped up almost at the same time, rushed into the sky, and chased after Supergirl.

Even the bat darts shot by Batman failed to stop Emperor Shazam from flying into the sky.

"not good!"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be prepared, Batman had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Kara, don't stop!"

Batman prayed in his heart that Supergirl would not stop, otherwise there would be some kind of change.

Although Supergirl is stronger than Shazam, Batman feels that Supergirl may not be able to defeat Shazam today.

Because Shazam at this time is completely unscrupulous, and even uses their compassion.

And the scruples of the superwoman may not be able to defeat him at all.


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