Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 694 Li Yue's Doubt

Chapter 705 Li Yue's Doubt

No wonder Li Yue was skeptical of what the Mind Stone said, because this situation really made Li Yue feel a little unbelievable.

The fantasy that I just experienced about the earth where I lived before was destroyed by alien spaceships turned out to be constructed by the Mind Gem based on some damaged pictures in my mind.

This situation is very bizarre to Li Yue, and he can hardly believe the authenticity of this situation.

Moreover, why is there a damaged picture in my mind that I don't even know, but it is perceived by the soul gem that I met for the first time?

"Can you guarantee that everything you say is true? You'd better not lie to me about this kind of thing!"

Li Yue's tone became serious, and once again confirmed to the soul gem that transformed into a woman in front of him.

Because Li Yue couldn't be sure whether all this was a lie that the spiritual gem in front of him deliberately told himself in order to gain his trust.

After all, as an intellect that finally gave birth to wisdom after an unknown number of years, it will definitely use various means to protect itself from harm.

And when the Mind Gem didn't reveal its wisdom in front of Li Yue, it naturally didn't need to worry that Li Yue would be bad for it.

But at this time, the fact that it has wisdom has been completely exposed to Li Yue, and it is not difficult to understand that he does not trust Li Yue.

In order to ensure that he will not be hurt by Li Yue, it is also not difficult to understand that he has made some strategies and used some means to deceive Li Yue.

And that's why Li Yue felt a little unable to believe what the Mind Stone said.

Li Yue, who was once again confirmed with the Soul Gem, naturally became very serious when he spoke because of the distrust in his heart.

The surrounding void seems to have solidified at this moment.

A suffocating aura erupted from Li Yue's mental body.

Even the owner of this space, a spiritual gem with wisdom, felt a little overwhelmed when facing Li Yue's questioning at this moment, and even this body made of energy felt like it was about to collapse. Feel.

"If you are lying,

Maybe it will directly obliterate itself completely! "

At this moment, the explosive Li Yue caused this strong feeling of suffocation to the Soul Gem.

"However, fortunately, I never thought of deceiving him from the very beginning, otherwise I'm afraid it will really not end well."

In the face of Li Yue at this time, if what the Mind Stone said before was just a lie made up to deceive Li Yue.

Then under the pressure of Li Yue's momentum, some cheats will definitely be exposed, so that Li Yue can perceive that it is lying.

However, Mind Stone has followed Li Yue and observed Li Yue for several years. It has long known that Li Yue is powerful. It knows that deceiving Li Yue with lies is the most stupid decision.

Therefore, from beginning to end, it never thought of deceiving Li Yue to save itself from danger.

Even after it successfully noticed the damaged images in Li Yue's mind because of its own particularity, it always wanted to use this matter to please Li Yue.

Maybe he'll let him go by then.

Therefore, facing Li Yue's questioning at this time, the Mind Gem had absolutely no hesitation.


"I can guarantee that some of what I said is true. Including the ones you just experienced are the remaining pictures I learned from your mind."

Facing Li Yue's strong sense of oppression against him, the spiritual gem that turned into a woman's body did not flinch at all, and the tone of his speech changed from the previous softness, and became very firm.

After very firmly stating that what he just said was the truth, Mind Gem found that the eyes that Li Yue looked at him seemed to have eased a little, and the strong sense of oppression around him was slowly weakening.

The Soul Gem felt a little fortunate in an instant, and it seemed that Li Yue had begun to believe its words.

Immediately afterwards, it prepared to make its own words more credible, completely dispelling Li Yue's doubts and distrust.

"If you don't believe me, I can show you the damaged images I felt from you, and let you watch it for yourself!"

After thinking of this, the Mind Gem naturally did not hesitate, and spoke directly to Li Yue again.

"Huh? In that case, you will show me everything you see. Remember, don't hide anything."

When the soul gem in front of him firmly stated that everything he said was true, Li Yue was also observing the performance of the other party.

However, in the face of the oppression of his own momentum, this soul gem seems to have no fear at all.

And Li Yue didn't find anything wrong with his performance.

Therefore, at this time, he has temporarily believed that everything the other party said is true.

However, since what the other party said is very likely to be true, it means that there are some pictures hidden in his mind that he has no impression of.

And these pictures are like the plot of a science fiction movie.

"Is it because of a sci-fi movie I watched before I got superpowers, I completely lost my memory about it because of the long time?"

Li Yue guessed in his heart the reason for his situation.

"However, this situation should be completely impossible. After all, after acquiring superpowers, my mental power has increased greatly, and my memory has also become very strong."

"Even what I experienced when I was very young, I remembered it again at this time, even very profound. Not to mention the movies I watched at some time."

"As long as you have seen it yourself, it is absolutely impossible to forget!"

But soon, Li Yue denied his guess.

Because this kind of situation can't happen to me now.

"So, are there really some damaged images hidden in my mind, but I have never noticed it?"

At this moment, even Li Yue himself had some doubts, whether he really hid some pictures in his mind that he couldn't even notice.

"Wait, if that's the case, there's only one possibility, maybe it's a problem with the unknown starry sky in your mind!"

Suddenly, Li Yue had some kind of guess, if there really was such a scene in his mind that he didn't know about.

Then it is very likely that it is the starry sky that appears in his mind with superpowers at the same time.

Because Li Yue at this time can be said to know himself very well, even every cell in the body can easily detect whether it is abnormal!

Only that starry sky is the existence that Li Yue still cannot understand!


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