Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 653 The battle between justice and evil

Batman never thought that one day, he would be like Superman, standing directly above the void without relying on armor and any auxiliary equipment.

He unconsciously forgot his eyes to his feet.

It's just that no matter how hard he tries to distinguish, he can only see that there is nothingness under his feet. As if there was only moving air.

If it wasn't for the exact same touch as stepping on the ground under his feet, he probably wouldn't have believed it at all that he was really standing on the void at this moment.

Afterwards, he exerted light force under his feet, as if testing the firmness of the invisible ground under his feet.

The result was that no matter how much force he used, the touch under his feet did not change at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up and continue to explore this strange thing.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head, his eyes passed through the faint clouds in front of him, and looked into the sky not far from him.

There, there are two figures hundreds of meters apart, facing each other!

And they are also standing above the sky out of thin air.

The most striking feature is that they are all wearing a bright red cloak, which is fluttering with the relatively cool wind in the air.

Even, the body shape, face, etc. of the two people look extremely similar.

If it weren't for the tights they were wearing, but two colors, one black and one basket, I'm afraid ordinary people wouldn't be able to tell their identities at all.

Of course, now here, apart from Li Yue and others, there are no superfluous people.

Others are completely unable to stand above the sky without the help of any technological items like they are at this time.

"The battle between Kryptonians, I don't know if it will be exciting."

Li Yue looked calmly at the two superhumans not far ahead, they undoubtedly represented the top power of the earth in the DC universe.

At this time, two superhumans with god-like power are about to start a wonderful battle.

Li Yue naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity to watch a good show.

It was much more exciting than any 3D or imax movie he had seen in the cinema before.

Moreover, the scene of the battle between good and evil Superman is almost impossible to see even in the movie.

Not to mention someone like Li Yue who saw it with his own eyes!


Suddenly came to the sky, and stood above the sky as if walking on the ground.

It didn't surprise both Flash and Batman, who had already seen Li Yue's powerful and bizarre abilities.

With the exception of Batman in the home world, both of them have naturally accepted this almost impossible to happen.

And they, with the same relaxed expressions, focused their attention on the two supermen in the distance.

The battle between good and evil Superman also made them feel that they could not miss it.

However, in their hearts, they were silently cheering for Superman in sky blue tights.

Because the victory of justice over evil is the result they most want to see.

However, they didn't worry too much, because the arrival of Li Yue had decided that the crisis of this universe would definitely be resolved.

Even if the superman representing justice cannot defeat the evil superman, nothing will change.

This is what they firmly believe after seeing the strength of Li Yue.

"If it is Mr. Li Yue, he should be able to defeat that alien invader, right?"

However, in the Flash's heart at this time, he has already ignored the outcome of the battle between the two Supermen in front of him.

And in his heart, he was already thinking about what would happen after the crisis of Superman's blackening was resolved.

And even if he has an extremely strong confidence in Li Yue, he can't help but be shaken.

Mr. Li Yue, can he really fight alone, with a technological level, and an alien army whose level of strength far exceeds that of the earth?

And the reason why this worry appeared in The Flash's heart was because he clearly knew that the crisis facing their universe at this time was not just the blackening of Superman who wanted to rule the earth.

And behind Superman, there is a figure that makes him feel completely insurmountable and invincible.

The other party has a resounding name called Darkseid!

And his identity is a leader named Apocalypse!

And the goal of that powerful existence is to invade their entire earth.


As for The Flash's inner worries, those present did not know.

They didn't have time to think about other things, even The Flash, had been interrupted by what happened next moment.

Because, after facing each other for a few seconds, Superman, representing justice and evil, finally shot together again and attacked the other side.

It only took a moment for the two figures to break through the sound barrier from stop to speed.

The next moment, the two figures, with incomparably terrifying power, rushed towards each other rapidly.

Clenched fists with terrifying power.

The roar of the instantly squeezed air instantly dissipated the surrounding clouds and mist.

Without the slightest surprise, the two fast figures slammed together fiercely.

If it was said that in the underground base just now, the attack of the two was just a play between children.

The battle between the two at this moment is the pinnacle of the world-class fighting arena.

Facing the superman who, like himself, has Kryptonian blood, the two sides have absolutely no plans to hold back.

Because, at this time, they all know that justice and evil must have a side to win.

And they don't want to lose in the hands of each other.

So at this moment, there is only fighting, fighting with all one's strength.

The two figures collided like two dazzling stars.

The huge force caused the space around them to be squeezed out of a vacuum in an instant.

A transparent spherical shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly emerged, like a rapidly expanding foam, sweeping around in an instant!


There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while!

There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while!

There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while! There are still a few hundred words left, everyone, wait a moment, finish writing immediately, and revise it in a while!


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