Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 691 What does it want to express?

See with your own eyes that human civilization is easily destroyed by alien civilization.

Even the entire Earth has become a blazing planet like a miniature sun.

Li Yue's mood at this time was extremely complicated.

However, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy, because everything in front of him was just an illusion, not what really happened.

But while being fortunate, Li Yue couldn't help but feel very worried.

If what happened in front of him was not just an illusion, what should he do?

If everything that just happened happened in Li Yue's former homeland, the earth that he still misses, what should he do?

Today, it has been several years since Li Yue left that earth.

He didn't know whether the flow of time here was hugely different from that of Earth.

Even if he finds a way to successfully return to that earth in the future, and successfully returns to the planet he has longed for.

But who can guarantee, will it happen like in the classic sci-fi movie "Interstellar", in the eyes of the protagonist, only a few hours have passed, but the time on Earth has passed decades?

Even if the time flow rate on earth is the same as that here in Li Yue, several years have passed on earth.

Time has passed, and things are right and wrong. When Li Yue goes back, everything on that earth may have undergone tremendous changes.

He doesn't even know if his relatives are still alive by then!

If it was more cruel, when Li Yue hurried back, he found that the once blue planet had become the violent burning look in front of him now.

What should he do then?

Li Yue had always avoided this question and didn't think about it, because he couldn't change it at all.

He didn't know how to get back to the original earth.

He thought that after he became stronger, he could get the results he wanted and get a way to return to Earth.

But now, he is powerful enough to easily destroy a galaxy.

However, the desire to return home, but still do not know how to achieve.

And at this moment, after seeing this illusion of the destruction of the earth, his desire to go home instantly became extremely strong.


"Hey, I hope what I see at this time is just an illusion!"

Li Yue, who was powerless to change the status quo, could only pray silently in his heart, seeing that all this was just an illusion.

But when Li Yue kept thinking about it, the illusion in front of him changed again.

It was as if time had started to rewind rapidly at this moment.

In Li Yue's feelings, the scene in his eyes was like a movie with the rewind button pressed.

Everything is changing towards the beginning.

The earth, which was already burning violently, slowly recovered its blue color from one end.

The flame is extinguished, and a circle of burning flames is rapidly retreating on the earth along the path that has just spread.

And Li Yue also felt everything in front of him, as if he was thinking about advancing by himself.

The earth, which had originally revealed its full picture, was once again shrouded in an illusory fog.

The scene that I can see in front of my eyes is soon only a city that has been destroyed and is burning violently.

Subsequently, the scene regressed faster and faster, and the destroyed city began to quickly return to its original state.

In just a split second, the entire city was restored to its original state.

"Rewinding time? It doesn't seem right. In this space, there should be no energy of time. So all of this can't be a reversal of time."

The scene change in front of him is no stranger to Li Yue.

Because before, he has been able to make time go back.

The scene that Li Yue created when he used time rewind was almost exactly the same as the scene that happened in front of him now.

So of course Li Yue will not be frightened by this situation, his heart is almost calm!

However, he was a little curious about the situation at this time.

Is this the same as owning back in time?

But soon, he denied his guess.

Because in this dimension, apart from that yellow energy, no other energy exists.

Including the power of time, also does not exist in this space.

This shows that in this space, there will be no passage of time, and there will also be no time backtracking.

In this case, the current situation can only show that the evolution of the illusion just now, and the rapid regression that has occurred now, are controlled by a certain existence.

"So, what did the wise man who watched such a fantasy show for himself want to express?"

Soon, Li Yue understood that the changes in the scene in front of him should be manipulated by the wise intelligence in the space of the spiritual gem.

However, the bigger question in Li Yue's mind is, what exactly is it trying to express to himself?

"Perhaps, these problems can only be understood after communicating with it in person!"

After thinking about it, Li Yue found that he still couldn't find the answer, and in the end he could only prepare to let that Lingzhi answer these questions himself!


However, now that Lingzhi is just hiding in the dark, playing this "holographic movie" for himself, but not showing up in person. Li Yue wants to find it to answer the questions in his heart, but he needs to use some violent means.

At this time, Li Yue just sank into the space of the spiritual gem, and even this body was only transformed by his spiritual power.

Although it doesn't look much different from the real person, his strength and ability are relatively weak and cannot be compared with Li Yue's body at all.

Of course, this is also beneficial. Even if this body is killed by a powerful force, it will not cause any harm to Li Yue, but only lose limited spiritual power.

However, this also allows this body to use mental power to conduct some small-scale exploration.

However, it is completely impossible to search for the intelligent hiding place in the entire space of the Mind Gem.

To find out the hidden location of the other party, Li Yue can only mobilize the huge spiritual energy in his body, pour it into the space of the spiritual gem, and then conduct a comprehensive investigation to find out the other party.

Therefore, at this time, because of the huge doubts in his heart, Li Yue no longer had much patience and continued to watch that guy's performance.

He is going to directly mobilize the huge spiritual power to scan the entire spiritual gem space, and directly pull out the guy hidden in the dark to answer his own questions.

However, when Li Yue was preparing to take action, the situation around him changed again.

At some point, the city under his feet disappeared, and he came back to an area full of yellow energy.

"What is it going to do?"

Li Yue was very curious.

However, just when he was curious, a small energy hurricane appeared in front of him again!


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