Darkseid's plan to occupy the earth has been implemented for the most part, if Li Yue and others hadn't come to this world.

Then, with the existence of Blackened Superman, Darkseid's plan can continue to develop without any accident.

At that time, the environment of the entire earth will likely undergo dramatic changes.

The earth will no longer be suitable for human habitation, and human beings will no longer be the masters of the earth.

And the arrival of Li Yue and others made Black Superman experience a serious failure.

It also eventually led to the unfolding of the rebellion plan.

And this battle between humans and demons is also inevitable.

Because between humans and demons, there must be a winner and loser.

Only by expelling all demons from the earth can mankind become safe again.

However, after several years of development, coupled with the rapid emergence of demons.

In just a few years, the demonoids on Earth have grown to a massive scale approaching tens of millions.

And they usually live in those areas where the environment has changed.

And all the demons on the earth only listen to the orders of the blackened superman, and no one else can command the demons.

In a sense, the demon is the helper that Darkseid used to help the blackened superman rule the earth and establish a regime on the earth.

In fact, the establishment of the Superman regime was indeed so easy because of the help of the demons.

Demon-like creatures not only look like demons in appearance, but their combat power is not very powerful, but in the entire universe, they can be regarded as a race with the highest strength.

And because of the huge number of demons, they often appear together in thousands, so they have become the most powerful legion under Darkseid.

Even, demons can also feed on fear, and wherever there is fear, demons will appear.

And this characteristic makes the demons very suitable for Darkseid to lead them to invade other planets.

And the earth is the target of Darkseid's next attack.

And the demon-like army has long appeared on the earth.

And with the establishment of the regime of blackening Superman, almost the whole world is in a state of incomparable fear of the brutality of the Superman regime.

Therefore, the development of demon-like has become extremely rapid.

Now, after the superman regime was disintegrated, it has become an obstacle to the return of human civilization to normal order.

If Batman and others want to restore the earth to its original order, they must completely eradicate these demons.

Only then can the order of mankind be rebuilt, and the whole world can gradually return to a normal state.

Otherwise, if human beings don't know which day, there will be countless terrifying creatures like demons suddenly appearing in front of them.

Such a life is absolutely unacceptable to all ordinary human beings.

Therefore, this battle between humans and demons inevitably broke out!

It's just that although there are quite a few extraordinary humans who can fight demons, compared to the tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of demons, these people are simply insignificant.

Therefore, this battle has appeared in this state of seemingly disparity in strength.

However, Li Yue is not worried about human beings.

Because in the human camp, in addition to Superman, a powerful man who is not even exhausted, there are even many powerful beings that can rival Superman.

For example, Thunder Shazam, who possesses the power of the six ancient gods, or Black Adam, who chooses to fight for mankind at such a critical moment.

There is also the princess of Paradise Island, who has the body of a demigod, and even Diana, the Wonder Woman who can rival Superman.

Or the cosmic group, the masters of the Green Lantern Ring, the Green Lantern who can manifest anything with the power of the imagination.

In addition to these powerful superheroes, there are more superheroes with equally extraordinary powers.

Such as Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Atomic Man, etc...

In addition to the existences that Li Yue knew, there were many others that Li Yue didn't even know.

But their strength is also good, at least they can fight several demons together.

And Superman is so powerful that he can kill thousands of demons in an instant.

The battle scene at this time is comparable to the Wakanda guardian battle of Avengers III.

The enemy is also an ugly looking alien creature.

On the human side, there are those who can perform long-range output above the sky, and there are those who can't fly and can only fight against demons on the ground.

For a time, red rays continued to flicker in the air, and silver-white lightning continued to explode in the void.

The demons fell one by one.

However, more demons flew in from afar and joined the battle one after another.

Therefore, at this time, human beings do not seem to have the absolute upper hand.


"Although the number of demons seems to be increasing, there is a steady stream, but there is a total number of demons on earth."

"It will take a lot of work to kill them like Clark, but they can always wipe out all the demons on the earth!"

Li Yue stood above the sky, looking at the chaos below, and the colorful lights flashing constantly, and he thought of this instantly.

He knew that Batman and others could definitely achieve the final victory and successfully eliminate all the demonic army.

This also represents the battle between humans and demons, and humans can finally win the final victory.

However, Li Yue also understands that if it continues, this will become a more difficult battle.

At least in terms of duration, it should be very long.

After all, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of demons, it would take a long time to kill them all.

If there are no accidents, this battle will probably continue for a long time.

At that time, I am afraid that some human superhumans who are not strong will be the first to hold on.

His stamina was exhausted and he could no longer fight.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be some casualties among the human superhumans.

Although this has nothing to do with Li Yue, he naturally can't watch this kind of thing happen and remain indifferent.

"However, I hate waiting the most! What's more, I don't know how long it will take to completely end this battle if I follow the normal procedure to find out."

"So, not only to help Batman and the others, but also so that I don't have to wait that long."

"I'm going to help them myself now."

At the same time, in conjunction with Li Yue waiting for the end of the battle between them, I don't know how long it will take.

Li Yue naturally didn't want to waste time on this kind of thing.

After all, in his opinion, wanting to end this battle is nothing more than a matter of his mind.

Therefore, Li Yue did not hesitate much, and chose to take action to end this battle as soon as possible!


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