Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 708 The Mind Gem Turned Blue

The burst of energy generated in an instant caused a huge change in the space of the mind gem.

Even the surface of the Mind Gem has also undergone a lot of changes.

What appeared in front of people originally was a yellow gem, but at this moment, for some unknown reason, the appearance of the entire gem had undergone tremendous changes.

The entire gem is gradually changing from yellow to blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if the entire gem had been eroded by some kind of filthy energy at this time, and it began to continuously change towards blue.

Moreover, the transformation process of the Mind Gem is not very slow, it only takes less than a few seconds, which means that it is tense and the last yellow light of the Mind Gem has completely disappeared. (First launch, domain name (please remember _three\u0026lt;three^small" said (web) W, ω, ω@.x, 彡, 彡, x`¥[email protected], o-м text) word \u0026lt; more ¥New/Speed¥Most \u0026amp; 駃=0x www.x m.x

On the appearance of the entire gem, from this moment on, it has completely lost its original appearance color.

Instead, it is almost the same blue as the Space Gem, which is also one of the Infinity Gems.

The gem exudes a softer blue light, and no one can imagine that this once turned out to be a gem with a completely yellow appearance.

"I don't know. Can the spiritual gems that have been transformed by yourself at this time be placed together with the space gems. Can you easily distinguish them?"

Looking at the Mind Gem that had completely turned blue in his hand, Li Yue's thoughts moved, and he suddenly had a curious thought.

Thinking of this, the curious Li Yue did not hesitate.

As his thoughts turned, a gem that also exuded a faint blue light suddenly appeared in his other hand.

He put the two gems together to observe, and found that the two gems also exuded a faint blue light.

On the outside, it looks almost indistinguishable.

"Sure enough, my method worked. They don't look any different now, there's hardly a big difference in appearance."

Li Yue looked at the two almost identical blue gems and couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

If I hadn't witnessed what just happened,

I am afraid that anyone who puts these two gems with no difference in color and appearance together will not be able to tell which of them is the real gem of the soul.

Li Yue's transformation of the soul gem is undoubtedly a success!


At this point, completely transform the Mind Gem to have almost the same appearance color as the Space Gem.

Li Yue is not just idle and boring.

He has his own plans.

The reason why the Mind Stone was transformed into this shape was naturally not for fun.

Moreover, the next heart gem whose appearance has changed is very important to Li Yue.

It is the key point in the plan he will make next, and it is also the last resort for him to turn around when he encounters a crisis that may occur in the future.

With a thought, Li Yue directly put away the real space gem among the two gems.

All that remains in his hand is the Mind Stone whose appearance has changed drastically.

Of course, other people can't tell the difference between the two gems, Li Yue can easily distinguish whether the two gems are mind gems or space gems.

"Then it's time for the most critical planning."

After staring at the spiritual gem that was still emitting blue light for a while, Li Yue silently made a decision in his heart.

What Li Yue has to do next is the last link in his plan, and it is also the most critical link in the whole plan.

If this ring fails, almost all of Li Yue's previous preparations will be forfeited.

Therefore, even Li Yue had a solemn expression on his face at this time.

In order to prevent the plan from falling off the chain at a critical moment, Li Yue naturally prepared to go all out, but he didn't want his plan to fail at the last moment.


Of course, although Li Yue's face was solemn, there was not much pressure in his heart.

Because up to this point, everything he had prepared was going well, and he was very well prepared.

If there is no such thing as a wise and intelligent thing suddenly appearing in the mind gem, Li Yue's next plan will never have any accident.

However, these years of experience have made Li Yue understand that there is no absolute situation in everything.

Although some plans appear to be perfect when they are made, they are almost foolproof.

But when the plan is actually implemented, something unexpected happens.

Some are just a little thing, but it can decide whether the plan will succeed or fail in the end.

Just like the Avengers IV that Li Yue had seen before, the time-travel plan formulated by the heroes is naturally very perfect.

If those unexpected situations hadn't happened in the middle, they might have been able to successfully rescue the half of the creatures that disappeared due to the snap of their fingers without affecting reality.

However, things often don't go as smoothly as people think.

After some accidents, in the end, although they still achieved the purpose of the plan, they lost forever the two heroes who had survived under the snap of their fingers.

In short, such a thing is warning Li Yue not to be too confident in his plans at any time.


Even so, Li Yue will naturally not choose to back down at this moment. Regardless of whether the plan is successful or not, Li Yue needs to have the courage to try.

And Li Yue has never been a person who chooses to retreat when encountering difficulties.

Having the confidence to not back down in the face of any difficulties is the most powerful part of a person.

"Then now, it's time to start the final plan. Whether it's successful or not, it means a lot to me!"

Putting away the thoughts that were flying around in his heart, Li Yue no longer hesitated.

The next moment, his mind communicated with the space energy that took root in the mind gem, and could even change the color of the mind gem.

Afterwards, I saw that the spiritual gem in Li Yue's hand actually slowly escaped from Li Yue's palm and floated up out of thin air.

Although the speed is slow, it is terrifyingly stable, and there is almost no tremor.

The soul gem that exudes a faint blue brilliance floats up and down from Li Yue's hands in an extremely stable manner.

It should be understood that Li Yue did not use any spiritual power at this time to manipulate the mind gem in front of him out of thin air.

He just gave instructions to the Mind Stone in his own mind.

After Li Yue's exploration, he understood that Darkseid controlled Omega's energy, everything controlled his energy according to his own heart and whatever he wanted. x https:/m.x/

At this time, Li Yue succeeded.

Even in the mind gem, the space energy can still execute the instructions given by Li Yue without any delay, and float smoothly from the palm of the hand.

Then, according to Li Yue's inner thoughts, he floated there quietly in complete synchronization.

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