Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 648 Batman in a Bad Situation

"Hasn't he destroyed all the kryptonite on the earth in this world? So where did this pile of kryptonite come from?"

Seeing the scene just now, Li Yue couldn't help feeling a little curious.

The batch of kryptonite that was just destroyed by Injustice Superman weighed more than ten tons.

Even if there were some leftovers from the previous Kryptonite destruction by Superman, there could never be so much.

And so many kryptonite, it is impossible to appear out of thin air.

Moreover, listening to what Superman said just now, it seems that these are all they have collected recently.

At this time, it is to focus on the destruction of these kryptonites.

This means that these kryptonites appeared suddenly on Earth in the recent past.

"Could it be that these kryptonites just landed on Earth from space not long ago?"

Li Yue guessed that perhaps these kryptonites had recently fallen to Earth from space.

"If that's the case, then maybe something came to Earth with kryptonite."

"However, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter now, let's find the Batman of this world first and then talk about other things!"

Li Yue just thought about it briefly, and put this matter aside.

Now, it is more important to find the Batman of this world first.

However, just now Li Yue's mental power swept more than half of the earth, but Batman was not found.

And Li Yue also understood that even if he swept the entire surface of the earth with mental power, it is estimated that there would not be any big gains.

He guessed that Batman was not on the ground at this time, but probably underground.

And if this is the case, Li Yue will have some difficulties in finding him.

Although his mental power has been so powerful that it covers the entire earth in an instant, it is still relatively exhausting to go deep underground to find some abnormal situations.

However, Li Yue already has a way to find Batman.

Because just now, what Superman said after destroying the kryptonite, and his very clear goal of flying in a certain direction.

Let Li Yue feel that he absolutely knows where Batman is at this time.

Therefore, Li Yue doesn't have to bother to find where Batman is at this time, he only needs to focus on Superman who just left.

And the other party will take him to find where Batman is now.


Li Yue thought so, and indeed did so.

His attention stopped for a moment on the kryptonite that was burned by Superman himself, and then he focused directly on Superman who had flown far away.

He noticed that the speed of Superman's flight at this time was not very fast, it was just over the speed of sound, and it didn't look like he was going to rush into the distance.

It seemed that he was not far from where he wanted to go.

In fact it is.

When Superman flew at this speed for more than ten seconds, he directly changed the flight direction and dived from the sky toward the ground.

However, Li Yue's attention penetrated directly into the other side's ground faster than Superman.

There was nothing unusual on the ground, as if it was just an ordinary ground.

However, Li Yue understands that Injustice Superman cannot come here without a purpose.

Since there is nothing abnormal on the ground, it must be under the ground.

Therefore, Li Yue directly controlled the mental power he released and drilled directly into the ground.

It takes several times more energy to travel through the ground than to travel in the air.

And this is why Li Yue is reluctant to go deep into the ground to find Batman throughout the entire earth.

However, it is only a matter of spending more energy. As long as the scope is narrowed, or there is an accurate target, Li Yue's spiritual power will not cost him too much energy at all.

The spiritual force penetrated the ground almost instantaneously.

Originally, Li Yue thought that he would only find out the special situation after he had to penetrate 100 meters into the ground with his spiritual power.

However, in fact, his mental power only found the situation after sneaking into the ground less than a few dozen meters.

It turned out that there was a hollowed-out space under the ground that seemed to be without any abnormality.

And this space was built into a small hidden base.

There are even guns in hand, and the whole body is wrapped, and there are no special armed forces that are exposed to the outside.

At the same time, it also proved that he was right, that Superman was here because Batman was here.

However, at this time Batman has been caught and lost his freedom.

However, these are not what surprised Li Yue the most.

What surprised him most was how familiar the scene felt to him.

"Isn't this a scene from Batman's dream in the Batman v Superman movie?"

The next moment, Li Yue thought about why he felt that this scene was familiar, because this was the Easter egg that appeared in the movie.


"So, the time line we came to this world at this time was when Batman failed to capture kryptonite and was then caught by Superman's men?"

The familiar scene reminded Li Yue of the plot before and after Batman was caught.

Although in the movie, those scenes seem to be just a dream of Batman, and they do not give too much explanation.

However, from those scenes, a lot of things can also be seen.

For example, the timeline at the time was definitely something that took place years after Superman fell into evil.

In order to defeat Superman, Batman can only acquire the only kryptonite that can restrain Superman.

On the way to acquire kryptonite, he was attacked and eventually caught by Superman's forces.

At the same time, when Superman saw the captured Batman, he didn't hesitate and killed Batman directly and ruthlessly.

This also reflects that the superhuman methods at that time were cruel and didn't care about other people's lives at all.

Even for the partners he once fought alongside, he would not show mercy.

Now, Li Yue found that the situation at this time seemed to be when Batman was caught by Superman's forces and then waited for Superman to come.

If, according to the normal development of the plot, after seeing Batman, Superman would kill Batman without any hesitation.

"It seems that the time for us to come to this universe is just in time!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yue's mouth, and he sighed in his heart, maybe there is a certain number in his heart.

If they didn't happen to be in this universe at this time, or if they didn't make it a priority to find the Batman in this world.

Then maybe, Batman will die at the hands of Superman soon.

And by then, even if they helped to overthrow Superman, I'm afraid there won't be any more Batman in this world.


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